Tribal Pagan Art- Love Magic of the Craft

Jul 25, 2008 17:28

Rating- G for right now, just excessive language.
Characters- Ville Valo and My Own Character, but i must give my best friend the credit to the name. It is her cat.
Disclaimer: I own no one in this story except, Idishidae (Igh-Dish-Igh-Duh[Friends Cat], Vladimir, Nadia and the teachers of the school and any one else besides members of HIM and the 69 Eyes. This plot is my own.
Warning: Idishidae is only seventeen years old, and Ville is 31, there is a deal of multiple sex partners, heterosexual and homosexual tendencies. Please forgive me if you don't like that. Just how this idea came to me.
Summery: Idishidae is seventeen years old, she has been held back in school in some classes and one of her temporary Chorus teachers is none but himself Ville Valo. Idishidae is a Wiccan,(pertains more on the fictional side of the Wicca coven) Ville is however in a coven already, one night Idishidae loses it all. Lovers, family, maybe a chunk of her mental health.

Please tell me what you think. If you have a Mibba, you pretty much may have read this.


Chapter 4

He walked into the kitchen and grabbed himself a bottle of water and sat down at the
kitchen table with Burton.

"Where is Linde?" he asked Burton.

He shrugged and walked out into the living room. He sighed and let his head fall on
the table when he heard the door open and heavy sobs.

He pushed his chair back and heard two doors open and heavy foot steps running
down the stairs.

He ran into the living room and saw that Linde was holding a girl, about fifteen or
sixteen. Long brown hair, with angel curls, her sobs were dry.

He watched as Linde brought the girl to the sofa where he sat her down, his eyes
widened as he saw it was Idishidae.

Linde crouched next to her, looking into her eyes, Ville walked behind him and to the
side and saw her looking in his eyes her blue eyes were filled with tears, blood shot, and
her thin eyeliner was smudging across her face.

She nodded and lifted her knees to her chest and gently put her head on her knees.

Linde stood and beckoned the rest of them to fallow him, Ville looked at her one last
time and walked into the kitchen.

Linde sat down, and waited for the to disperse around the room. He sat in front of him.

"As you may have seen, we have a crying teen aged girl in our midst's. Ville knows her,
she is the one that belongs to Crows family. I went to see her about joining the coven."

"But I though you said we couldn’t." Ville asked.

"Until I thought, Crow is always away on business, so there fore she would have a slight
problem with him always leaving, so I considered it, but as I was going to ask her if she
was anything like her father, three men broke into her home. She now doesn’t know if
her mother or father is alive, she lost both of her best friends to suicide, because it was
in the stars. I offered her a place here, and maybe we can come to find out if she really
deserves to be in this hellish coven."

Ville sighed and banged his head on the table.

"What's her name?" Burton asked.

"Idishidae Raven Black."

"Ville's little obsession?"

"She's not my obsession." Ville snapped at him. He knew there was some reason she was
always on his mind, but she was not his obsession.

Linde shook his head. He didn't really like fighting, even though he did a lot when,
especially when he was drunk.

"Any way, any problems with this?"

No one had any exceptions. They all looked at Ville, he already seemed he needed to
quit his job, but the look on his face had said so many different things. Wonder, thought,
and something they couldn't very well read.

"She will probably get a letter or an email from her folks in two to three weeks. Ville,
you will take her too school. "

He nodded and saw the guys disperse from the kitchen and into the living room, there
were no sounds coming from there anymore, only the slight coughing.

"Linde, why did you go over there?" he hissed to his close friend.

"You brought her up, I got curious, from the way your eyes sparkled, I knew there was
something about her. So I went to go and look her up, and see if she was anything like
her father, and I told you. So here she is now, and you have to deal with it."

Ville sighed and walked into the living room with the rest of the boys.

He sat next to Burton and saw that she was laughing, full heartedly.

"That's interesting Gas. Not as bad as mine though."

He smiled and asked her what was hers.

She turned around and lifted her shirt, on her lower back was this long scar. Taking up
her whole back.

"Damn what did you do?" He asked her.

"Tree, climbing, falling twenty feet." She laughed and leaned back after fixing her shirt.

Ville laughed and she looked up at him.

"Mr. Valo?" she asked him.

He nodded. "Hello detention child."

"I'm not a detention child. The Father can go take the giant red pole he has behind him
and shove it up his ass." She smiled. He looked at her eyes, they were so full of sadness,
and pain. Losing her mother, father, girlfriend, and boyfriend, all in the same night. To
the same thing just for different reasons.

"Looks like you're going to be there in the morning?"

She smiled and nodded.

"What are you talking about?" Burton asked.

"She's one of the three that made my chorus group." Ville stated proudly.

"You must have been good."

"Aren't you supposed to have more than four?" Linde asked.

"All I need is four. " he smiled at his close friend. "They're amazing. Her voice has a very
wide range."

"What like from Soprano to tenor?" Gas asked.

"Alto, tenor, and low bass from what I can tell. The other three are amazing as well. All
have fantastic range. Two male and two females."

She shook her head and smiled at the two of them.

Burton looked over to her and saw her smiling. He saw why Ville had attraction to her.
Who the hell wouldn't? Her eyes could catch any villainous person in her icy blue gaze.

He looked over to Ville, he wasn't looking at her eyes. He was looking at her mouth. He
looked to. Her lips were rather large, and when she spoke one side rose up a slight bit. I
looked farther down. Her breasts weren't very small, but rather large for a girl her age.
About a double c early d? Her waist wasn't too thin, there was a little pooch over her

He could see why Ville was attracted to her physically. She wasn't a bleach blonde, but soft brunette hair, she wore no make up except from what he could tell to high light
her eyes. She wasn't perfect. She was everything but.

Ville always seemed to be into the girls that were very high class of no flaws, but when you looked at him looking at Idishidae, you could tell what he was really into.

He came plummeting back to earth when he was smacked on the back of the head.

He looked over to see Linde.


"Stop staring at Ville, it's rude, and very, very, very much so looks homosexual."

"Hey, just because Burton looks at another man, doesn't mean he is gay. Really Linde."
She sighed.

The three of them laughed as she did this goofy face.

"Don't you think you and Ville should be going to bed? It is however eleven thirty. You
both have school tomorrow." Mige said.

The two of them laughed, but nodded.

"Come on Idishidae, I'll show you your room." Linde said. They both stood up and
walked up the stairs.

"Thank you again Linde." She said walking next to him.

"It was no problem Idishidae,"

"Please, you may call me Izzy," she smiled.

"Okay, Izzy." He smiled. "Well here is your room."

They both stopped in front of a black door with a old fashioned style handle.

"Thank you again Linde."

"What time do you need to be up?"

"Seven forty five."

"But school starts at eight."

"I'm not your normal female." That's all she said before walking into the room and
shutting the door.

He shook his head and walked back down the stairs to see Ville holding his head in his

"What's wrong with you."

"You brought her [i]here[/i]?" he asked me .

"Well I very well couldn't let them just take her after her mother and father are killed or
kidnapped now could I? She has no one Ville, her girlfriend and boyfriend are dead!"

"I get that. But couldn't you have found some one to take her in! I'm already fucked in
the head with her and you bring her here and I just get through using my right hand!"

He laughed at his friend. He had a way of blowing things out of proportion and being a

"Ville calm down. You seemed fine with her in there."

"While on sitting there, trying to fucking keep my eyes to hers, and not her fucking lips."

"Ville, you're acting like a horny teenager again. Only with adult hormones, that could
get you fired, tried, and more than likely put in jail." Linde said.

"Do you think I don't know that? Only a day in my first teaching job, and I'm already
falling for a student! The only reason I got this job is because, I can sing, I have money,
and I can take their chorus group to new lengths, and this is something I can do while
we're not on tour, and I can find ways to write! Linde, I can't get that girl out of my

She walked into the room. There was a very big bay window on the other side of the
wall with long black or brown curtains, there was a big bed that stood almost looking
five feet off of the ground, with a canopy over the top, it looked like a red color. The
walls were a white or off white.

She smiled. It looked like it was from a Victorian style home.

She threw her stuff on the little couch type thing in front of the bed facing it.

She fell back on the bed, and remembered the first time she ever made love with the
both of her lovers. It was on a bed just like this.

She remembered running her fingers through Vlad's hair, and her other one down
Nadia's back as she kissed his neck.

She shook her head and could feel the hot tears rolling down the side of her face. She
promised the both of them she would not cry, but more just rolled down her face.
Burning the side of her face like acid.

She didn't make a noise, she just silently wept, choking on her tears.

Burton walked past her door and heard quick breathing and choked back sobs. He
stopped and knocked.

"Idishidae?" he called.

He heard it stop.

"Yeah?" it was normal, sounded like nothing was wrong.

"Are you okay, I swear I just heard you crying… er weeping."

"No, sir. I'm fine. Please leave me alone for a while."

"Okay." He sighed.

She sat up off of the bed. She couldn't cry, she promised. She pulled her lap top out of
her bag. Her mother always told her to keep this in the bag.

She sat back against the satin different patterned print pillows, that were bigger than
her by at least two.

She opened up photos and browsed through them. She came across one, that she
needed to print off. It was of the three of them. She had long black hair then, Nadia
had shoulder length brown hair, and Vlad had waist length black and red hair.

They were going through a phase, they were all acting bad, all the way to the core.
They were all fourteen, or thirteen. But if she remembered correctly, it was the time
Nadia had a pregnancy scare from Vlad.

She would have been glad to carry Vlad's child, but the only problem with her doing
this. The type of ritual they practiced was forbidden in the coven, it was considered by
the early Wicca black Magic.

She shook her head. She opened up the program that had all of her creations. They were an interesting sight. The shirts, and things she made, like body worked tattoos, and things. She always did random stuff. Taking photographs in her spare time to edit them.

She heard a knock on the door again.

What was with these people? She had though to herself. Have these old buffoons
never lived with another woman before.

But this time no one said anything and Linde walked in.

"Burton came down and said you were weeping?"

She looked at him as if he was an alien with one head.

"Of course I would be weeping."

"Well," he was lost for words. The look on his face told it all. She could tell from the way
he spoke and the way he looked around he was a naturally shy person.

"Look, Linde, I don't like to cry, I don't like to talk about my feelings, I'm usually very
monotone. When I'm alone, I tend to let me feelings fall out. " She turned away from him
and she could feel freezing air around her. She looked over to the picture of the three
of them and slammed the computer shut and turned away from the two.

She felt so small. She had never felt this small. Her heart was beating inconsistently. She
could hear it beating in her ears. She felt Linde sit next to her.

"Listen, I've never lost a close friend of mine. But Ville has, just two years ago. I think it
would be a good thing for you to go talk to him. Plus you'll be seeing a lot of that
perfectionist since you're in his chorus group."


He sighed, rubbed her back and stood up and left the room and pushed a very confused Ville into the room from trying to walk into his room.

He saw her jerk around her hair swing around her face and hit the other half.

"I was just pushed in here, I swear." He said throwing his hands up in defense.

"What is the big deal with every one because I was crying! It's no big deal!"

He looked at her, and saw himself, two years ago. In the exact same spot. Hold his
head in his hands, trying not to cry.

He put his hand on her back and he felt a pang, a pang of worry, when he put it there
he didn't know why. But something about this girl, wasn't right.

ville valo

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