Prompt Post 2 (Closed to new prompts)

Dec 24, 2012 23:38

Prompt post 2
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Jasmine Tea and Coffee Kisses, 8/? rata_toskr April 22 2013, 17:40:43 UTC
I don't even know what's going on with this fic anymore and I've given up on trying to control it. Seriously though, Kili will be back next section and for now enjoy the random crack I guess.


The Sackville-Bagginses drove him into the city for lunch, parking outside of the most extravagant building the florist had ever seen. Lobelia ushered her cousin out of the car and through the doors, barely giving Bilbo enough time to read the cursive script painted on the window.

The Greenwood Hall? Isn't that the fancy new vegan restaurant that just opened up? He wondered as they walked inside and looked around in awe. All the waiters were tall and blond and snooty, dressed in fine tailored green uniforms that looked like they might actually be silk. Bilbo tried not to gawk as their ridiculously attractive waiter led them to a table in the corner and he tried not to faint when he saw the prices on the menu.

“Don't worry cousin. We said that we'd treat you today; you look like you could use a proper meal for once,” Lobelia told him with false kindness, correctly interpreting the shocked expression on his face and Bilbo went back to his menu with a huff.

Because this is such a great meal. What is this vegan crap? Soybean spring rolls? Stone-cooked Lembas bread? They don't even have muffins.

The florist was surprised to hear his sentiments echoed out loud a moment later. “I don't want to cook this vegan crap father, I want to cook meat and lots of it. Gimli's been showing me how to use his barbecue and I think it has a lot of potential.”

Bilbo turned to look for the source of the commotion and saw a pair of men arguing across the room, as blond and skinny as the rest. One of them looked to be a teenager or not far from it and while the florist didn't recognize the older man, he heard Lobelia whisper behind him, “That's Thranduil, the head chef and owner. How scandalous, to be fighting in public like that. This restaurant is supposed to be high class.”

Owner or not, Thranduil looked like he was having a bad day, rubbing his forehead in irritation as he glared down at his young son. “We're a vegan restaurant, Legolas. This family has been vegan for generations and you want to throw all that away for what? To impress your common little friend?”

“He's not common, father and you know it.” The teen replied, crossing his arms across his chest and sticking his chin out stubbornly. “The Durins are fine people even if they're not as rich as us and Gimli's not just my friend, he's my boyfriend. We both got accepted to the culinary program at UH and we're going to open a restaurant together when we graduate. One that serves meat.”

The older man looked like he was going to pass out from shock at his son's defiance and he sank down into a chair as Legolas stalked out of the building. Bilbo quickly turned away before either of them could see him watching, though the sight of his own relatives did not improve his mood.

Their waiter must have come by while the florist was distracted because Otho was already drinking and Bilbo was briefly envious for some alcohol would make this visit slightly easier to swallow. But he needed his wits about him to deal with Lobelia so when their server returned he ordered some water instead, along with the most expensive thing off the menu just to annoy her when the bill arrived.

That business dealt with, Bilbo leaned back in his chair and asked with a sigh. “So to what do I owe the pleasure of this visit? The usual I suppose.”

“You make it sound so horrid cousin. I only want what's best for you and we all know that rattling around that enormous old house isn't it. An apartment would be much more your size: cheaper, easier to clean, closer to your work and that would leave Bag End for us. You know we deserve a place that fits our station.”


Jasmine Tea and Coffee Kisses, 9/? rata_toskr April 22 2013, 17:43:35 UTC
The words were different, but it was the same argument as always, the same argument they had been giving him ever since his parents died. And as always Bilbo didn't want to hear it; Bag End belonged to him, it was his inheritance and the last thing he had of his family. While it was a large home for one person, the house was filled with memories and he would never let it fall into the hands of the Sackville-Bagginses, not when they wouldn't love it right.

Lobelia knew his feelings on the matter well because the first time she had brought it up was just after the funeral and Bilbo had rejected her quite harshly. However, despite being literally thrown out of his house on more than one occasion, the Sackville-Bagginses simply would not give up and every few months they would stop by to bother him again.

They had tried everything: guilt, money, reason and now they were apparently working toward bribery given the restaurant the group was sitting in. Of course, if they actually knew anything about their cousin, they would know that The Greenwood Hall was not the kind of place that would change his mind. So Bilbo picked at his salad, nodding and smiling as Lobelia rambled on and Otho drank himself into a stupor.

Once lunch was finished they would drive him back because his cousins would rather die than be overtly impolite and Lobelia would have no more reason to keep him there. So he hunkered down and endured and to be honest it was a pretty good salad, at least for something made entirely of leaves.

Eventually Bilbo finished his dessert and convinced his relatives to return him to Baggins' Bouquets, where they dropped him off by the door. Watching them drive away, the florist sighed, wondering when they'd finally get the hint and leave him alone, or worse, what ridiculous attempt they would make on Bag End next.

He tried to push these worries from his mind, turning to reopen his shop one more time and he told himself it was natural to glance into Cafe Erebor long enough to notice that Kíli had indeed already left for class.

Well there's always next week, He thought to as he straightened the displays and helped the few customers that wandered in off the street to examine his flower arrangements. Bilbo wasn't very busy until the evening, the Friday rush always showed up right before closing, and while he normally appreciated the break, today the silence gave him too much time to think.

The combination of Gandalf's scolding and his relatives' visit had the florist feeling pensive, wondering if they were all correct and he actually was wasting his life away in solitude. It was not something he normally worried about because he was a generally content person, but he did have to admit that Bag End got lonely sometimes.

However, he would see Kíli again soon and the younger man seemed like the type who emitted joy like sunshine so if they did become friends Bilbo knew his life would probably change greatly and he was torn between anticipation and terror at the thought.

Even though he had decided to just go with the flow at their next meeting, the florist couldn't help but worry that he was getting his hopes up for nothing and he had misread the situation after all. What if Kíli changed his mind about wanting to be friends before they met again or had been less serious in his overtures than Thorin had implied? Maybe he was just that nice to everyone and had already forgotten about the shy man who worked next door in favor of his college life?

And yet, what if he was happy to see Bilbo? What if Kíli meant it all? While this might be the florist's chance to make a friend his own age, his life was comfortable in its familiarity and the thought of breaking out of that protective shell made his heart thunder in his chest.

However he could not deny the hope and he could not stop thinking about the possibilities, whether the two of them became casual acquaintances or friends or something, nothing more.


Re: Jasmine Tea and Coffee Kisses, 9/? rata_toskr May 1 2013, 15:44:30 UTC
Oh, the ending! Poor Bilbo! Kili NEEDS to make an appearance ASAP so that Bilbo can stop fretting.


Re: Jasmine Tea and Coffee Kisses, 9/? rata_toskr May 1 2013, 16:08:37 UTC
Next section, promise :)


Jasmine Tea and Coffee Kisses, 10/? rata_toskr May 30 2013, 16:57:07 UTC
Sorry for the delay, I've had this section half-finished for ages I just couldn't seem to get it done. Hopefully the wait won't be quite as long next time, but no guarantee.


With these thoughts spinning round his brain, Bilbo worked himself into quite a state and the days passed by in a blur of nervous anticipation as he waited for the week to start again. Although when Monday finally came, his hope had darkened more to apprehension and his heart rose in his throat with every step he took toward Baggins' Bouquets that morning.

No expectations, The florist reminded himself firmly as he unlocked his door. Expect nothing and it'll be fine. Thorin seems to think that Kíli likes me and if this is true, being friends would be amazing enough on its own without wishing for anything else. So you're going to be fun, casual and friendly instead of getting all flustered like you did before.

It was a good pep talk and by the time he walked through the door of Cafe Erebor, Bilbo was feeling ready for anything. In fact, he was feeling so prepared that when he walked up to the counter he met Kíli's eyes without fear, and then discovered that all words fled his mind at the warmth he saw within.

“Bilbo! You're back. I was starting to wonder if I had scared you off.” Kíli said, grinning at him brightly and the florist felt some of his doubts ease at the knowledge that the barista was glad to see him after all. However, he still couldn't find the words to greet him, too busy drinking in the sight of the other's features and Bilbo flushed deeply as he realized that his attraction had definitely not died.

But when another long moment passed without the florist answering his greeting, the barista's smile dimmed slightly and he drew back from the counter. “Mr. Baggins, are you all right? I- Did I do something wrong? I can be more formal if you prefer.” He asked, worry in his eyes and at the sight of his distress, the florist felt his heart clench.

Kíli distancing himself was the last thing that Bilbo wanted but he didn't know how to say that without sounding like an idiot. So he kept silent, staring at the counter as he shook his head because he couldn't bear the thought of seeing laughter in the other's eyes.

I can't believe I'm already screwing this up. He thought despairingly, but before he could sink too deep into recriminations, the barista reached out to gently touch his arm.

“Well in that case, did you want your usual or are you trying something new today?” Kíli asked softly and when Bilbo looked up in surprise, there was only kindness in the other's eyes. Kindness and a bit of laughter, but the sort that invited the florist to join in, and it did not feel cruel when the other added with an impish smirk: “Though if you don't speak to me at all, it's going to be the coffee of my choice.”

This teasing threat finally broke the florist's paralysis and he stuttered quickly in response, “No! N- no. Busy. I mean you didn't do anything. I- I was just busy and my usual will be fine.”

“All right then, I'm glad to hear it.” The barista replied, regaining his earlier cheer as he rung the other man up. “But I believe you owe me an answer before I can give this to you.”


Jasmine Tea and Coffee Kisses, 11/? rata_toskr May 30 2013, 16:57:43 UTC
“A-An answer?” Bilbo muttered in bewilderment, pleased that Kíli didn't seem to mind his stumbling but still feeling out of his depth. “An answer to what?”

“To my question from last Monday, remember? About uncle Thorin? You promised me an answer the next time that we met. Which would of course be now.”

“Oh did I?” The florist asked, rather dazed by the shine of the other man's smile. He could hear impatient mutters from the few customers behind him which only scattered his thoughts more and he fumbled with his money as he pulled it from his pocket.

“Of course you did and I am shocked that I was so forgettable as that. But I will forgive you if you answer me now.” Kíli said with a dramatic sigh as he glared the mutterers into silence and with such a stalwart defender, the florist found his voice.

“I- In that case the word you're looking for is yes, but only in the beginning.” Bilbo replied, finally beginning to relax and remember that he did actually know how to have a conversation. It's just like talking to Thorin or a customer. A younger, more attractive version who changes subjects like the wind, but I can totally do this. The florist told himself, bolstered by the knowledge that the other really wouldn't judge him for his awkwardness.

“It's good to hear that; as you probably noticed uncle's like a porcupine, heart all gooey beneath the spikes, so he could always use more friends to watch his back. And it's your turn now, so ask me a question and I will give you nothing but the truth.” The barista said, shooting him another blinding grin and before Bilbo could think better of it, he spoke his thoughts into the air.

“Are you always this happy?” He wondered with some incredulity, before ducking his head in embarrassment at the words. “That's not.. I mean I didn't... Crap.” So much for my skills at conversation.

But Kíli just laughed, eyes crinkling up with amusement as he handed the florist his change. “I accept your question and I'll tell you tomorrow, so try not to disappear on me again.”

“I didn't do it on purpose, you know. Life just... just got in my way.” Bilbo told him before taking his tea and fleeing to his table before any other ridiculous statements could come out of his mouth. The other man didn't seem offended by his hurried goodbye, giving him a little wave and a wink that made the florist stumble and he settled into his standard position with a hopelessly dreamy sigh.


Jasmine Tea and Coffee Kisses, 12/? rata_toskr May 30 2013, 16:58:21 UTC
For once he found the view inside of the cafe far more entrancing than the people walking past the windows, for Kíli served the other customers and bustled around the counters with a surprising grace that was quite easy on the eyes.

And while Bilbo would never have admitted it to anyone, he was rather pleased to see that the barista didn't smile quite as widely at anyone else, and thus his joy at seeing the florist again was probably not an act. So as long as he could stop making a total fool of himself every time they met, perhaps this friends thing would work out after all, and perhaps that tiny spark of hope that still flickered within his chest would win the day.

Yet when Bilbo found himself lingering long after he finished his tea, hoping for one more smile or bit of conversation, he decided that he was being ridiculous again. Indeed he was about to get up, return to his shop and try to put the other's dimples out of his mind when someone slid into the open chair across the table.

It was Thorin again and as the florist stared at him in surprise, the older man placed another cup of tea before him. “On the house for one of my best customers,” He said with a small smile. “You must have had a rough week to keep from visiting for so long since I could set a watch by normal visits if I were inclined, and I know Kíli can be a bit overwhelming sometimes.”

“Um well, thank you.” Bilbo told him, shifting awkwardly as he took a sip of his new drink. He had never been one to talk about his troubles, but it didn't seem right to sit here in silence either, so he wasn't sure what he should say. Particularly since Thorin's nephew was most definitely not a safe topic of conversation with the kind of thoughts that were running through his head. Not that his mouth got the memo because the next thing Bilbo knew, he was saying: “He must have been exhausting as a child.”

Thorin chuckled and the florist had to remind himself to breathe when the other's mirth lit up his face. Damn these pretty Durins, they're going to be the death of me. But while the older man was undeniably attractive, Bilbo's appreciation was primarily aesthetic as opposed to the kind of urges Kíli inspired and he shook off his daze to listen intently as the other began to speak.

“Exhausting, yes, you could say that. Kíli and his brother used to run their mother ragged, and me also if I was around. Absolute hellions the both of them.” He said, the harshness of his words belied by the affection in his voice.

“But for all the trouble they caused the lads were never malicious about it, and they've mellowed somewhat as they've grown. Though Kíli still tends to forget that while he may be the unholy love child of the Energizer Bunny and a social butterfly, other people sometimes need to breathe before they speak so don't be afraid to call him on it if he gets to be too much. He could use the practice and you'll have to learn to hold your own if you're going to be part of the family anyway, some of our relatives are just as bad as him. Or worse.”

This was more words than the florist had ever heard from the other in one sitting so it took him a moment to realize that it was more than the thought of this Kíli being mellow that was making him feel faint.


Jasmine Tea and Coffee Kisses, 13/? rata_toskr May 30 2013, 16:58:45 UTC
Wait a minute... Did he say... “Part of the family?” Bilbo squeaked, feeling rather overwhelmed by this turn of conversation. Have I missed something somewhere? He wondered because last the florist checked he and Kíli were most definitely not even dating and it seemed a little early for statements like that.

However, Thorin didn't seem to think there was anything odd about his choice of phrase, answering the florist with a matter of fact shrug. “Of course. If you're going to be my nephew's... friend then you're going to meet us all before too long. But don't worry about it now, if you can handle Kíli then you'll be fine and he won't throw you to the wolves without someone at your back.”

After dropping these bombs so casually, Erebor's owner left to deal with a new mass of customers and Bilbo sipped his tea slowly as he thought over the strange conversation they just had. Yet while there were all kind of worrying implications buried in Thorin's words, the only one the florist chose to acknowledge at the moment was the other's tacit approval of whatever was going on.

That was enough for now since thoughts of Kíli's possibly terrifying relatives and desires past friendship could wait for another day. So the florist was feeling rather optimistic when he walked back to his shop, giving Thorin a nod and his nephew a wave on his way out the door.

These Durins may be forward and exhausting and far too attractive for Bilbo's peace of mind, but their unbridled joy and welcome was also strangely exhilarating and the florist had a feeling that if they chose to adopt him into their ranks, then he would never feel alone again.


Re: Jasmine Tea and Coffee Kisses, 13/? rata_toskr June 5 2013, 06:13:51 UTC
This story is so adorable! I hope you still have more planned for it.


Re: Jasmine Tea and Coffee Kisses, 13/? rata_toskr June 5 2013, 13:38:13 UTC
I updated it less than a week ago, I've hardly disappeared ;)

But yes I have plans for this. There's still quite a bit left to come actually as the two aren't even together yet. So I don't know how long it will take but it will be finished- I swore I would never abandon any of my WIPs anyway.


Re: Jasmine Tea and Coffee Kisses, 13/? rosa_cotton June 9 2013, 05:24:11 UTC
Ah, it seems Kili missed seeing Bilbo quite a bit. He is too adorable: backing off in case he offended Bilbo, not wanting him to disappear again. And Thorin sticking his oar in...not helping flustering Bilbo.

Look forward to the third meeting!!

P.S. Have you considered putting an update comment in the fill post?


Re: Jasmine Tea and Coffee Kisses, 13/? rata_toskr June 9 2013, 14:27:22 UTC
I was going to do it eventually, I just hadn't gotten around to it yet. Maybe once they're actually going out. This fic is less than half done so I've got time.


Jasmine Tea and Coffee Kisses, 14/? rata_toskr June 11 2013, 13:25:28 UTC
Over the next few weeks, Bilbo and Kíli continued their odd game of twenty questions and gradually the florist grew comfortable enough that he no longer stuttered when they spoke. While he still blushed far too often, the barista never called him on it and Bilbo began to look forward to their conversations a bit more every day.

If nothing else, he found the young man fascinating and while most of the florist's questions were more normal than the first one, he always wanted to hear what Kíli had to say. So Bilbo learned that the barista was getting his Masters in Management Practice- “because someone has to take over from uncle after all”- and he was indeed almost always that happy. He discovered that Kíli's favorite color was silver and his favorite dessert was pecan pie but he hated all nuts by themselves.

Later on the florist learned that Kíli was obsessed with archery and thinking of starting a club at UH since he had been captain of the team at ELU. “We even made it to Nationals a few times, though we always lost out to the guys from Mirkwood in the end,” he admitted and when Bilbo expressed an interest in watching him sometime, the barista lit up like a Christmas tree

Eventually the florist ventured into more personal questions and discovered that the other man had never known his father- “died before I was born you know” -but he thought the rest of his large extended family filled that space just fine. Kíli even happily admitted to being something of a mama's boy, saying that his mother was the best person that he knew even if her choice of names left something to be desired.

In turn, the other man made his own inquiries and while he never asked what the florist would have expected, the barista slowly captured an image of just who Bilbo Baggins was. Sometimes shy, often snarky and fiercely protective of those few he considered friends.

So Kíli learned that the other man was only a few years older than him but had never been to college, instead taking over the family business when his parents died. But the florist had never minded because he loved his job and had an entire library of books on interesting topics that he read when he got bored. The following week Kíli discovered that morning fog made the other smile while rainstorms made him frown, though Bilbo liked the patterns lightning made across the sky.

Periodically, the younger man would give in and ask a normal question, thus also finding out that the florist liked to cook but hated baking, enjoyed long walks and stargazing, but usually spent his evenings reading in his favorite chair. Finally the barista asked Bilbo why he drank Jasmine tea every single morning, and learned that despite his prime location, the florist hated coffee of all kinds.

This last became something of a mission for Kíli since he refused to believe that the older man could really dislike it all and he made it his goal to find a blend which the other would enjoy. So every morning when Bilbo came in for his tea, the barista would hand him a new sample cup filled with some exotic flavor for him to try. And every morning, Bilbo would drink it and be far too amused by Kíli's disgruntled face when he said that it was not the one.


Jasmine Tea and Coffee Kisses, 15/? rata_toskr June 11 2013, 13:26:02 UTC
After the first week of this, all the regulars began to anticipate it and other customers would offer their own suggestions or just stand around and watch. Yet while the florist was normally wary of being the center of such attention, everyone was so kind about it that he really didn't mind and he began to look forward to hearing what opinions the peanut gallery would have each day.

Even Thorin pulled him aside once and asked why he was continuing to drink it if he really hated coffee so very much. However, Bilbo just shrugged and told him, “It makes your nephew happy, doesn't it? And to be honest now I'm kind of curious if he'll ever find one that I like.”

Besides, it kept his mind off his own cowardly refusal to ask the other out, that strange line in their relationship that they were both dancing around. Because while the florist considered them friends now and they talked nearly every day, the pair had yet to spend any time together outside of their respective shops. What they had now was comfortable and safe and Bilbo just couldn't bring himself to change things and risk ruining it all.

Kíli had started stopping into Baggins' Bouquets to say farewell after his shifts and the younger man seemed to be facing a similar conundrum. Every few days he would begin a question only to pause mid word and after a week of this, Bilbo was dying to find out what his friend wanted to say.

True it could just be something innocuous, perhaps an invitation to hang out somewhere else which Kíli wasn't sure if he'd accept. However, the florist rather hoped that this nervousness meant something different, even if he was surprised by the other's uncharacteristic hesitance. Although Bilbo had to admit that there was a difference between flirting and intent and he could hardly blame the younger man for being unwilling to cross the same line that flummoxed him.

Still the florist was starting to wonder if they'd ever make it out of this holding pattern or just keep dancing around each other, cowards to the end.


Jasmine Tea and Coffee Kisses, 16/? rata_toskr June 26 2013, 13:37:56 UTC
Then one morning Bilbo walked into Cafe Erebor and things did not go their usual way. First, Thorin was standing behind the counter in conversation with his nephew and when the older man saw the florist, he muttered something something that made Kíli blush. The younger man looked up and met Bilbo's eyes but instead of smiling as usual, he simply flushed deeper, cheeks turning an adorable deep scarlet which made the other walk into a chair.

By the time the florist managed to right himself and the furniture, the Durins had finished their conversation and Kíli was shoving his uncle towards the far tables in the corner. “-yourself useful and I'll do this my way,” The younger finished as Bilbo reached the counter, giving Thorin one last push and then turning to the florist with an apologetic grin.

“Sorry about that.” Kíli said, ringing up Bilbo's usual order before filling another sample cup. However, instead of handing it to the florist as he always had before, the younger man hesitated, eyes flicking over to where his uncle stood and then he downed the cup himself.

What the hell? “You just drank my coffee.” Bilbo said, mouth hanging open in surprise. It's not fair to change the rules on me now. I was just starting to get the hang of this.

“Yes, I did. What are you going to do about it?” Kíli replied with a smirk, regaining his normal composure even as his words caused the florist to lose his quite completely.

Indeed, the older man just stood there frozen, mouth hanging open in shock, until the barista finally asked: “Well, are you going to try this new flavor of coffee or not?”

It took Bilbo a moment to realize exactly what the other meant but when he did, he thought, you know what, screw propriety, before leaning across the counter and kissing Kíli for all that he was worth.

The younger man's lips were just as soft as he'd imagined and when the florist finally drew back, the entire cafe burst into cheers as his cheeks flushed with heat. But it was hard to worry about embarrassment when Kíli was smiling at him like that, soft and happy and Bilbo whispered, “I suppose some coffee tastes all right,” against the barista's mouth.

He simply laughed in response, saying “I told you that I'd find one,” and when he leaned in again, Bilbo did not resist. The second kiss was as sweet as the first, the younger man sighing softly against the florist's lips before pressing in closer and it was only Thorin's amused voice that pulled them apart.


Jasmine Tea and Coffee Kisses, 17/? rata_toskr June 26 2013, 13:38:42 UTC
“Take a break, nephew. I can manage on my own for a bit while the two of you sort yourselves out.” Kíli nodded quickly, taking off his apron and rushing around the counter before his uncle could change his mind. He held his hand out to Bilbo and when the florist took it, he led him toward the back of the cafe.

The regular customers sent them off with one last round of applause and the older man had to blush again at the thought of how invested all of them seemed in his burgeoning relationship. But as the door swung shut behind them, those worries were replaced with a more immediate wonder when Kíli leaned in to kiss him once more. Bilbo couldn't believe that this was finally happening, but no matter how the florist blinked, the sight before him didn't change and joy grew in his chest when the other man cupped his cheek.

“So I guess I should actually say it, shouldn't I? Would you like to go on a date with me, Bilbo?” Kíli asked with another grin and while the florist knew exactly what his answer would be, he paused for a long moment just to make the barista sweat. Serves him right for all the anxiety he's caused.

Only once a hint of uncertainty replaced the smugness in the other man's eyes did Bilbo relent and give him a smile of his own. “I would love to.” He said, lacing their fingers together. “But why did you finally ask today?”

“You can blame my uncle for that.” Kíli told him with an slightly embarrassed laugh. “This morning he said he was tired of watching us dance around each other and if I didn't get my act together, he would do it for me.”

“That's slightly terrifying.” Bilbo replied, the thought of Thorin asking him out in his nephew's place making him twitch. “But I should probably thank him anyway. I was starting to think we were never going to make it here.”

The barista laughed again and pasted a look of mock offense upon his face. “Hey I would have managed it on my own eventually. Well probably.” He shrugged, putting the thought from his mind as he wrapped an arm around Bilbo's shoulders. “So when should I pick you up?”

“Pick me up? You already know where we're going?” The florist asked in bemusement. “Do I not get a say?”

“Of course you do... next time.” Kíli promised with a wink. “Trust me. I've been planning this for awhile and I have the perfect surprise in mind. So does Friday work for you?”


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