Feb 11, 2011 00:01

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 4



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anonymous April 18 2009, 18:29:40 UTC
Any nation/human- It can be OC, historical figure, whatever. I just want to see a nation falling in love with a human, and having to face the fact they're not going live as long as them.

Also Anon hates it when people say they'll do it. Just do it! To your heart's content, Anons!
More fills = ♥♥♥


OP is speechless anonymous April 22 2009, 00:51:09 UTC
Ignore the irony of the title. XD

Wow... I'm surprised that someone would do Latvia. It was really saddening too. The fact that she was a silent movie actress made sense in their relationship somehow. I'm not sure how to explain it but it does.

Thanks so much for filling this! ♥♥♥


Re: BEYOND ALL REACH 2/2 anonymous April 22 2009, 04:16:50 UTC
Poor Latvia!! ;_;

This was so cute, yet so sad at the same time.


Re: BEYOND ALL REACH 2/2 anonymous April 24 2009, 19:57:00 UTC
dkfhsdkflksjd I LOVED THIS SO MUCH. oh Marija **

This was just beautiful.


A True Patriot (Chapter One) anonymous April 22 2009, 04:25:37 UTC
This is going to be a bit long. ;^_ ( ... )


Re: A True Patriot (Chapter One) anonymous April 22 2009, 04:27:40 UTC
From the moment she saw him, Gina knew he was different. He was truly something that transcended normal humanity. Whenever she saw him on campus, she would follow him around, just to catch a glimpse of that perfect smile. She knew his whole schedule by this point. Whether he was aware of her vigilant watching, she didn’t know, but she liked to think that he knew he was being observed by her. She even had dreams about him, many of which were rather dirty, much to her embarrassment (and joy ( ... )


Re: A True Patriot (Chapter One) anonymous April 22 2009, 04:34:54 UTC
An unreadable look crossed her face and she retorted, “Now you’re being too kind and a little unreasonable, if I might add myself ( ... )


Re: A True Patriot (Chapter One) anonymous April 22 2009, 04:39:09 UTC
So they inserted the tokens, and got down to playing. They were both swift on their feet although Gina seemed to be faring a bit better than Alfred. As she watched him play, she noticed how nice his body looked underneath his tank top. However, she quickly focused her attentions back to the game, deciding she would have more time to ogle him later. Three songs and a bunch of sweat later, they were done. Gina had beaten him fair and square ( ... )


Re: A True Patriot (Chapter Two) anonymous April 22 2009, 04:30:58 UTC
Just so you know, Gina is based off of me, but she's not really me. Mmmkay ( ... )


Re: A True Patriot (Chapter Two) anonymous April 22 2009, 04:33:24 UTC
Alfred was a bit taken aback by this. She seemed to have a slightly dark sense of humor, but at the same time, she really meant it. “So what are you getting at ( ... )


Re: A True Patriot (Chapter Three) anonymous April 22 2009, 04:40:25 UTC
Gina was extremely tired. She barely got any sleep from the past two days after pulling an all-nighter doing homework. But it was more than that. She also discovered the real deal about Alfred Jones ( ... )


Re: A True Patriot (Chapter Three) anonymous April 22 2009, 04:41:04 UTC
He took the papers and unfolded them. They were old pictures taken decades ago. He hadn’t changed physically since then, and neither did Arthur or Ivan. He supposed there was no use in lying or rebuffing this ( ... )


Re: A True Patriot (Chapter Four) anonymous April 22 2009, 04:46:28 UTC
As Gina took the time to relax on her couch, wanting nothing more than to take a nap, she heard the doorbell ring. She trudged over to the door and opened it, revealing Alfred. She no longer felt tired. He came in and took in the sight of her home. It was a rustic style, with saltillo tiles lining the floor. The decorations were even stranger; he realized that many of them were Korean. He then saw a picture on a counter of Gina’s parents’ wedding and smiled. Her Caucasian father and Korean mother having a traditional Korean wedding; Gina looked like the perfect blend between them ( ... )


Re: A True Patriot (Chapter Four) anonymous April 22 2009, 04:48:52 UTC
Alfred noticed this, and quickly decided to lift her spirits. ”Don’t be sad for him Gina. Yon-Soo’s been doing his best ( ... )


Re: A True Patriot (Chapter Four) anonymous April 22 2009, 04:51:03 UTC
Time moved on, and Alfred was ready, carefully positioned against her entrance. He looked at her and asked her one last time, “Are you sure ( ... )


Re: A True Patriot (Chapter Five) anonymous April 22 2009, 04:56:53 UTC
More time passed, and Gina had graduated from college at the age of twenty-two. Both she and Alfred knew that he could no longer pass as her same-aged boyfriend by that time, and it hurt her. She knew from the start that this was not truly meant to last, but that didn’t make the pain of separation any less horrible ( ... )


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