Because Of You (9/?)

Jul 05, 2010 21:27

Title: Because Of You
Author: hime_lian92
Pairings: JaeMin, HoSu, slight JaeChunSu, MinSu
Length: Chaptered
Genre: Angst, Romance, High school, Fluff (failed)
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Unbeta-ed
Disclaimer: I own only the story, not the characters.
Summary: I never asked you to love me back, I just wanted you to notice me.

A/N: Okay, a short chapter, I know. I've been sick these days and damn it my exams are in 2 weeks. Oh well, do enjoy the chapter! Comments are really loved. :)
ps. thanks to peach_gerl16 for the awesome poster! I heart you, bb! :)

Previous chapter || Chapter 1|| Chapter 2|| Chapter 3|| Chapter 4|| Chapter 5|| Chapter 6|| Chapter 7|| Chapter 8


Junsu pulled the hem of his skirt and tried to hide his blushing face with his long brown wig. He glanced nervously around him and was embarrassed as hell when everyone was looking at him. Some of them giggled like crazy and some squealed. He frowned. Does he look that bad?

He took his phone from his hand bag (courtesy from Jaejoong) and saw that it’s almost 1 PM. He had been waiting for almost 30 minutes now. Then he saw a figure running towards him. Junsu smiled.

The figure stopped in front of him and panted heavily. After he finally calm down, he looked up to see a beautiful angel in front of him. “Jun-su?” He asked.

Junsu nodded. “Yah, Yunho-oppa, you look exhausted. Why did you run here?” He pouted, offering Yunho a handkerchief.

Yunho’s heart could almost jump when he heard Junsu’s soft voice calling him oppa. “O-oppa?” He asked, didn’t make a move to take the offered handkerchief.

Junsu sighed. He wiped away Yunho’s sweats on his forehead and smiled. “Jaejoong-hyung talked to me yesterday, so I decided to be the girl instead. See, he even transformed me into this.” He paused, looking at Yunho. “And it seems that you really don’t want to wear the skirt, right?” He nudged the older guy.

Yunho blushed. He looked at his clothes and realized that he was wearing a manly outfit. “Um, are you mad?”

Junsu chuckled. “Nope.” Then he linked his arm with Yunho’s. Yunho stared at their linked arms like an idiot. “Yunho-oppa, where should we go now?” Junsu asked with his finger on the chin as his mouth turned into a cute pout.

No, Yunho. Don’t jump on him. No. He’s too innocent. Yunho, refrain yourself.

Yunho kept on chanting inside his mind. Junsu looked too damn cute for his own good and it was a torture for Yunho. Being the gentleman he is, of course he wanted to protect Junsu’s innocence. But this is HELL. No, wait, this is supposed to be heaven. God, he never saw an angel who’s more beautiful than Junsu.

Junsu turned his head to Yunho (they’re almost the same height now since he’s wearing high heels) and frowned. “Yah, oppa! Are you listening to me?”

Yunho blinked. Then he nodded stiffly. “W-why do you keep calling me op-oppa?”

“Oh well, since today I will be the girl, so why not?” He shrugged. “Hey, do I look cute?” He asked while titling his head with his palm under his chin.

Fuck. Don’t do that please. Yunho cursed in his mind. He cleared his throat. “Wonderful. Wait, no beyond that. I can’t even describe how amazing you are in words.” Yunho said with his eyes not leaving Junsu’s face, not even a second.

Junsu giggled. “Okay, I get it. Stop looking at me like that. It’s as if you’re ready to eat me alive.” Junsu said, walking ahead of Yunho who still rooted to the ground, unmoving.

Yunho looked at Junsu’s smooth legs (damn, it must be Jaejoong’s doing) and his eyes travelled up to Junsu’s butt. God, please let him look at that amazing butt just for a few minutes more. Please. Please.

His thoughts were interrupted when someone tapped his shoulder. Yunho turned around to see a smirking evil looking woman. “Long time no see.”

“Why are you here?”

Yoona shrugged. “Well, can’t I be here? This is a public place, you know.” She said, with a sweet voice. God, if he wasn’t a nice guy, he would probably puke in front of her face hearing that kind of voice. That sounded so fake.

“I have to go.” Yunho said. He was about to walk away when Yoona caught his arm.

She smirked at him. “Tell Changmin that I’m coming to get him back soon, Yunho oppa.” She whispered into his ear then walked away leaving a frozen Yunho.

Just a few minutes after that, Junsu approached him. “Yah! Oppa! Why are you still here? I was waiting for y-” Junsu was cut off when Yunho suddenly hugged him. “Yunho? What’s wrong?” Junsu asked while patting Yunho’s back.

Yunho didn’t answer as he hugged Junsu tighter.



Changmin looked down at his lover who was in his embrace. “Yes?”

“Yunho didn’t wear the skirt, did he?”

Changmin shook his head. “He rushed out the moment he received a call from Junsu. I think he forgotten.” He said with a chuckle. Changmin stroked Jaejoong’s soft hair and planted a kiss on top of it. “Baby, are you sure you’re alright being with me now?”

Jaejoong pulled away to look into Changmin’s eyes. He nodded. “Yeah. I told Tae-”

Changmin held Jaejoong’s hand. “No. What I mean is, are you really alright being with me, as in being my boyfriend?”

Jaejoong frowned. Confusion is painted across his face. “What are you saying, Min? Of course I am. Why you asked that all of sudden?”

Changmin smiled a little and shook his head. “Nothing. It’s just that.. the question suddenly came up in my head.” He said as he pulled Jaejoong in his embrace again.

Jaejoong felt a tug in his heart. There’s something wrong with Changmin and he was sure of it. If Changmin doesn’t want to tell him, then he might have to find it out himself.


After he sent Jaejoong home, Changmin walked back home with his head hung low. He pulled out a piece of letter from his pocket and in his mind was playing a flashback about this morning.

Changmin walked into the living room and found Yunho staring hard at the skirt on the table in front of him. Changmin plopped himself on the single couch beside him. “Yah, why are you staring a hole at the skirt?”

Yunho turned at his best friend. “Min-ah.” Changmin hummed as an answer. “You know how my sister is, right?”

Changmin felt as if his heart stopped the moment Yunho asked him that. He turned to his best friend and sighed. “I know.”

Yunho looked at Changmin and worry is painted all over his face. “Do you think you can protect Jaejoong from her?”

“I will protect him, no matter what it costs, Yunho-ah.” Changmin said with determination in his voice.

Yunho sighed and nodded. “I just.. Just don’t want-” He was cut off when his phone suddenly rings. He picked it up. “Oh, Junsu-ah?”

Changmin smiled lightly. He knew how Yoona is. He’s been through it once. During their dating days, everyone, especially girls was bullied by her just because they talk to him. What a ridiculous reason. But that just how Yoona is.

Yunho abruptly stood up. “You’re there?! Ah, okay, I’ll be there in a while!” He hung up and turned at Changmin. “Min, I have to go. I’ll talk to you again later.” Then he rushed out the door.

Time passed by so quickly and Changmin realize that it’s almost 1. He got up and walked into the kitchen but stopped when a sudden bell ring came from the front door. He walked to it and opened it to found a smiling Jaejoong. “Hey, can I come in?”

Changmin held the door and nodded. “You’re always welcome here.” He pecked Jaejoong lips and stepped aside to let the latter in.

Jaejoong took off his shoes and turned at Changmin. “Oh, by the way, I found this under your door.” He said as he handed Changmin a piece of letter. A red enveloped letter.

Changmin took it from Jaejoong’s hand and nodded. “Thanks, Baby.”

Changmin didn’t need to open the letter to find out who the sender was, because he knows the only one person who sends him a red enveloped letter.


Yoona ripped the picture in her hands. She smirked looking at the pieces.

She gulped down her beer and turned at the men in black beside her. “You know what to do. And you have to make sure; everything is going according to plan.”

The men nodded and bowed at her. Then they walked out of the room.

Yoona scoffed. “Be prepared, because I already found you.” She said as she looked down on the ripped picture.

A man came into the room and walked in front of her. “If you hurt him, I’m going to kill you.”

She smirked. “I won’t hurt him if you co-operate with me, my dear.” She said as she got up and traced the man’s face with her long fingers.

The man slapped away her hand and scoffed. “I’ll do it.”

Yoona smiled in victory. “Wise decision, Park Yoochun-shii.”


pairing: hosu, pairing: jaemin, because of you, fanfic

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