Because Of You (1/?)

Jun 22, 2010 01:53

Title: Because Of You
Author: hime_lian92
Pairings: JaeMin, HoSu, slight JaeChunSu, MinSu
Length: Chaptered
Genre: Angst, Romance, High school, Fluff (failed)
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Unbeta-ed
Disclaimer: I own only the story, not the characters.
Summary: I never asked you to love me back, I just wanted you to notice me.
A/N: My first JaeMin story. I hope you'll treat me kind. *bows*
credit the poster to my lovely bb peach_gerl16 Thank you! :)

Beautiful Monday morning. Just the way Jaejoong wanted it to be. He got up from his bed to have a quick shower before getting ready for school.

After he finished, he walked towards his dresser, half-naked with only towel covering his bottom half.

Suddenly, the door burst open revealing none other than his step-brother, Junsu.

“Hyuuunggg~!” Junsu squealed.

Jaejoong was shocked by Junsu’s sudden appearance that he shrieked like a girl. “Junsu! Can’t you knocked on the door before coming in?!” He immediately grabbed another towel on the bed to cover his body. Junsu pouted.

“Yah, it’s not like you have anything that I don’t.” Junsu said as he sat on Jaejoong’s bed. Jaejoong eyed Junsu suspiciously. If Junsu came barging into his room in such a beautiful day like this, there have to be something that he wants. “Hyung, today is the open day for our school, right?”

Jaejoong nodded as he slipped his head to the shirt’s collar. “Why?”

Junsu smiled. “Nothing. I hope I can meet someone interesting.”

Jaejoong scoffed. “You always say that, but in the end, you always meet with nothing but weirdoes.”

Junsu pouted. “Hyuung~ Don’t say that! It’ll come true! Whatever you say will always come true!” He whined at Jaejoong. Jaejoong rolled his eyes at his younger step-brother.

“Whatever. Now get out of my room. I need to get ready for school.” Jaejoong said as he pushed Junsu out of his room. Junsu whined all the way until he stopped and turned back at Jaejoong. Jaejoong startled by it and jumped a little back. “What?” He asked when Junsu staring a hole on his face.

Junsu grinned. “You’re pretty as usual.” He kissed Jaejoong on his lips before running downstairs ignoring Jaejoong yells.


“I hate you.”

“I love you.”

Jaejoong turned and glared at the man beside him. “You shouldn’t have let him know that I’m in charge of the new students.”

Yoochun chuckled. “Well, even if I didn’t tell him, he’ll found out eventually, right?”

Jaejoong scoffed. “Smartass.”

Yoochun smiled. “I love you too.”

Jaejoong rolled his eyes. “Where’s Junsu? I bet he’s going to make another trouble again today.”

Yoochun ruffled Jaejoong’s hair. “Don’t worry. I doubt he’ll do anything outrageous today.”

Jaejoong looked up at Yoochun. “Why?”

Yoochun leaned in and kissed Jaejoong’s lips. “Because he’ll meet someone interesting today.”

Jaejoong pushed Yoochun away. He wiped his lips. “Why do you and Junsu like to kiss my lips so much? It’s disgusting.”

“We kiss you because we love you, Jae.” Yoochun said.

Jaejoong got up from his seat. “I don’t believe in love.” Then he walked out of the classroom.

Yoochun smiled looking at Jaejoong’s retreating back. He turned to the front and saw his classmates are looking at him. He waved his hand and flashed his charming smile. All the girls and boys were aww-ing looking at the cute sight.


“Geez. I’m lost in my own school again?”

Junsu grumbled as he walked in the hallway. He looked around but didn’t see anyone to ask. He walked again until he saw someone sitting alone in the school garden. He approached him.


The guy turned at him and Oh My GodSun! Junsu was dumbstruck when he saw the guy’s face.

“Yes?” The guy said to him. Junsu was melted in that heavenly voice. The guy waved his hand in front of Junsu’s face and that’s enough to bring Junsu back into reality. “Are you okay?”

Junsu smiled sheepishly. He nodded. “I’m sorry. Do you know where 3-A is?”

The guy shook his head. “Sorry. I’m a new student. I’m not familiar with the building yet.” The guy smiled a light smile at Junsu. Those smile enough to make Junsu’s heart beat faster.

“O-oh, it’s okay, then. Are you waiting for someone?” Junsu asked.

“Yes. I’m waiting for my friend, and also for one of the student here to guide us.”

Junsu grinned. “Oh! It’s my brother who is going to guide you later.”

The guy smiled. “Really? He is your brother?”

Junsu nodded and smiled widely. “I tell you, my brother is really pretty!”

The guy laughed and ruffled Junsu’s hair. “You’re really cute.” Junsu blushed at the compliment.

Junsu was about to ask what that guy’s name when someone interrupted. “There you are. I was looking for you everywhere.”

They turned their heads at the source of voice. The guy smiled at him then hugged at the person slightly. Junsu feel a little bit jealous with the hug.

“Hey, Yun. I thought I already told you that I was going to wait for you outside?” The guy asked to the person called ‘Yun’.

‘Yun’ hit his friend’s shoulder playfully. “Aish, you. This is outside, but this garden is too far from the office, you dumbass.” Then ‘Yun’ looked over the guy’s shoulder. “Who is that? The person who’s going to guide us?”

The guy turned at Junsu again and shook his head. “Nah. He’s the brother.”

‘Yun’ smiled at Junsu. “Hey. I’m Jung Yunho. Calling me Yunho is enough.” Yunho said as he extended his hand at Junsu. Junsu accepted his hand and shake it lightly. “You’re so cute!” Yunho said, but Junsu didn’t blush. He even brushed off the last comment.

“What about you? What’s your name?” Junsu asked the other guy.

“I’m Shim Changmin.” He said as smiled his beautiful smile (in Junsu’s eyes). Junsu realized Changmin had mismatched eyes when he smiles.

Junsu bowed to the two guys in front of him and smiled widely. “My name is-”

“Junsu! There you are.”

Junsu turned and was about to scold the person who interrupt him. But when he saw it was his brother, Junsu squealed. “Hyuung~! You’re here!”

Jaejoong rolled his eyes at Junsu’s childishness. “Where did you go? Didn’t I tell you to-”

“Kim Jaejoong-shii?”

Jaejoong turned to the voice that calls him and was surprised when he saw the person in front of him, though it didn’t show on his face. Jaejoong smirked. “So.. are you guys the new students that I need to take care of?”

Yunho glanced at Changmin and nodded at Jaejoong. “Are you.. the one who’s supposed to guide us?”

Jaejoong smiled coldly at him. “Unfortunately I am. But if you’re not happy with me, you’re always welcome to ask for another person to guide you.” He said before pulling Junsu closer to him. “And you, you have to go back to your class.”

Junsu nodded and pouted at his step-brother. “I know, hyung.”

After seeing Junsu walked away, Jaejoong turned to the two new students. “So, where’s your class?”


Yoochun turned to the window before looking at his best friend. “The Gods are crying because of your sullen expression, Jae. Can’t you smile a bit?”

Jaejoong glared coldly at Yoochun. “Shut up if you don’t want to face my wrath.”

Yoochun chuckled and sat beside Jaejoong. He ruffled Jaejoong’s hair. “You’re always so cold in front of people because you’re trying to hold everything that you felt inside. I know you better than anyone, Jae.”

Jaejoong slapped Yoochun’s hand away and snorted. “No one knows me better than myself.”

“Geez. All right. No one knows you better than yourself. Not even me. Quit the harshness at me, will you?” Yoochun stuck out his bottom lips at Jaejoong.

Jaejoong ignored the pouting Yoochun as he talked to himself. “I didn’t predict this to happen. Why he was here? How come he’s here?”

Yoochun’s ears perked up at Jaejoong’s mumbling. “Are you talking about the two new students?”

Jaejoong turned at Yoochun. “You know why they’re here?”

Yoochun nodded. “They’re here because of the scholarships. They’re the best in basketball and our school is famous for its basket, right? Don’t you ever read magazine about them?”

Jaejoong bit the tip of his thumb and groaned. “You know I never read magazine.”

Yoochun nodded knowingly. “Yeah. You only read business newspapers that are meant for old people.”

“What should I do to make them leave the school?” Jaejoong said as he bit his thumb even harder. Seeing this, Yoochun pulled Jaejoong’s hand before Jaejoong bit his thumb until it bleeds.

“If you want them to leave, make them lose their scholarships. But don’t ever bit your thumb again.” Yoochun said as he nurse Jaejoong’s thumb.

Hearing the suggestion, Jaejoong’s eyes sparkling for the first time after so many months or maybe even years. “That’s right! I just need to make them lose their scholarships. You’re so smart!” Jaejoong exclaimed at Yoochun.

Yoochun was surprised, but he smiled widely to Jaejoong. “Glad that I can help you, dear.” He said before kissing Jaejoong again.

As usual, Jaejoong pushed him away. “I told you not to kiss me!” Jaejoong wiped his lips hard.

“And I told you that I love you.” Yoochun said as he smiled gently at Jaejoong.

Jaejoong rolled his eyes and walked over to his desk and sling his bag on his shoulder. “I’m going now. Can you pick Junsu up?”

Yoochun nodded and waved at his best friend. “Be careful on your way! If there’s some pervert trying to touch you, just kick their ass off!”


Jaejoong cursed himself for going home earlier. If only he waited for Junsu or Yoochun, he won’t be in the same train with this guy! Jaejoong really wanted to scream out loud at him for being so close to him, but even though Jaejoong is cold, he still considers other situation too and learnt to be tolerant with it.

The train was crowded. People are pushing each other off, trying to get more comfortable position. Jaejoong was a bit lucky since he stood near the door. But he never imagined that Changmin was standing beside him.

Jaejoong looked away as he pretended he didn’t see Changmin standing beside him. He even ignored Changmin when Changmin said hi to him.

Suddenly, Jaejoong felt a hand crept up trying to touch his bottom. Jaejoong wanted to scream, but somehow, his voice couldn’t come out. He wanted to pry the hand off of him; but he couldn’t because he was too scared. He squeezed his eyes tightly, hoping that someone will help him.

“ Don’t touch him, pervert.”

Jaejoong opened his eyes and looked behind him. Changmin was holding the pervert guy’s hand and twisted it until the pervert guy groaned in pain. Then Changmin looked at Jaejoong.

“Are you okay?” He asked.

Jaejoong could only nod as an answer. When Changmin was about to say something, the train stopped at a station, and Jaejoong used this opportunity to ran away from Changmin, even though it wasn’t his stop.

Changmin stared at Jaejoong’s back before bending down to pick up Jaejoong’s handkerchief. He smelt it. Vanilla mixed with coffee. Changmin smiled and put the handkerchief inside his pocket, made a mental note to give it back to Jaejoong tomorrow.


“Not here! It’s not here!” Jaejoong frantically said as he went through his bag and in between his books.

“What are you looking for, dear?” Taeyeon, Jaejoong’s step mother asked. “Something important?”

Jaejoong nodded, but still keep his eyes and hands to search for his most precious item. “It’s okay, Taeyeon-shii. I’ll search for it myself.”

Taeyeon nodded. “Okay. But if you ever need my help, you can always ask me, okay?” She said as he walked out of Jaejoong’s room.

Jaejoong gave up on searching and plopped himself on his bed. “Where is it? Did I lose it?” He mumbled to himself.

Then he remembered the event on the train this afternoon. He knew he missed Changmin. But it can’t be helped if Changmin didn’t feel the same as him.

He sighed and tried to get some sleep when Junsu came barging in to his room again. “Hyuung~!”

Jaejoong groaned at the sudden intrusion and glared at Junsu. “Can’t you just leave me alone and let me live my life in peace?”

Junsu shook his head. “I can’t. Anyway, hyung, you know those guys from today?” Junsu asked as he sat beside Jaejoong on the bed.

Jaejoong nodded. “My classmates when I was in Busan. Though they probably don’t know me.” Jaejoong said the last statement in whisper.

Junsu nodded knowingly. “Does.. does Changmin-shii has a boyfriend or girlfriend?”

Jaejoong raised an eyebrow at the question. Junsu is asking him about Changmin’s lover?

“Why the heck you ask me for? How should I know if he got someone or not.” Jaejoong answered coldly as he got up from the bed and walked to his computer and turned it on.

Junsu pouted. “Well, you’re his ex-classmates. Maybe you know something.”

Jaejoong twirled his chair around to face Junsu. He smirked. “Well, unfortunately, I don’t. So get out of my room.”

Junsu walked towards his brother and hit his shoulder lightly. “Oh, I hate you so much, hyung.” He said before stomping out of the room.

Jaejoong turned his chair to the computer again and opened his mail box. Yet, still no email. He sighed.

With that, he closed all the internet pages and walked to his bed to sleep.


pairing: hosu, pairing: jaemin, pairing: jaechun, pairing: jaesu, because of you, pairing: minsu, fanfic

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