Tribal Pagan Art- Love Magic of the Craft

Jul 21, 2008 00:31

Rating- G for right now, just excessive language.
Characters- Ville Valo and My Own Character, but i must give my best friend the credit to the name. It is her cat.
Disclaimer: I own no one in this story except, Idishidae (Igh-Dish-Igh-Duh[Friends Cat], Vladimir, Nadia and the teachers of the school and any one else besides members of HIM and the 69 Eyes. This plot is my own.
Warning: Idishidae is only seventeen years old, and Ville is 31, there is a deal of multiple sex partners, heterosexual and homosexual tendencies. Please forgive me if you don't like that. Just how this idea came to me.
Summery: Idishidae is seventeen years old, she has been held back in school in some classes and one of her temporary Chorus teachers is none but himself Ville Valo. Idishidae is a Wiccan,(pertains more on the fictional side of the Wicca coven) Ville is however in a coven already, one night Idishidae loses it all. Lovers, family, maybe a chunk of her mental health.

Please tell me what you think. If you have a Mibba, you pretty much may have read this. By the way, could some one tell me exactly how to attach a link. Unless you want me to attach a url that doesn't go directly to it... sorry. But if I don't figure out how to do it... It will be in my regular livejournal.

Chapter 1- Coven
To many at her school, she was the little emo child, the one who thought she could do Witchcraft. But the insubordinates don't understand the simplest form of magic is manipulation. But what this girl practices is not Magic. It's called the Craft, her mother was Wicca, her father was Neo-Pagan… so this young girl was Wicca and Neo- Pagan.

Her talent was natural from such a young age, her mother could find the traces, and when she was age one, her father on the other hand wasn't around as much, over all it was her mother's fault, she married a high priest. Never around, working with coven business. And when she did see him he wasn't in the best of moods.

His temper was high, she chose to avoid him. Now at the age of seventeen, her mother is forcing her to be in search of a coven. Of Pagan, or Wicca.

She sighed and walked into the catholic school building. Nuns throwing their shushes of the curses children throwing. Her skirt was too high, her stockings were bugging her knees. The Helsinki air blew against her skin.
She looked around to the other side of the hallway.

New Music Teacher
Class Signups room 665,
Due date August 15 2007.

She smiled and walked across the hallway and saw auditions for the musical group was a maximum of four people she signed anyway and put the date for after school.

She walked quickly down the hallway, her hexagram necklace banging against her breast, under her shirt, she would be shot if she was caught with that on her chest.

She quickly met her best friend at her locker.

He was wearing black slacks with creases in them, black dress shoes, and a white button up shirt much like hers, on his had a tie.

"Full moon tonight." He smiled over at her.

"Indeed. Are you still sore from last time?"

"Nope, but I still have a mark from the three-fold salute."

She laughed.

Three-fold salute is when the out line of a triangle is made and the touching of the
triangle is of done on mouth, breast, breast, and back to mouth (to close the figure).

"Nadia not here?"

"No she's sick, so we're going about the ritual tonight alone."

"Well, all in the name of Manon right?"

"All in the name of."

They smiled at each other, they both met in a kiss, his tongue brushing against her
bottom lip. She slightly opened her lips and allowed him in.

Most of the students were watching, whispering, more about their practice of

They both pulled away and left in a lingering butterfly kiss.

"My place our yours… or the clearing."

"Mother is in America, and father is on high priest business. So lets go with mine."

"Cool. Found a coven?"

"No, but I'm still looking."

"Well we'll find one."

"I know we will. But it's getting harder and harder to find actual coven that practices
actual Neo-paganism, and Wicca. Not like the piss parents off type thing."

He nodded kissed her cheek and quickly walked off. She turned to go the opposite
direction and walked into the second hallway, going into her algebra one class, yes,
she had failed, had to repeat that one class.

She fell into her seat… and stared ahead.

Thinking about her audition, her ritual, a coven, and finishing last nights home work.

He walked into the main hallway and saw he walk into the building, the door swung
open and his eyes fell on a woman.

Brunette locks falling around her tendrils falling around her face in a straight yet curly
hair. Her eyes were as bright as the moon, blue as the ocean, but held a secret as dark
as the night. Her curves could be seen under her shirt, very easily. The top three button's
were undone to reveal a silver chain. Her cheek bones were high, but they fit her face,
the tip of her nose was slightly turned up, and her complexion was a pale color, but a
creamy white. She stood only five foot and two inches tall. Her pulled her skirt lower, just
above her knee's, her red knee high socks were accompanied by black clunky shoes.

She saw her gaze narrowed in on the poster he had put up.

She walked across and watched her quickly sign her name, quick easy, and elegant.

He walked up to the bulletin bored and saw her walk to her locker.

A boy with a very odd hair cut, shoulder length, but cut out of his eyes, but slightly
hanging. His eyes were a deep green, ebony locks, high cheek bones much like her,
but he wasn't of any relation.

He heard catches of their conversation.


Full moon….

Three-folded salute….


High priest….

Was she satanic? What was she? Then he saw him lean in and kiss her.

He smiled, the sparks flying from the lips, the aura around them shined a bright green.

Pagan, and Wicca. The both of them were looking for a coven.

He smiled and watched them pull away, and walk their separate ways, watching her
walk into her algebra class.

He sighed.

Would the rest of the coven agree to allow the two young ones into their three
hundred year old covenant?

He sighed and walked into his music class room after taking the notice down. It was
after all August fifteenth.

She back down at her seat and began to work on her paper.

The history of the catholic church, she just decided to use the one that she did last
year, only rewording the last bit and the first bit.

She printed off the paper and opened another account and opened her songs and
printed off the sheet music. She grabbed her rosary and papers and headed into the
afternoon bible lesson.

She quickly walked into the cross covered room and sat down at the very back.

Four minutes, before the beginning, and the door flew open and saw a man with
shoulder length hair, very slender, he had a rosary around his neck, but by the looks of
the way it had been scorched and torn and had knots, it had not been blessed by a
priest. He stood about five nine five eight. She saw another shadow behind him and
saw Vladimir run past him and fall next to her.

"Who's the new guy?" she asked.

"Music teacher, he's really weird not like every nun. He has tattoo's and wears eyeliner. I
heard him and the nun's talking and they said that he would be missing a lot of next
year, and a couple times this year. For what they wouldn't say. Something of satanic

"Like the headmaster would allow a satanic music teacher, and I saw the paper, only
four signed up. I was the last…"

"Idishidae, Vladimir, please be quiet." Father Martin said.

They both nodded and saw the music teacher sit farther down the pew and start
writing something down.

Vlad grabbed her hand and pull her closer and gently stroked her knuckles.

She smiled, and leaned her head on his shoulder while the other students and nuns
prayed. They noticed that the teacher also didn't bow his head and rub his fingers
across the necklace.

Every one lifted their heads, and as did she.

He rested his hand on her thigh and squeezed it.

"Don't start now. We have to wait until later, when the moon is highest in the sky."

He laughed and nodded but still kept his hand there.

The priest groaned on and on, talking about revelations, and many other objects of the
catholic religion. Then the damn tray to ask for money and the blood of Christ came


She noticed the man at the end of the pew drop a quarter in and take a quick drink
and leave.

"For sure he's not catholic."

"How could you tell?"

"Idishidae, Vladimir, you both have detention with the music teacher. Report after
school. Room 665."

And that was how it all happened.

His obsession, her passion.

His hatred, her fear.

All combined into one.

Every fear she had ever expressed into her mind, was in the palms of his hands, and he

could use them to his advantage.

Every look that she gave him drove him farther and farther over the edge. To the brink
of lust, obsession, passion, and hate.

It would drive them both over the edge… to the Coven Magic.

ville valo, valo/oc

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