Because Of You (4/?)

Jun 25, 2010 10:48

Title: Because Of You
Author: hime_lian92
Pairings: JaeMin, HoSu, slight JaeChunSu, MinSu
Length: Chaptered
Genre: Angst, Romance, High school, Fluff (failed)
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Unbeta-ed
Disclaimer: I own only the story, not the characters.
Summary: I never asked you to love me back, I just wanted you to notice me.
A/N: I hope you'll enjoy the chapter. And as always, I heart comments! ^^
credit the poster to my lovely bb peach_gerl16 Thank you! :)

Previous chapter || Chapter 1|| Chapter 2|| Chapter 3


The day Jaejoong finally made a decision to run away from his first love was the day his father died. After the funeral, Jaejoong and his stepmother along with his stepbrother made a decision to move away to Seoul. His stepmother decided to work there, since she came from Seoul before she decided to get married with Jaejoong’s father and lived in Busan.

His last few days at that school, of course, nothing unusual happened. Jaejoong pleaded his homeroom teacher not to tell his classmates about his departure. He doesn’t want anyone to know.

Just one day before his actual departure and his last day of school, Jaejoong woke up extra early to go and meet Changmin in the gym. Jaejoong knew that Changmin always went for morning practice everyday and he always secretly watched him practicing. That was the only time Jaejoong can be near Changmin, even though Changmin never realized his presence.

Jaejoong peeked behind the wall. Weird, why is Changmin not here today?

He turned and jumped when he found Changmin standing in front of him. He put both of his hands on his chest afraid he’ll get a heart attack. Changmin was looking so sexy with his sleeveless shirt revealing his big muscles and a towel hanging on his shoulder. Not to mention his wet hair. Gosh, so damn fucking sexy.

Changmin raised an amused eyebrow. “Are you looking for someone?”

Jaejoong shook his head furiously. Changmin chuckled. “Then, do you want to accompany me? If you have time, of course.”

Jaejoong knew he make the worst decision ever when he nodded his head at Changmin’s invitation. He had decided that he would forget Changmin and never came near him again, and yet, no matter how much he tried to push those feelings aside, they’ll just keep on coming back to him.

It’s okay, it’s the last time I will ever see him. Jaejoong chanted on his mind.

They’re now sitting on a bench in front of the gym. Jaejoong sat a little bit far from Changmin, afraid that Changmin could hear his fast heart beat.

Changmin cleared his throat. “You’re.. the librarian, right?”

Jaejoong looked up and shot Changmin a shocked look. “How do you know?”

Changmin chuckled. “I’ve always see you wandering around the library. And the library is just next door.” He said as he pointed to the building beside the gym.

Jaejoong could feel his cheeks getting warm and hoped Changmin didn’t realize that. So Changmin was actually noticed him all the time?

“So, what book do you always read?”

Jaejoong played with his fingers. “Um, mostly romance novels. What about you?”

Changmin chuckled. “Me too. But I don’t really have time to read nowadays.”

“Busy with the upcoming competition?”

Changmin nodded. “Yeah. We’ve to work extra hard to win.”

Jaejoong adjusted his glasses that almost fell from his nose. “I hope you can win.”

Changmin stared at Jaejoong’s face and was about to reach for Jaejoong’s glasses when Jaejoong’s hand stopped him. “What are you doing?”

Changmin withdrew his hand back to its original place. He chuckled nervously. “Uh, nothing. I was just wondering how your face would be if you’re not wearing your glasses.”

“Sorry. I can’t see if I’m not using my glasses.”

Changmin nodded in understanding. “I’m sorry too.”

Jaejoong’s phone vibrated, indicating it was time for him to go. He got up and bowed at Changmin. “Thanks for today and.. take care.” Jaejoong smiled at Changmin.

Changmin was about to ask for his name when Jaejoong ran away from him. Changmin sighed. “Well, I can ask him tomorrow.”


Junsu was extremely surprised when he saw Jaejoong entered the house with trace of dried tears on his face plus a hand mark on his cheek. He rushed to his brother.

“Hyung, what happened? Did you fight? Why-”

Jaejoong brushed off Junsu’s questions and walked past him into his room. He closed the door with a bang. Junsu frowned looking at the door.

What’s wrong with hyung? Why can’t hyung share all of his problems with him? Can’t Jaejoong trust him?

Junsu brought his hand to knock only to be answered by Jaejoong’s muffled cries asking him to get the hell out of here.

The truth is, this is his first time facing this kind of situation. Jaejoong never cried before. Not once ever since he came into the family. Jaejoong is a figure that he looked up to. He loved Jaejoong a lot and he was very lucky to have Jaejoong as his brother.

That’s why, when Jaejoong cries, he wanted to lend him his shoulder. Junsu is ready to hear all of Jaejoong’s problems, if only Jaejoong could be open up to him.

If Jaejoong ask him to catch a falling stars, maybe.. just maybe Junsu will try his best to do so.


Sent: Friday, June 25, 2010 6:08 PM

Hi. You’re my old classmate? What’s your name? I have a very bad memory, but if you tell me your name, I might remember. And.. you have something of mine? What is it? Hmm, if you want to return it back to me, meet me tomorrow at Not-so-Secret Recipe at 2 PM, okay? I’ll be meeting someone too, so I’ll wait for you there.
PS. Hope you like my lame joke. xP

Jaejoong chuckled. He shook his head, but the smile never left his beautiful face. He opened another page for a reply.

Sent: Friday, June 25, 2010 9:11 PM

I’ll meet you there.

He pressed the send button. Then he got up from his seat and walked towards his bed. He lied himself down on the bed and stared at the ceiling. He sighed. That was the first time after 4 years he cried so much. The day he moved away to Seoul, Jaejoong cried a river. And for some ridiculous reason today, he cried again.

Then he hugged himself. He missed that warmness that Changmin gave him. He wanted more. That’s why he decided it was best to reveal who he is to Changmin. Changmin may not remember, but at least he’ll try.

He’s not expecting Changmin to love him back; he just wanted Changmin to know that he loves him. In the past, now and maybe.. in the future too.


Jaejoong held the two handkerchiefs in his hand tight.

He entered the café with uncertain steps. He was greeted by a waiter who smiled warmly at him. “Hello, sir. Table for one?”

Jaejoong shook his head. He was about to answer when a voice called out his name. “Jaejoong-shii?”

He turned.

“Do you want to sit with me? I’m alone, for now.” Changmin said with a grin on his handsome face. Jaejoong nodded before following Changmin to his table.

They settled with Jaejoong sitting in front of Changmin. At first, Changmin wanted Jaejoong to sit beside him. Jaejoong looked at him in horror, though Changmin was oblivious at it, and shook his head furiously. He even added a cold statement.

“Why the heck should I sit next to a brat like you?”

And so, Jaejoong decided it was best to sit in front of Changmin. Jaejoong cursed himself again and again. Didn’t he come here to reveal everything to Changmin? He looked up at Changmin who smiled widely at him and it’s enough to make Jaejoong’s heart beat faster.

“So, you’re here alone?”

Jaejoong nodded. He took a glass of juice in front of him and gulped it down in one go. Then he realized it was apple juice, his face cringed as he stuck his tongue out. He never like apples moreover its juice. Wait, when did he order apple juice?

He looked up when he heard a giggle in front of him. Changmin tried his best not to laugh at the cute person in front of him. He covered his mouth with his hands to stop giggles from coming out, but he couldn’t help it and burst out laughing in the end.

After a few minutes of being stared by the customers in the café for making such a commotion, Changmin finally stopped his laughing and rubbed his chest to calm himself down.

“Ah, I had such a good laugh today.” He said while smiling at Jaejoong.

Jaejoong sent a death glare at him, but it seems like Changmin wasn’t affected by it one bit.

“Do you know that you just drank my juice?” Changmin asked.

Jaejoong widened his eyes. Did he.. really? That means.. they just had..

“We just had an indirect kiss. Aren’t you happy?” Changmin grinned.

Jaejoong was obviously happy, heck, he felt wonderful. He just couldn’t believe that he just had an indirect kiss with his long time crush, though there was an apple juice involved, but who cares. It’s a kiss! An indirect kiss is counted as a kiss too!

Jaejoong looked away to hide his blushing face. “I’m not happy at all.”

Changmin hide a smile when he saw Jaejoong’s ear was red. He wanted to tease Jaejoong a little bit more, when someone came in between.

“Changmin-oppa~! Have you waited long?”

Jaejoong was startled by the sudden voice. It’s the voice that he hated so much. He looked up and there she is. His nightmare.

Yoona linked his arms with Changmin then gave him a peck on the cheek. She pouted. “Sorry, oppa. I was stuck in a traffic jam. Forgive me?” She said as she gave Changmin her puppy eyes.

Changmin smiled lightly at her. “It’s okay. I had a company here, so I wasn’t bored at all.”

Then that girl turned her attention to Jaejoong, and for a second, Jaejoong could swear he saw her smiled seductively at him. “Hi. Are you Changmin-oppa’s friend? What’s your name?”

Jaejoong abruptly stood up from his seat, startling both Changmin and Yoona. “What’s wrong?” Changmin asked.

Jaejoong put the two handkerchiefs on the table. “Now, I don’t owe you anything anymore.” He said, then he walked away.


“You know you’ll catch cold if you stay here for too long.”

Jaejoong looked up with tears in his eyes. Oh, he looked so pathetic right now, but he couldn’t care less. He snorted. “And you care, because?”

Yoochun sat beside him. He took off his jacket and covered Jaejoong with it. “I saw everything.”

Jaejoong wiped away his tears and scoffed. “Genius. How did you know I was there?”

“A little work on your id and password did wonders. I’m not a genius for nothing.”

“Hacked into my email and blog again?”

Yoochun embraced the smaller and fragile man beside him, and he’s thankful because Jaejoong didn’t struggle this time. “He’s your first love?”

“My first and last, probably.”

Yoochun stroked Jaejoong’s hair as he hummed lightly. “Are you sure he’s your last?”

Jaejoong looked at Yoochun. “Wait, before I answer that, don’t you think you should say something to me first?”

Yoochun turned. “Say what?”

“You know. The word starts with s and end with y.”

Yoochun tapped his finger on his chin as if he’s thinking hard and Jaejoong hit his shoulder. Yoochun laughed. “I know. I know. I’m sorry. Sorry for slapping you. Was that hurt?”

“It didn’t hurt. Not at all.” Jaejoong said sarcastically.

Yoochun ruffled Jaejoong’s hair and smiled. “How’s your finger?” He asked as he examined Jaejoong’s fingers and noticed they’re covered in messy bandages.

“Junsu’s works. I didn’t know when he did those.”

“You know he loves you. That’s why he did these.” Yoochun said as he traced his finger on Jaejoong’s hand. He brought Jaejoong’s hand in front of his mouth and kissed it lightly. “I hope it won’t leave any marks on this beautiful hand.”

Jaejoong scoffed. “Oh, whatever.” He said as he pulled away his hand from Yoochun’s hold.

Yoochun messed up Jaejoong’s hair and patted his knees then got up. He offered Jaejoong his hand. “Let’s go back. Junsu must be worried about you.”

Jaejoong reached out for the offered hand and nodded. “I don’t care about you or Junsu. I just wanted to go home and sleep.”

Yoochun laughed again.


pairing: hosu, pairing: jaemin, pairing: jaechun, because of you, pairing: minsu, fanfic

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