Because Of You (3/?)

Jun 23, 2010 19:30

Title: Because Of You
Author: hime_lian92
Pairings: JaeMin, HoSu, slight JaeChunSu, MinSu
Length: Chaptered
Genre: Angst, Romance, High school, Fluff (failed)
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Unbeta-ed
Disclaimer: I own only the story, not the characters.
Summary: I never asked you to love me back, I just wanted you to notice me.
A/N: This chapter is dedicated to my super best friend flow_is_me135. I know you love YunJae very much, hun. But I can't seem to write a YunJae in such a short time, so I dedicate this to you instead, since I can't offer you anything else for your birthday. IMY so much! *hugs* I hope you read this, though. >.< Comments are really loved <3
credit the poster to my lovely bb peach_gerl16 Thank you! :)

Previous chapter || Chapter 1|| Chapter 2||


The house was unusually quiet for Jaejoong’s liking. Well, he likes this quietness, but somehow it feels strange for him, to not hear Junsu’s voice or his step-mother’s cooking in the kitchen. He walked into the living room and found a curled up dolphin covered with a big blanket with a bowl of popcorn on his lap.

“Yah, what are you doing here?”

Junsu looked up and Jaejoong was surprised when he found red puffy eyes on Junsu. “What’s with those eyes?”

Junsu kept quiet as he munched the popcorn beside him.

Jaejoong forced Junsu to look him on the eyes. Jaejoong could see the big panda eyes and flustered face on Junsu more clearly now. “Tell me.” Jaejoong said with a stern voice.

Junsu looked away. “I hate Jung Yunho.”

Jaejoong raised an eyebrow. Did Jung Yunho made his move already? That was fast. “Why?” Jaejoong asked.

Junsu sighed. “He asked me do I like him.”


“I told him I don’t.”


“He asked why.”


“I said because I don’t.”

Jaejoong kept quiet as he urged Junsu to continue. But Junsu didn’t. Frustrated, Jaejoong yelled. “Yah, do I need to force those words out of your m-”

“He KISSED me! There, I said it!” Junsu yelled back.

Jaejoong’s tongue tied when Junsu said that. The KIM JUNSU who always kissed him every morning, was frustrated over a kiss with Jung Yunho?

“What’s the point? You kissed me too, even though I don’t like you.” Jaejoong retorted.

“You’re different, hyung. You’re my brother.” Junsu said.

“What about Yoochun, then? You kissed him too, sometimes.”

Junsu sighed. “He’s our best friend. Of course I would kiss him.”

Jaejoong let out a heavy sigh as he ran his fingers on his already messed up hair, and yet still look so beautiful. “That’s why I called you and Yoochun are weirdoes. It’s not normal to kiss your own brother and best friend if you don’t have feelings for them.” Jaejoong said as he ready to walk away, but Junsu caught his ankle. He looked down.

“Hyung, what should I do?” Junsu asked.

Jaejoong shrugged. “Don’t know, don’t care.” He said as he walked to his own room.

Junsu pouted. “He’s not helping at all.” Junsu continued munching his popcorn as he snuggled into the blanket even more.


Jaejoong rolled his body to the side. He glanced at the clock on his bedside table. 11:52 PM. He wondered if Changmin had fall asleep yet.

He forced himself to get up and walked over to his computer and turned it on. He checked on his email box. One incoming new message. He clicked it open.

Sent: Wednesday, June 23, 2010 9:05 PM

Hi. Sorry for not replying your email earlier. I know this is really stupid of me, but actually I rarely check my emails. And also, recently I just moved into new school, so I’m getting quite busy. By the way, why did you email me? Do we know each other or something? Because I don’t remember I have a friend with the name of Hero, if that’s really your name.

Jaejoong sighed. Of course Changmin won’t remember him. He clicked on the button reply.

Sent: Thursday, June 24,2010 12:02 AM

It’s okay if you don’t know me. I’m your old classmate. I have something of yours, but I don’t know how I should give it back to you.

Jaejoong clicked the button send. He picked up the handkerchief and traced his finger on it.

“It’s not mine, because it’s yours, Changmin-ah.”


“So, how’s your plan coming along?”

Yoochun asked on their way to school. Today, Yoochun decided to come over and fetch Jaejoong and Junsu up, but unfortunately Junsu had already left because of morning practice. Who could ever imagine that that duck butt is actually the captain of soccer club?

Jaejoong glanced at Yoochun before focusing on the road again. “What plan?”

“You know, kicking out those two new scholarships students of the school.”

Jaejoong walked even faster. “I’m not doing it.”

Yoochun’s jaw dropped when Jaejoong said that. “You’re kidding me, right? Why?”

“None of your business.”

“Oh! I can’t believe this! Kim Jaejoong is actually taking pity on someone else! Oh, what’s happening to this world?” Yoochun sighed dramatically that caused Jaejoong to roll his eyes at his annoying best friend. Sometimes, he even wondered why he’s actually best friend with Yoochun in the first place.

“Because.. I just want him to stay longer.” Jaejoong whispered under his breath.


“Are you avoiding me?”

“I’m not. Just leave me alone.”

Yunho got pissed off and turned Junsu’s body around. “Are you mad because I kissed you?”

Junsu looked away. “I’m not.”

“Tell me why.”

Junsu sighed and tried his best not to stutter on his words. “I told you I don’t like you. I like Changmin-sunbae.”

Yunho was taken aback with the sudden confession. Not the confession that he wanted to hear. It’s far from what he wants. “Oh.” Yunho’s expression darkened, and for some reason he didn’t know, Junsu hates to see it.
Yunho let go of Junsu and walked away.

Junsu blinked. “Oh, well, wasn’t that easy?” He said as he smiled to himself.


Sounds of screeching shoes were heard from the gym and Jaejoong cursed his pride and ego for not allowing him to see the practice Changmin’s currently have.

He peeked behind the wall and spotted Changmin. There he was, looking so hot and handsome with sweat all over his face and body. Jaejoong felt his cheeks were getting warm seeing the sight.

Then Changmin jumped to do a slam-dunk, his shirt was lifted up, revealing his beautiful, manly abs. Jaejoong gulped and brought his hand on his chest. He could almost feel his heart is going to jump out of its rib cage. He quickly turned and walked away when a voice stopped his track.

“Changmin-sunbae! Hwaiting!”

That dolphin voice. Jaejoong turned his head to the gym again and search for that dolphin. And there he was. Cheering for Changmin as loud as he can be.

Jaejoong hide himself again behind the wall. He studied his brother’s face carefully. Junsu had never show an expression like that in front of anyone before, so why to Changmin?

A whistle was blown and all players took a 5 minutes break. Changmin approached Junsu as Junsu handed his water bottle and dabbed away Changmin’s sweat on his face with a towel.

Jaejoong felt his stomach tightened at the view. He turned and ran, not knowing that actually someone was watching him.


“Is he that pretty?”

Changmin woke up from his wonderland when someone tapped on his shoulder. He looked up. “Oh, Yun. Hi.” He smiled nervously. Yunho didn’t catch him staring at Jaejoong, did he? “What did you say?”

Yunho shook his head and sat beside his best friend. “Hey, what do you think of Junsu?” He whispered, not wanting Junsu to hear him. Junsu was currently busy talking with other basketball player.

“Junsu?” Yunho nodded. “Well, a little brother I think.”

“Just a little brother?” Yunho asked. Changmin nodded.

“Why you asked?”

Yunho shook his head. “Nothing. Just curious.”


“What are you doing?”

“Nothing.” Jaejoong said shortly.

Yoochun raised an eyebrow. He pulled Jaejoong’s hand so that Jaejoong stopped at whatever he was doing under the table. “Stop doing that.”

Jaejoong looked away. “Doing what?”

Yoochun pointed to Jaejoong’s fingers. “That. Abusing your own fingers. If you’re not my friend, I would’ve just ignored you.”

“Then ignore me! That’s what I want! Why do you have to care about me?! No one cares!” Jaejoong snapped and yelled in front of Yoochun’s face.

Yoochun slapped Jaejoong across his face. Jaejoong was loss at words and his hands cupping his now redden cheek.

“Don’t you ever say that again.” Yoochun hissed. For the first time ever since they became friends, Jaejoong saw this side of Yoochun.

Yoochun let go of Jaejoong’s hand and walked away. Jaejoong fell on his knees and for the first time after 4 years, he cried.


Changmin was walking back to his class when he saw Yoochun came out of his class.

‘Isn’t that Park Yoochun, Kim Jaejoong’s friend? Why was he in my class?’

Jaejoong, Changmin and Yunho have all their classes together, but for Yoochun, they only have 2 classes together and obviously not today. So what was Yoochun doing in his classroom?

He saw Yoochun leaned his back against the door and stared at his left hand. What’s with that hand? When Changmin was about to approached him, Yoochun unattached himself from the door and walked away.

Shrugging his shoulder, Changmin proceed to enter the class and was surprised to find Jaejoong crying kneeling on the floor with his hands covering his face. Changmin rushed to Jaejoong’s side.

“Jaejoong-shii? A-are you okay?” Changmin asked, panicked when he saw Jaejoong’s crying.

Jaejoong shook his head. In between his sobs, he managed to let out a ‘go-away’ to Changmin. Being the stubborn person he is, Changmin didn’t go away. He pulled Jaejoong into his embrace and rubbed Jaejoong’s back while whispering some comforting words into Jaejoong’s ear.

Jaejoong struggled at first, but because he was crying, he’s tired. After some time, he finally calms down and not struggles in Changmin’s embrace. Changmin pulled away, much to Jaejoong’s disappointment.

“Are you okay now?”

Changmin asked. Jaejoong nodded his head and wiped away his wet cheek. Changmin stopped his hand and pulled out a handkerchief from his pocket. Changmin wiped Jaejoong’s cheek with his handkerchief and smiled. Then after he’s done, he handed Jaejoong his handkerchief.

“Here. You need it more than I do.”

Jaejoong felt as if he was back again to four years ago. It was Changmin who saved him. It was Changmin who offered him his handkerchief. And it was Changmin.. who Jaejoong loved.

Jaejoong shook his head. “No, thanks. I don’t want to owe you anything else.” He said that because he doesn’t want to keep another memory of Changmin. One handkerchief is enough.

Changmin pulled Jaejoong’s palm and put the handkerchief on it. “There. I give it to you. Now you don’t need to owe me anything.”

Jaejoong really hoped Changmin would remember who he was. But he can’t force him to remember. He’s not the same Jaejoong as he was 4 years ago and he’s definitely didn’t want to go back to what he was. He squeezed the handkerchief tightly, trying to hold back the urge to hug Changmin again. That was when Changmin noticed the wound on Jaejoong’s fingers. He pulled Jaejoong’s hand.

“What is this?”

Jaejoong struggled as he tried to take his hand back, but Changmin is just too strong for him. “Let go.”

“Not until you explain to me the cause of these on your fingers.”

Jaejoong jerked his hand away. “I don’t need your concern. Why don’t you just leave out of my sight and care about your girlfriend instead?” He said coldly.

Changmin blinked. “How do you know I have a girlfriend?”

Jaejoong cursed himself in his mind. “Yo-your friend told Junsu. And Junsu told me.” He lied.


Jaejoong got up and walked over his desk. He took his bag and walked out of the class room without saying anything to Changmin.

Changmin sighed. Why did he have those familiar feelings at Jaejoong? Did he ever know Jaejoong before?

If he did, why can’t he remember?


pairing: hosu, pairing: jaemin, pairing: jaechun, pairing: jaesu, because of you, pairing: minsu, fanfic

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