Tribal Pagan Art- Love Magic of the Craft

Jul 21, 2008 22:19

Rating- G for right now, just excessive language.
Characters- Ville Valo and My Own Character, but i must give my best friend the credit to the name. It is her cat.
Disclaimer: I own no one in this story except, Idishidae (Igh-Dish-Igh-Duh[Friends Cat], Vladimir, Nadia and the teachers of the school and any one else besides members of HIM and the 69 Eyes. This plot is my own.
Warning: Idishidae is only seventeen years old, and Ville is 31, there is a deal of multiple sex partners, heterosexual and homosexual tendencies. Please forgive me if you don't like that. Just how this idea came to me.
Summery: Idishidae is seventeen years old, she has been held back in school in some classes and one of her temporary Chorus teachers is none but himself Ville Valo. Idishidae is a Wiccan,(pertains more on the fictional side of the Wicca coven) Ville is however in a coven already, one night Idishidae loses it all. Lovers, family, maybe a chunk of her mental health.

Please tell me what you think. If you have a Mibba, you pretty much may have read this. By the way, could some one tell me exactly how to attach a link. Unless you want me to attach a url that doesn't go directly to it... sorry. But if I don't figure out how to do it... It will be in my regular livejournal. Chapter one (also found in my regular Live journal)

Chapter 2: Song To Sing

Vladimir and Idishidae both walked down the hallway with their books and into Room
665. She had her sheet music, and other books. And Vlad had the same in his, but
without the sheet music.

She looked at the title and shuddered. She remembered when this song first came out,
Ville Valo was the one fronting it. It was the prettiest song.

She walked in first, but didn't see him any where in sight, so she just sat down, and
began to work on algebra. For the tenth time she still doesn't understand how to solve
for the 'y'. It's just a bunch of numbers.

"Now. I don't think this is math, but I do know this is music."

She jumped, which caused her drop the book, calculator, purple pen, and fell out of
her desk, as Vlad laughed at her.

She stood fixed her skirt, shirt, and other accessories, and picked up her books, and
looked directly at him. Her breath caught in her throat.

Long brown hair, but not too long, to just bellow his ears, wild and unruly, a dark brown,
but not black. She found his face, high cheek bones, his nose tipped up a little bit, but
not much to notice.

"So you're my detention kids." He smiled.

Her heart beat a little bit faster, his teeth weren't white, but not yellow, they were an off
white, with a tiny gap in between.

She coughed and nodded.

"You're Idishyday?" he asked completely butchering her name.

"Igh-Dish-Igh-Duh." She replied.

"I'm sorry, a very pretty name. And you're Vladimir?"

He nods.

"Well, Idishidae, you seem to have also signed up for my class auditions?"

She nodded her head, not being able to speak.

"Please come and stand in front of the podium." He pointed to the stage.

She nodded and grabbed her lyrics and walked up to the set.

She couldn't look him in the eye, her knees were weak.

"Please start, Idishidae."

She nodded, her throat became dry, she forgot the tune. Everything stage fright, and
angst could hit her with, she got it. Stomach turning to knots, hands becoming sweaty,
her whole body began to shake.

She remembered Murphy's Law.

"Goddamn you Murphy." She sighed.

"Ah, cursing Murphy?" Vlad laughed.

"Shut up you cock bit clown." She hissed. He shut up, he had always hated her angry
side, she bit when she was upset.

The teacher laughed,

"I haven't ever heard that one. Nice choice, but please go on." He smiled, his smile
made her almost weep. It wasn't the most beautiful, but it was enough to take her
breath away.

She gulped and nodded.

She sat behind the piano, and began to play the intro.

"Naisiin ei voi pieni poikanen luottaa

Ne suuren ik?v?n pieneen syd?meen tuottaa

Mut kun ikkunaa tuijottaa kai pienikin poika illoin saa

Sielt? katsoo prinsessa unelmain

Ruudun takaa, Ruudun takaa Ruudun takaa tytt?ni katsoo vain

H?n on naisista kaunein mink? tied?n

My?s pienet rinnat prinsessallani sied?n

Hattu on moitteeton ja hyv? my?s rytmi vartalon

Ruudun takaa tytt?ni katsoo vain

Oo Glendora Oo Glendora Oo Glendora kuinka sua palvon vain

Kerran illalla ikkunaan taas saavun

Jo ?ij? toinen prinsessan peitti kaavun

H?n peitti p??n ja peitti muun sen vaihtaen nukkeen koristeltuun

Ruudun takaa tytt?ni toinen vei

Ruudun takaa Ruudun takaa Ruudun takaa tytt?ni toinen vei "

He closed his eyes and listened to her husky voice. It wasn't high pitched like the last
girl that tried out. Nadia, he thought her name was.

But this girl, her voice was low, it fit her completely, it was a bedroom voice. If he
remembered his fathers choice of words for his mothers.

And above all, she was singing a favorite song of his. Ikkunnaprinsessa. He smiled when
she finished it.

He heard clapping from behind him and knew it was Vladimir.

She let a shaky sigh from her lips. He knew from the way she was shaking still, she had a
heavy case of stage fright.

He clapped. He saw true raw talent from this young lady.

She stood and smiled.

"You're in." he had no need to deliberate, with hearing her vocal range, he could hear
it when she spoke, in the high parts of the song, he heard slight trouble, but other than
the whole voice, was raw talent. Alto, Treble, and a higher to low bass.

Her eyes widened and she smiled.

"Now don't tell me you thought any different. You were a shoe in." he smiled

She smiled, and walked back over to Vladimir and jumped on him sending him to the

He smiled and walked up to his chair and sat down.

He watched as they swapped homework, he saw from a slight glimpse, he swapped
Algebra, and she swapped Chemistry.
He chuckled and watched the both of them copy, and switch again.

Both chuckling with low mumbles and plans.

He saw a slight blush creep to her cheeks, and saw her look up and meet his gaze. Her
blue eyes held a look of wonder and shyness.

He smiled and began work on the music for the all region choir he was to put the four
of the ten thousand students signed up.

She smiled and looked back down to her cheating ways.

"I think you've caught the eye of the chorus teacher." Vlad whispered.

"Shut up," she laughed.

She looked back up to see him concentrating hard on his cell phone.

She looked down at the papers, and saw three books, and seven packet she was
behind on.

"God, I'm going to fail." She sighed and banged her head on the desk.

"Well if you didn't drink this wouldn't happen."

"Shut up. That's not the reason. I [i]don't[/i] care about school! I'm only here until I can
find a coven and leave."

He looked up from his cell phone saw Vladimir shake his head and look up at him.

His eyes flared with something, and he didn't know what about.

His phone vibrated.

One New Message from Lily

How do you know she is Wicca or Pagan? You haven't even talked to the girl about
her association with the two is.

He sighed and responded.

I can see the Wicca pentagram hanging in between her breasts.

He watched her hide behind her hair, she had an arrogance behind her, but looking at
her now worrying about her school work. He just wanted to gather her up in his arms
and help her with all of the BS that’s school.

He looked at the clock and saw it was four o'clock.

"You two may leave. Idishidae, I need you to come in before school and after school
on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Fridays for the meetings with the other four members. And
most likely, since I hear both of you using the lords name in vain." He sad making air
quotes with "lord." "The nuns won't deal with you, so more than likely, you'll be taking
detention with me."

They both nodded. Vladimir kissed her cheek and whispered something I her ear.

"I don't think I can make it tonight, for anything. I have to finish [u]'Julius Caesar '[/u]."
she sighed.

"I'll see you later." He smiled and walked out of the room,.

He watched her turn her back to him and crouch to the floor, and pick up her "school
appropriate" book bag. He saw it fall on the chair and heard the loud "thud." Too many
books he thought.

He saw her pull out another shirt and a pair of pants.

She turned.

"Do you know where an open bathroom is located?"

"In my office." He pointed to the shut door.

"Thank you Mr.?" she asked


"Thank you Mr. Valo." She smiled and walked behind him and into the office.

His cell phone vibrated again.

] One New Message from Lily

Well that doesn't mean anything. What's her last name I can look up high priests with
that name.

He didn't know her last name. He looked on the signup sheet. Idishidae Raven Black.

Black. The girl's last name is Black, but her full name is Idishidae Raven Black. Surly
you can find something along those lines of a priest with a child's name as that.

She changed from her skirt and shirt into just a pair of jeans and a black skin tight
sweater with her trench and vans. She folded the school uniform and walked out over
to her bag.

She put all of her stuff in her "school appropriate" bag. And looked back up at him, he
was writing something down and text-ing into his phone.

"I'll see you Monday Mr. Valo."

He looked up, she wished he hadn't, and smiled. Her knees turned to jelly, she smiled
back and walked out of the room.

He sighed and watched her walk out. Hopefully, Linde had some news on the father.

One New Message from Lily

Ville, don't even think of it. Crow Black is her father, the meanest human being alive.
If you get on the side of his daughter, you'll die. He wants her in his coven. And
his coven has been wanting to destroy our coven years.

He couldn't just leave her alone now. He couldn't get her out of his head.

I can't Linde. Not anymore.

Some one tell me what you think. ♥

ville valo, valo/oc

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