Tribal Pagan Art- Love Magic of the Craft

Jul 27, 2008 16:01

Rating- G for right now, just excessive language.
Characters- Ville Valo and My Own Character, but i must give my best friend the credit to the name. It is her cat.
Disclaimer: I own no one in this story except, Idishidae (Igh-Dish-Igh-Duh[Friends Cat], Vladimir, Nadia and the teachers of the school and any one else besides members of HIM and the 69 Eyes. This plot is my own.
Warning: Idishidae is only seventeen years old, and Ville is 31, there is a deal of multiple sex partners, heterosexual and homosexual tendencies. Please forgive me if you don't like that. Just how this idea came to me.
Summery: Idishidae is seventeen years old, she has been held back in school in some classes and one of her temporary Chorus teachers is none but himself Ville Valo. Idishidae is a Wiccan,(pertains more on the fictional side of the Wicca coven) Ville is however in a coven already, one night Idishidae loses it all. Lovers, family, maybe a chunk of her mental health.

Please tell me what you think. If you have a Mibba, you pretty much may have read this.

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4

Chapter 5-Desert Song

She now was laying on her back, staring at the ceiling. It was now two in the morning.
She had tried to sleep, she had tried all she wanted to sleep.

But something in her mind wouldn't let her.

She couldn't stop seeing the look in Vlad's eyes as she descended the steps of his
balcony. She remembered the look on Nadia's eyes.

Both were hallow.

She sighed and turned over on her side, and winced, her nerve was acting up again.

She had strained it when she was just thirteen.

She sighed and sat up.

There was no way she could get back to sleep. She stood and slipped on a pair of

She stopped and looked out of the window and saw the moon looked like it was sitting
in front of her. So close and in direct view of the horizon. It was a pale color, but it
glowed so bright, and lit her eyes with a sparkle.

She walked to her door and walked down the steps the floor boards creaking as she
did. If any one didn't knows she was out of bed, now they knew.

She heard the melody of a small guitar.

Slow riffs of melodies filled her ears, and then a voice slowly crept in.

"Oh girl we are the same, we are young and lost and so afraid. There is no cure for the
pain, no shelter from the rain, all our prayers seem to fail. In joy and sorrow, my homes in
your arms. In worlds so hollow its breaking my heart, in joy and sorrow, my homes in your
arms, in worlds so hallow its breaking my heart. Oh girl we are the same. We are strong
and lust so brave, with souls to be saved and faith regained all our tears whipped
away. In joy and sorrow my homes in your arms. In worlds so hallow its breaking my
heart. In joy and sorrow my homes in your arms. In worlds so hallow its breaking my
heart. "

Then nothing, just a quiet humming. But the voice started back up again, only louder
and stronger.

" In joy and sorrow my homes in your arms, in worlds so hallow its breaking my heart. In
joy and sorrow my homes in your arms in worlds hallow its breaking my heart. Whoa, in
joy and sorrow. My homes in your arms. Whoa, in worlds so hallow. And its breaking my
heart. In Joy and sorrow. My homes in your arms. In worlds so hallow. Its breaking my

She smiled, his voice was like that of an angel. He knew where to make the sounds of
yearning. Wanting to be in the girls arms. She smiled as she heard another soft melody
stroke up. She didn't want to spy, but the sounds were amazing.

"Memories are sharp as daggers, pierce into the flesh of today. Suicide of love took
away all that matters…"

His voice reminded her of the voice of that of Ville Valo. She stopped. Looked back into her memory, Ville Valo. Mr. Valo?

It could not have been a coincidence!

She remembered Nadia falling head over heals for that man, and saying he had a
younger brother. So it could be him. But the voice was so close to Ville Valo you
couldn’t even understand.

She walked down the steps. And saw her teacher holding a guitar and had lyrical
paper sitting in front of him.

"You're Ville Valo, lead singer of notorious HIM?" she asked. He nearly dropped his pen
and guitar.

He looked up staring at the wall, she could see him gulp. He sat his guitar next to him
and threw the pencil in front of him, and turned to her.

Her stomach gained butter flies, her heart seemed to flow to her throat. The air got
thick with tension. She coughed and looked at him, avoiding his eyes. There was
something about his eyes that she knew would make something go terribly wrong.

He avoided his gaze as she knew his eyes were pouring into her avoiding ones.

"How'd you know? I know it wasn't by looks."

"You have a very unique voice my dear teacher. And I happen to be a fan of your
song I sang earlier today."

She looked back when he cleared his throat. He was shirtless, a canvas of porcelain,
with blues and green inks covering him. She lowered her gaze to the floor.

She noticed his feet take more support and begin to walk toward her. When they were
directly bellow her, she could feel his breath on the top of her head. She raised her
head and was shocked to see his eyes very, very close to hers.

"Is any one there?" He asked. He backed off. "Hmm someone's there," he laughed and
backed up.

She gulped. And backed away as he did.

"So what brings you down this early?"

"I couldn't get their images out of my head."

He nodded and sat back down on the sofa and picked up his guitar. He patted the
seat next to him, so she sat down.

He began to play, a slow very creepy melody, and began to sing in a voice not his
own. But she knew who's song it was when she heard the first verse. That voice
belonged to Gerard Way.

"We hold in our hearts the sword and the faith

Swelled up from the rain, clouds move like a wraith

Well after all, we'll lie another day

And through it all, we'll find some other way

To carry on through cartilage and fluid

And did you come to stare or wash away the blood?

Well tonight, well tonight
Will it ever come?
Spend the rest of your days rocking out
Just for the dead
Well tonight
Will it ever come?
I can see you awake anytime, in my head
Did we all fall down?
Did we all fall down?
Did we all fall down?
Did we all fall down?
From the lights to the pavement
From the van to the floor
From backstage to the doctor
From the Earth to the morgue, morgue, morgue, morgue
Well tonight
Will it ever come?
Spend the rest of your days rocking out
Just for the dead
Well tonight
Will it ever come?
I can see you awake anytime in my head
All fall down
Well after all..."

She slowly drifted off next to him. Leaning her head on the edge of the sofa, her legs
curled underneath her.

He smiled down at her frame, and sat his guitar Sylvester on the stand, and walked up
to his room and looked at the clock six in the morning, no use going to sleep now. He
needed to get his things together for his class, chorus, and possible detention.

She stretched out on the sofa and slowly curled into another ball.

Blackness turned to blue, blue added to red, red added to green. She rubbed her eyes
and opened them again and there was a whole land in front of her.

It was a road, it was about early morning, twilight, or maybe dusk. There was a fog
hovering just an inch or two above the ground. She knew were she was. It was a road
behind her home. Her and Nadia found it, one day, they were playing hide and seek
with Vlad.

She smiled but at the end of the road there was something, a silhouette of a figure. Tall
and black. Her shoulders shook. The figure turned to her and she nearly fell to the ground. It was a pair of eyes, bright eyes. She bean to weep. Something held a hold of her hearts strings, and wasn't letting go.

She began to cough as a fog covered her mind, she began to shake all over, her mouth went dry, the air went stale. Nothing was going right you could tell.

She coughed again as the figure began to inch closer in the shadows she couldn't see.

She backed away. She began to mumble help. Nothing and nobody came.

She new something wasn't going right.

"Help!" she screamed. "Nadia! Vlad! Some one, help me please!"

She felt something cold go onto her shoulder she was violently being shaken.

"Stop! Nadia! Vladimir! Help me!"


It was a voice she recognized, but could not place in her foggy mind.

"Vlad, Nadia, mom, dad, some one help!"

He sat in the kitchen, making some coffee, he was eating a vegan muffin when he
heard shuffling in the living room. She should be waking he had though, it was only
seven fifteen.

He then heard her mumbling, then a high pitched scream of terror. She was calling for

He dropped his muffin and ran into the living room to see her in a ball shaking,
convulsing. He heard the bedroom doors open and slam shut. He put his hand on her
shoulder and began to shake her.

"Idishidae," he called softly. She was saying stop, some one please help me.

He saw Burton run down the stairs, he looked concerned at the sight of her sleeping
form convulsing on the couch.

"Help me wake her!" Ville called.

He nodded and began to help shake her.

Ville poked her side and she jumped squealing. Burton stood up and walked into the
kitchen and came back out with a cup of water, that he slowly drizzled on her
forehead. She began to moan, it was in pure agony. They saw tears begin to form in her eyes.

"Help! Some one please!"

Burton poured it into her open mouth, she jumped up turned to the side and spit it all
over Ville's face.

He looked blankly at her very scared and shocked expression. They both could hear
Burton begin to laugh as she looked.

"Thank you, for the water fun." He sighed and wiped the water off of his face.

"What happened?" she asked, her voice was full of terror, misery, and pain.

"You were screaming in your sleep, yelling for your friends to come save you from
something." Ville said.

"It was the road." She said mysteriously, before smiling and walking upstairs.

"Hurry up! We have to be there in thirty minutes and we have to walk!"

He saw her wave her hand in recognition she had heard him.

She walked into her room. She was clean enough, having took a shower on four hours
previously. She walked to her suitcase and pulled out a pair of changing clothes and
put on Wednesdays uniform. She checked to be sure it was Wednesday, she slipped on
the plaid red skirt, and white shirt with a blue tie. She walked to her dresser and picked
up her pentagram necklace and slipped it over her head and let it fall between her
breasts as it usually did.

She did her eyeliner thick, she also wore many black bracelets, and grabbed a black
knit jacket. She was in mourning as best she could. She grabbed her back and walked
downstairs with time to spare, under ten minutes she had dressed.

She saw the looks on Ville's and Linde's face as she walked down. She was a girl and
took less then an hour to ready herself for school.

She smiled and walked past them and out into the chilly Helsinki air.

She felt the other two call out their finale farewells, and fallow her out.

"We'll drive. It will take forever." Ville said.

"No, it won't. It will take a few minutes." I smiled and began to walk and we all began
to walk from the center of Helsinki to a farther side to the Catholic school. She smiled as
she saw Linde and Ville looking confused.

"If you don't stop and get coffee, Mr. Valo," she smiled at the smirk on his face. "You will
get to school, and since I have almost a half an hour with you, I can give you at least
three ways to get here early enough for your not to be late, but late enough to be in

She smiled and walked into the school. They both fallowed close behind as she
grabbed her books.

"Ready?" he asked her, she nodded. Linde fallowing close behind. They were early,
since she had an off period. That’s how all of them had him that morning.

He walked in and saw that no one was in sight. He sighed. He hopped they would
show more dedication than this. He sighed and sat behind his desk.

"I thought you said you had people?"

"He does, but the people he have don't come in unless they're supposed to be told to
come in." She smiled up at him and went to work on her Algebra homework.

"Why don't you do that when you're supposed to?" he asked.

"I usually do," she sighed.

"Not from what I saw yesterday, you had almost I think seven packets that weren't even

"Well, I have my reasons."

"Well, since Linde is the math genius, I will have him do your homework, we need to
work on your voice and lyrics." She looked at Linde from what she could tell. He nodded
and began to work on it as he began to teacher the basic things she was gong to learn
for the concert.

-Thank you Medusa, took me a bit again to figure out the links, but thank you.-

ville valo

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