Because Of You (2/?)

Jun 22, 2010 21:56

Title: Because Of You
Author: hime_lian92
Pairings: JaeMin, HoSu, slight JaeChunSu, MinSu
Length: Chaptered
Genre: Angst, Romance, High school, Fluff (failed)
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Unbeta-ed
Disclaimer: I own only the story, not the characters.
Summary: I never asked you to love me back, I just wanted you to notice me.
A/N: I'm so freaking pissed off! I already wrote chapter 2 and yet, they all *pop* gone! >.< now that i had to re-write it all over again, and I can't remember what I wrote last time! So forgive me if this one is sucks. Oh, I hate myself. =( Comments are really loved <3
credit the poster to my lovely bb peach_gerl16 Thank you! :)

Previous chapter || Chapter 1||

Junsu glanced suspiciously at his brother then at Yoochun. “Are you guys planning something behind my back?”

Yoochun turned at Junsu. “Why would you think that?”

“Because it is rare to see Jaejoong-hyung looked so comfortable around you! He despises you a lot, you know!”

Yoochun brought his hand on his chest as he acted like Junsu’s words just stabbed him on the heart. “You’re really something, Junsu-ah. Can’t you say that in the nicer way?”

“Oh shut up, Chunface. Now, tell me what you guys are planning.”

Yoochun stuck out his tongue at Junsu. “Don’t want to. You just called me Chunface, stupid dolphin.”

Junsu was about to retort back when Jaejoong suddenly got up from his seat. Junsu and Yoochun looked up at Jaejoong. “I’m going to the library.” He said as he walked out of the cafeteria, leaving the dumbfounded Junsu and amused Yoochun.


Jaejoong stopped his tracks as he tried to eavesdrop on the phone conversation. Okay, he wasn’t planning to eavesdrop, but his curiosity got into him. He leaned himself on the wall.

“Baby, you know I missed you. Can’t you believe me?”

It was Changmin’s voice. Jaejoong snorted. It must be his girlfriend, Yoona. That girl is just a bitch. Even before, when Jaejoong was still studying in the same school as them, he loathed the girl. She acted so cute in front of Changmin, and acted like a bitch behind him.

“Okay, baby. I love you too. See you when I get back.”

Jaejoong heard Changmin sighed. How Jaejoong wanted to lift up Changmin’s burden on his shoulder and put them on his instead.

“Oh, Kim Jaejoong-shii? What are you doing here?”

Jaejoong almost jumped when he heard the voice. He turned and saw Changmin staring at him. He put on his cold façade again. “I was just passing by. I want to go to the library.” He said, walking passed by Changmin.

Changmin followed him and walked beside him. “Really? The library is this way?”

Jaejoong picked up his pace as he walked faster. “I told you already yesterday.”

Changmin increased his pace to catch up with Jaejoong, though actually he won’t have to, since his legs are longer than Jaejoong’s. “I forgot. Can I go with you to the library? I heard this school’s library was the best in town.”

Jaejoong ignored him. So Changmin took it as yes. They arrived in the library. Jaejoong walked inside and Changmin followed behind awing at the huge library in front of him. “This is so cool!” He said.

Jaejoong wanted to chuckle at Changmin’s funny behavior, but he didn’t. “You have to have a pass before you can enter the library.” Jaejoong said, stopping Changmin from going inside.

“A pass?”

“Student pass.”

“Wait, I think mine is-” Changmin pulled out his wallet from his pocket when something fell out of his pocket. It was Jaejoong’s handkerchief. Jaejoong widened his eyes. He quickly took the handkerchief and brushed the dirt away.

“Why do you have this handkerchief?”

Changmin scratched his not-so-itchy head. “Sorry. I found it on the train yesterday. I wanted to return it back to you, but I forgot.”

Jaejoong put the handkerchief in his shirt pocket. He turned around and was about to enter the library when Changmin pulled his wrist. “What?” He asked, turning around and stared annoyed at Changmin.

Changmin ignored the look Jaejoong was giving him. “There’s no thank you?”

“Why should I?”

“I picked up your stuff.”

Jaejoong rolled his eyes. “This isn’t my stuff.”

“Well, I don’t care if it’s yours or not, but I picked it up and return it back to you. Aren’t you supposed to say thank you?”

Jaejoong jerked Changmin’s hand on his wrist and entered the library quickly.


Jaejoong hugged his knees to his chest and cried his heart out.

“Are you okay?”

A voice asked him and Jaejoong was surprised by it. He looked up and quickly wiped his tears away. He shook his head.

The person sat beside him and offered him his handkerchief. “Take it. You need it more than I do.”

Jaejoong hesitantly reached out for the handkerchief and dabbed away the tears on his face. “Thanks.” He muttered.

“Family problem?”

Jaejoong turned. He nodded. “How do you know?”

“Lucky guess.”

Jaejoong looked to the front again. “Oh.”

“Want to tell me? It’s better if you talk to a stranger, than to keep your feelings inside.”

Jaejoong didn’t know his name and yet, he poured out all of his family problems to him. His father wanted to remarry, his younger step-brother-to-be is always gets into his nerves, and his step-mother-to-be is just.. just can’t replaced his deceased mother.


It was a few months after when they meet again. They encountered each other in the school hallway. Jaejoong was about to approached him when a girl suddenly come to him and launched herself at him shamelessly.

“Oppa! Why don’t we have a date now?”

The guy smiled and ruffled the girl’s hair playfully. How Jaejoong wished that girl’s head can be replaced with his. “Sure. That would be nice.”

He walked passed by them. He heard the girl scoffed. “Huh, what is that weird and poor Kim geek doing here?”

Jaejoong ignored her and walked faster even though he felt someone’s eyes staring a hole into his back.


“Tell me how you know him.”

Yunho stopped drinking his juice and looked up. “Who?”

“Kim Jaejoong.”

Yunho smiled inwardly at Changmin. “I don’t know him.”

“How do you know his name then?”

Yunho points to his phone. “I called the teacher in advance and ask her. That’s the use of technology, Min.”

Changmin rolled his eyes. “That guy is really cold.”

Yunho nodded agreeing with what Changmin said. “His brother is nice, though.”

Changmin raised an amused eyebrow. “Did I just sense someone is crushing on Kim Jaejoong’s brother?”

Yunho smiled shyly. “So what?”

“Nothing. He’s really cute one though.”

Yunho glared at him. “Don’t ever try to make a move on him. He’s mine.”

Changmin laughed. “I won’t! My mind is occupied with that Kim Jaejoong till I can’t even think of his brother.”

“You’re thinking of Kim Jaejoong?”

“No. What I meant is, I want to be his friend, but he’s so cold and keeps pushing me away. I’m going to crush that wall he build to keep him from the outside world and be his friend for real.”

Yunho nodded as he continued sipping on his juice. “Good luck then.”


Jaejoong is a cold person indeed, but he still cares for his family and the elders. It was a usual sight when you see Jaejoong greets the elders every morning before going to school. “Good morning, uncle, auntie. How are you today?” He bowed to the elderly couple who lived beside his house.

“Aigoo, Jaejoong. We’re good. How are you?”

Jaejoong nodded his head curtly. “I’m good. I’m going to school now.”

The elderly couple smiled at him and waved their hands.

Jaejoong sighed. It’s been 4 years since he moved here and lives a new life. He never wanted his past to get into him again, but somehow, it just did. He pulled his handkerchief out of his pocket. No, this isn’t his handkerchief. It’s that person’s handkerchief.

Jaejoong squeezed the handkerchief in his hand. He never really had the chance to return it back to the owner.

“Kim Jaejoong-shii?”

Jaejoong turned when his name being called.

“Ah! It’s really you! I thought I mistaken you for someone else.”

Jaejoong rolled his eyes as he keep on walking. This guy is really dumb, how could he not recognize his own ex-classmates? But then again, it’s been 4 years since he moved away. It’s actually understandable that they forget him.

Yunho followed Jaejoong silently from the back. “Are you not going to school with Kim Junsu-shii?”

Jaejoong suddenly stopped and turned at Yunho, startling Yunho who almost bumped into him. “Junsu is younger than you. Stop calling him with the suffix shii.” Then he walked again.

Yunho hide a smile as he trailed behind Jaejoong. Is that mean that he’s actually getting an approval from the brother-in-law?

“Jaejoong-shii, does Junsu like dolls?”

Jaejoong didn’t answer.

“Does Junsu like apples?”

Still, no answer from Jaejoong.

“Does Junsu like-”

Jaejoong turned. “Why the hell are you asking me for? I’m not Junsu.” He hissed dangerously low.

Yunho gulped. “U-um, but you’re his brother. I thought you may know.”

Jaejoong smirked. “Too bad. Because I don’t know.” He turned and walked away leaving Yunho.


Jaejoong was a geek in school. He doesn’t have friends and he was bullied often, especially with popular bitches in school. Jaejoong always wanted a happy unnoticed life, but somehow God just won’t give him what he wants.

One morning, Jaejoong was walking to his school when those bitches went and stopped him.

“Going to school today, Jaejoong-shii?” The leader, Jessica, said with mocking tone.

Jaejoong kept quiet as he hung his head low.

The 3 of them smirked. “Hah, he’s deaf and mute now? It’s just great!” Tiffany said.

Jessica pulled Jaejoong’s hair making Jaejoong screamed in pain. “Don’t you ever try to flirt with Yoona’s boyfriend. Understand?” She hissed.

“I-I never flirt with him..” Jaejoong said, stuttering as he held his pain.

Yoona slapped Jaejoong harshly. “Don’t try to deny it! I saw you talked to my boyfriend last time!”

Jaejoong was never been scared as he was that time. He brought his hand to his cheek where Yoona slapped. His eyes stung. He wanted to cry, but not in front of them. “He was the one who came to me!” Jaejoong yelled in front of Yoona’s face.

Yoona laughed sarcastically. “Why would my handsome boyfriend come to a weirdo like you? Huh, dream on!” Yoona said as she rests her hands on her hips and looked down on Jaejoong. Jaejoong really wanted to slap her on the face, but he couldn’t. He’s on the disadvantage side. It’s too risky since he was alone and there’s the three of them. Who knows what they can do to him if he do anything.

“I’ll never go near him anymore.” Jaejoong said. “Satisfied?”

Yoona smirked. “That’s what I want to hear from you. Remember that you just promised yourself. Girls, let’s go.” She said as she walked away leaving Jaejoong kneeling on the ground, cupping his redden and swollen cheek.

Now, he has no choice but to forget his first love.


“Hi, there.”

Junsu looked up and smiled lightly at the person in front of him. “Hi.”

Yunho beamed. He pointed to the seat beside Junsu. “Can I sit here?”

Junsu nodded and shifted a little to give a space to sit for the other. Yunho sat beside him while smiling widely and stared at Junsu.

Junsu cleared his throat. He turned to the side. “Do you.. need me for something?”

Yunho shook his head. “Nah. I just wanted to sit here.”

Junsu nodded, then he continued to read the book in his hand.

After a good 10 minutes, Junsu felt more and more uncomfortable with the stares Yunho was giving him. He turned to the side again. “If you’re here only to stare at me, then please stop it. I don’t like people staring at me.”

Suddenly, Junsu’s phone rings, indicating there’s a new incoming message. Junsu clicked it open.

Sender: Chunface
Yah! We’re going home soon. Hurry or I’ll leave you.

Junsu sent a quick reply to Yoochun, then put his phone back into his pocket. He got up. “I’m going home.” He announced to the other.

Yunho grabbed his wrist to stop him from leaving. “Can I ask you one question?”

Junsu nodded. “Ask away.”

“Do you like dolls? Apples?”

Junsu chuckled. “That was two.” He said as he brought two fingers in front of Yunho’s face making a ‘peace’ sign.

“Answer them?” Yunho put both of his hand below his chin, waiting for Junsu’s answer.

Junsu made a thinking pose. “I like dolls, especially dolphins. And I hate apples.”

“Why hate them?”

“Because Jaejoong-hyung hates them. Ok, I’m going now. You asked three questions already.” Junsu said as he turned and was about to walk away when Yunho grabbed his wrist again. He turned. “What now?”

“Last question. Do you like me?”


“You do realize that I still hate you for walking out on me last time, right?”

Jaejoong didn’t have to turn around to see who is that voice belongs to, because he recognizes that voice by heart.

“Yah, why are you so cold to me?” Changmin asked when he receives no reply from the other. Jaejoong ignored him and continued organizing the books into their particular shelves.

Jaejoong was a librarian, that’s why it’s not rare to see him wandering around the library at this time of the day. Well, he was a former geek. The only thing that changed from him is only his looks. The inside is still the same old geeky Jaejoong.

People say habit dies hard. So does his habit of tracing his finger on that handkerchief. He never once used that handkerchief ever since that day, but he always carries it everywhere he goes.

“Aren’t you supposed to say something to me?” Changmin asked with his hands on his hips, looking so handsome with a grin on his face.

Jaejoong turned. “Say what?”

Changmin’s face lit up when he received a response from Jaejoong. “Well, you could have say ‘Thank you for returning my handkerchief yesterday’ or maybe ‘I’m sorry I walked out on you yesterday’. How’s that sound?”

Jaejoong ignored him again. From the corner of his eyes, he could see Changmin pouted. Oh, only God knows how much Jaejoong wanted to kiss that pout away. Changmin tugged on his sleeve, looking so cute like a kid wanting his mummy to buy him a candy.

Jaejoong picked up a book and shoved it into Changmin’s chest. “I’m busy. Don’t disturb me. If you still want to stay here, read this and go to that corner.” Then he walked away.

Changmin smiled to himself when he saw the book. “So he likes romance novel.”


pairing: hosu, pairing: jaemin, pairing: jaechun, pairing: jaesu, because of you, pairing: minsu, fanfic

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