Prompt Post 2 (Closed to new prompts)

Dec 24, 2012 23:38

Prompt post 2
Welcome to the Hobbit Kink Meme! Here you can post prompts for anything related to the Hobbit!
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Jasmine Tea and Coffee Kisses, 8/? rata_toskr April 22 2013, 17:40:43 UTC
I don't even know what's going on with this fic anymore and I've given up on trying to control it. Seriously though, Kili will be back next section and for now enjoy the random crack I guess.


The Sackville-Bagginses drove him into the city for lunch, parking outside of the most extravagant building the florist had ever seen. Lobelia ushered her cousin out of the car and through the doors, barely giving Bilbo enough time to read the cursive script painted on the window.

The Greenwood Hall? Isn't that the fancy new vegan restaurant that just opened up? He wondered as they walked inside and looked around in awe. All the waiters were tall and blond and snooty, dressed in fine tailored green uniforms that looked like they might actually be silk. Bilbo tried not to gawk as their ridiculously attractive waiter led them to a table in the corner and he tried not to faint when he saw the prices on the menu ( ... )


Jasmine Tea and Coffee Kisses, 18/? rata_toskr June 26 2013, 13:39:53 UTC
“Oh all right.” Bilbo gave in. Not like I have any ideas and this sounds like it should be fun. Besides, he's adorable when he's excited. “But you're feeding me dinner too, so give me your phone number and I'll call you with my address when I get home. Pick me up at six thirty ( ... )


Jasmine Tea and Coffee Kisses, 19/? rata_toskr July 17 2013, 05:05:40 UTC
On Friday morning, Bilbo woke up with a stomach full of butterflies and as soon as he could manage it, the florist ducked into Cafe Erebor to try and find out what he should expect. However, Kíli wouldn't tell him anything, simply laughing and swearing that his lips were sealed, before distracting the other man from his questions with a kiss ( ... )


Jasmine Tea and Coffee Kisses, 20/? rata_toskr July 17 2013, 05:06:47 UTC
“This is the planetarium, isn't it?” He said, turning to his date and raising an eyebrow. “I haven't been here in ages. But didn't it close an hour ago? I hope your plan doesn't include breaking and entering ( ... )


Jasmine Tea and Coffee Kisses, 21/? rata_toskr July 17 2013, 05:10:31 UTC
Suddenly the ceiling exploded with light, the universe expanding all around them and Bilbo was so captivated by the stars shooting past that he the barely noticed when the other man sat back down beside him. After a few moments, the projection settled into a perfect image of their night sky, each constellation picked out in silver lights and it was almost as if he was out in the wilderness, stargazing with his parents once again ( ... )


Jasmine Tea and Coffee Kisses, 22/? rata_toskr July 17 2013, 05:12:52 UTC
I don't know whether I want to be him or that finger. Bilbo thought, watching the younger man lap the dessert off his hand and he quickly changed the subject in an attempt to hide his blush. “So, um, did you do all this yourself? It's quite an impressive spread ( ... )


Jasmine Tea and Coffee Kisses, 23/? rata_toskr July 17 2013, 05:14:36 UTC
Or perhaps he did. “One more good memory to keep you warm,” The younger man whispered when it had ended and Bilbo was nearly floating with joy as Dwalin led them out. He waved farewell to his cousin before hopping up on the motorcycle behind Kíli once again, wrapping his arms tightly around the young man's waist ( ... )


Jasmine Tea and Coffee Kisses, 24/? rata_toskr August 18 2013, 14:29:58 UTC
As he had promised, Kíli called him early the next morning and the sound of his voice brought Bilbo's smile back full force. They talked for nearly an hour before the florist had to go to work and the younger man promised to stop by between classes if he could.

The thought of seeing his boyfriend later on, - boyfriend! - kept the older man grinning through three difficult customers and one romantic meltdown on the part of a husband who was late for his anniversary and refused to believe that there were no white roses to be found. However, Bilbo eventually managed to convince him that his wife would appreciate gardenias far more than waiting another hour and he was ushering the man out of the door when Kíli rode up ( ... )


Jasmine Tea and Coffee Kisses, 25/? rata_toskr August 18 2013, 14:30:51 UTC
While Bilbo could understand their interest since his boyfriend was ridiculously gorgeous and he certainly appreciated the extra money, if Mrs. Remington moved her hand any higher, there were going to be problems. However, Kíli must have been able to hear his teeth grinding from across the shop because the younger man detached himself carefully ( ... )


Jasmine Tea and Coffee Kisses, 26/? rata_toskr August 25 2013, 23:31:21 UTC
Several weeks later the couple was finishing up another date, if you could call it that when they had simply curled up on Bilbo's sofa to watch old black and white movies in the dark. Casablanca had just ended and the florist was contemplating getting up when his boyfriend spoke with a false air of casualness, “So there's something I've been meaning to ask you.”

“Oh? What kind of something?” The older man replied warily, preparing for the worst. Conversations which started like this rarely meant anything good and although Bilbo tried to sound unaffected, he couldn't keep from tensing against Kíli's side ( ... )


Jasmine Tea and Coffee Kisses, 27/? rata_toskr August 25 2013, 23:34:45 UTC
Does everyone in this family go by some weird nickname? The florist wondered with amusement as he tried to find his voice. “Um, all right, ma'am. Uh, Dís. It's nice to meet you too ( ... )


Jasmine Tea and Coffee Kisses, 28/? rata_toskr August 25 2013, 23:36:37 UTC
“Yeah, the two of them were both lawyers back in the day, except they were always on opposite sides so there's some bad blood there.” The redhead told him with a shrug. “Uncle won't talk about what happened exactly but after Smaug v. Erebor he decided to quit and he seemed to blame it on Thranduil when I asked.”

A lawyer, huh? That certainly explains a few things. Like this enormous house, Bilbo thought before putting his curiosity from his mind. While he was pleased to finally know the basics, he wasn't going to do his friend the disservice of wild speculation, not when he knew how painful that could be ( ... )


Jasmine Tea and Coffee Kisses, 29/? rata_toskr August 31 2013, 15:59:38 UTC
Over the next few weeks, Kíli spent so many evenings at Bag End that he had practically moved in and waking up curled in his boyfriend's arms never failed to put a smile on Bilbo's face. Indeed he had not been this happy since before his parents died and even talking to Gandalf couldn't annoy him as it once did ( ... )


Jasmine Tea and Coffee Kisses, 30/? rata_toskr August 31 2013, 16:00:31 UTC
“It just doesn't make any sense,” The florist groaned in frustration. “This damn thing looks real enough to me, but why the hell haven't they ever mentioned it? Those two have been trying to get my house for years and I have trouble believing that they misplaced the paperwork for a decade, so their silence makes no sense. Unless Lobelia was just waiting for the worst possible moment to bring it out. That would be just like the bitch ( ... )


Jasmine Tea and Coffee Kisses, 31/? rata_toskr August 31 2013, 16:01:33 UTC
“Definitely a fake. It's a good one, I'll give them that, but there's no way this is as old as it claims.” The other man told them, pointing down at the Lobelia's contract. “The Shire didn't start using this style of seal until about nine years ago, which means that your father was already dead when this signature was notarized and your relatives no case.”

“Oh thank the lord,” Bilbo said, sinking down into his chair as his knees gave out with relief. “I owe you Nori, really. A bonus at least.”

“Don't worry about it.” His deliveryman told him, shaking his head. “You're family now and that's all there is to it. Besides it's not all good news - even though this isn't real you can't do anything against your cousins unless you can prove beyond a doubt that they knew it was a fake.”

“Trust me, this is plenty.” The florist replied, still somewhat flabbergasted by the show of support. Is this what families are supposed to be like? My relatives spend more time stabbing each other in the back for social standing than they do ( ... )


Jasmine Tea and Coffee Kisses, 32/? rata_toskr September 7 2013, 15:16:03 UTC
Of course, Lobelia being Lobelia, this was not the end of her machinations, although the florist didn't find out that she was behind the call until much later down the line. Indeed, his first thought when he picked up the phone and heard his uncle Longo's voice was more of a curse than anything so coherent as to wonder why ( ... )


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