Reality Show Event 2: Hat Shore Boot Camp Swamp Edition! (Hat Shore Participants)

Feb 04, 2011 22:40

Clearly, the residents of Hat Shore needed something to do to keep from getting restless, much like a giant hamster ball. But once the idea of shoving everybody into a giant hamster ball had been nixed, the next best thing had been arranged: a boot camp! It would get everybody out into the open air, give everyone a chance to burn off energy, and ( Read more... )

adam milligan, beowulf, elric of melnibone, glory, sanada yukimura, dean winchester, rp, bucky katt, starscream, vislor turlough, jherek carnelian, yoda, george st bartleigh, hat shore, maddie magellan

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Station 2: Dueling! grandmasteryoda February 5 2011, 04:43:35 UTC


72, and still no clue. tallyhopippip February 6 2011, 01:10:27 UTC
George picked up a pool noodle, wiggling it around.

"Funny sort of weapon, isn't it?"

No matter. That's what the rules say to use, after all.

George brandished the pool noodle as he ran for the logs, yelling "TALLY HO!"


(94 for Shoggies! *gasp*) shoggies February 6 2011, 01:35:10 UTC
The Shoggies turned their collective attention to the dueling station, where they were all mostly confused as to what to do with the pool noodles. It was only when they saw George brandishing his pool noodle that it made any sense. "Sooo cool! We're supposed to wave around the plastic tentacles and then I think we hit people with them!" announced Shoggy 11, which the others agreed was indeed 'sooo cool'.

And so, each of the Shoggies picked up a pool noodle, finding that the squeaky vinyl was unusually easy for them to get a grip on with the pseudopods they temporarily extended for the purpose. "Do we hits that guy?" Shoggy 3 asked, to which Shoggy 28 replied, "We can! We can hit that guy!" "Can I just hit you? You're right here." added in Shoggy 15, who began hitting Shoggy 28 with its pool noodle. "No, we got to hit people who are on the logs" Shoggy 21.5 managed to helpfully clarify, at which the Shoggies proceeded towards the logs as one, slipping beneath the muck as they did so ( ... )


Re: (94 for Shoggies! *gasp*) tallyhopippip February 6 2011, 01:39:28 UTC
"Wha?" George said as the Shoggies launched themselves at him. His arms flailed as they attached themselves to him, whacking him and themselves with the noodles.

He shrugged. "TALLY HO!" he cried again, starting to hit the Shoggies back. He was hitting himself in the process, but who cares? This is fun!


Re: (94 for Shoggies! *gasp*) shoggies February 6 2011, 02:13:23 UTC
As the Shoggies rushed George, the stream-water only served to let them move faster, and the logs proved no hindrance- amorphousness did have certain advantages. "Hi there!" Shoggy 5.5 piped brightly as it whacked at George with a bright green pool noodle. "We're Shoggies!" "It's sooo cool to meets you!" added in Shoggy 3, as it's own red pool noodle flailed spastically between George and Shoggy 11. "TALLY HO!" several Shoggy voices piped in unison, George's enthusiasm having convinced them all that shouting this was part of the game. Getting whacked repeatedly with both George's and Shoggy 21.5's pool noodles didn't stop Shoggy 28 from remarking, "This is sooo cool! And you're kind of sparkly! Did you Bedazzle yourself too?" As the stream had splashed off a bit of the swamp-muck, the Shoggies were all glimmering a bit, still partly-Bedazzled from the week before.


Re: (94 for Shoggies! *gasp*) tallyhopippip February 6 2011, 02:18:45 UTC
"I'm George!" he said as he smacked his shoulder to get a Shoggy. "No, I didn't bedazzle myself, I sparkle in the sun!"

He held up his noodle to see Shoggies dripping off the end, a bit dissolved from acid.

"So cool!" Cause if tally ho is infectious, so is so cool.


Re: (94 for Shoggies! *gasp*) shoggies February 6 2011, 23:46:12 UTC
"Sooo cool!" Shoggy 28 piped in reply, whacking at George with its noodle. "It's sooo lucky to get to sparkle in the sun! Sometimes we're sort of shiny, but, it's mostly just slime. We only sparkle some now because we Bedazzled ourselves!"

"This is such a sooo cool game!" Shoggy 7 insisted, whacking Shoggy 28 with a yellow pool noodle before smacking George a few more times, with another cry of "Tally Ho!" which was echoed by the rest, including a bit of Shoggy dripping off George's pool noodle. Luckily, most of the smaller Shoggies produced by the activity didn't spawn with pool noodles of their own, and were re-enveloped by other Shoggies rather quickly so that the mun doesn't need to number and keep track of a bunch more atm. The one stuck to the end of George's pool noodle was clinging rather tightly for the time being, however, shouting, "Look! Look at me! I'm sort of flying!"


Re: (94 for Shoggies! *gasp*) tallyhopippip February 7 2011, 01:58:03 UTC
"Oi, get off!" George said, waving the noodle up high like some cheap He-Man knockoff.

It threw his balance enough that he fell into the water, taking some Shoggies with him.

But since there are some left, I guess it counts as a Shoggy win.


Re: (94 for Shoggies! *gasp*) shoggies February 8 2011, 01:22:34 UTC
"Now we're flying too!" piped Shoggy 15 as it tumbled after George, continuing to flail its pool noodle at him even after falling into the water. After a brief moment (which involved some re-combining of splattered-Shoggy into their previous Shoggies, more or less), the rest of the Shoggies were in the water, still not realizing that the game was over, and that they'd technically won. It took the Shoggies some time to actually calm down enough to realize that they'd technically won the game. When they did, they managed to figure out that they needed to move along to the next station, but before doing so assured George of just how cool he was a few more times, before waving their pseudopods in a temporary farewell and squelching off. "We gots to pal around more later!" Shoggy 3 insisted as they departed, with Shoggy 28 piping in, "We'll visits you when we're back at the house later!"


Re: (94 for Shoggies! *gasp*) tallyhopippip February 8 2011, 03:25:52 UTC
"Great! I look forward to it!" George said, waving and moving on.

He liked his new friends.


A fabulous 15 for Maddie... noseymaddie February 6 2011, 10:12:24 UTC
Yes, Maddie will utterly fail with pool noodles...come anyone to beat her. The mun will be very surprised if anyone loses to her.

Crimeny, she even trips over the thing while picking it up. This is not looking good for the redheaded reporter.


31 for Bucky! republikatt February 7 2011, 01:03:04 UTC
The pool noodle was bigger than Bucky was. He still tried to wield it like he knew how to. He'd seen movies. He knew how these things worked.

"HAWAAAAAAAAAA" he howled in a not-very-convincing-but-still-loud-and-shrill martial arts scream, hurtling at the nearest person on a log and flailing the pool noodle above him threateningly.


noseymaddie February 7 2011, 01:13:01 UTC
So, yeah, let's just totally salve Maddie's ego by having her be beaten by a cat just rubs salt into the wounds.

Maddie tries to bring up the pool noodle, trips over a tree root and falls into the water, spluttering as she comes up.

Yeah, that didn't go well, did it?


republikatt February 7 2011, 01:47:19 UTC
"AHA!" screamed Bucky, swinging the noodle wildly. "I WIN! I WIN! I--OH CRAP."

A particularly wild swing overbalanced him, sending him tumbling off of the log. He managed to let go of the pool noodle, grabbing on to the side of the log with his claws for all he was work for a long second or two, and then gravity got the better of him and--


Up came Bucky like a cork from a shaken champagne bottle, out of the cold water and onto the bank, with one of the swamp catfish biting at his tail. His "tan" was completely gone now, his fur plastered flat. He beat at the swamp catfish with a hastily grabbed stick, running around in a circle until the fish got bored and went to find less hostile prey.

Bucky panted and fumed, shivering, and started grooming himself furiously. "I still won," he insisted. "Everyone saw that, right? I won?"


noseymaddie February 7 2011, 15:25:46 UTC
The mun giggled. Maddie stared in horror. She pushed herself up only to fall again. "Oh, for the love of..." she stammered, finally levering herself to her feet and stalking away.


The samurai gets an expectedly high score of 96 elegantsamurai February 6 2011, 10:18:21 UTC
While the pool noodle was a strange weapon, it was a familiar shape and once he found the balance of it, Yukimura found it quite easy to use, not terribly different from a boken, though he hadn't practiced with one in a little while, since Mello had improved to the point where they practiced with live steal. It was much more flexible than a boken, though he supposed that was to prevent too much harm to the contestants.


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