Feb 11, 2011 00:01

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 4



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anonymous April 18 2009, 18:29:40 UTC
Any nation/human- It can be OC, historical figure, whatever. I just want to see a nation falling in love with a human, and having to face the fact they're not going live as long as them.

Also Anon hates it when people say they'll do it. Just do it! To your heart's content, Anons!
More fills = ♥♥♥


Re: A True Patriot (Chapter Five) anonymous April 22 2009, 04:58:29 UTC
Because Alfred really wanted Gina to be able to move on without him. She did, in a way. She had a fairly successful career as a freelance journalist and photographer for the local magazines and news stations. Her romantic life was a different story. She had plenty of suitors; what beautiful, confident young woman didn’t?

But that desire to want to see her move on without him did not keep Alfred from feeling jealous at the fact that Gina had been dating all kinds of guys. He felt horrible over his feelings of envy, and even worse at the smug satisfaction that overtook him when she inevitably broke up with those suitors as quickly as she got together with them. And it wasn’t that the men she had gone out with weren’t handsome, kind or even rich in some cases. It was just unfortunate for them that they all shared one fatal flaw…

They just were not himAs Gina’s parents began to nag her about settling down, she became a bit more serious and her slews of boyfriends stop. She’s now dating a man named Ian and this is a relationship that ( ... )


Re: A True Patriot (Chapter Six) anonymous April 22 2009, 05:01:04 UTC
Gina now has a diamond ring on her finger. She’s obviously ecstatic about her upcoming wedding; her parents were even more excited that their daughter was finally with a man who made her happy after she broke up with that blonde haired boy from college. That, and they really wanted grandkids ( ... )


Re: A True Patriot (Chapter Seven) anonymous April 22 2009, 05:05:44 UTC
Months later, Gina’s wedding day has come. She was still nervous, and she needed a drink. Alfred had come over to congratulate her, but he wasn’t staying ( ... )


Re: A True Patriot (Chapter Seven) anonymous April 22 2009, 05:07:57 UTC
A few hours had gone by, and the ceremony proceeded. Alfred was right outside of the door of that room. He saw Ian at the front, nervously fidgeting with excitement with his best men. Alfred felt the bile rising up in his throat; right now, he really hated this man ( ... )


Re: A True Patriot (Chapter Seven) anonymous April 22 2009, 05:10:41 UTC
“Ian,” Gina began, “I still can’t believe that this is happening. I look at you, and I see this perfectly smart, handsome, amazing man. I can’t believe that, of all the women in the world, you chose me. I sometimes think you deserve so much better than me, but when you asked me to marry you, I realized that you see me and love me, for all of my flaws. You chose me and wanted to spend the rest of your life with me, and for that I will love you, always and forever.” As she said this, tears began to fall from her eyes. Everyone else thought that they were tears of happiness, which was partially correct. But Alfred knew that they were also tears of sorrow; those lines in her handwritten vow pertained not only Ian, but also to Alfred himself. She genuinely did love Ian and cared for him deeply. But at the same time, Gina had and would never truly let go of Alfred, her first true love in so many more ways than one, either. But she knew this was what he wanted, even if it made him feel lonely and saddened ( ... )


Re: A True Patriot (Chapter Eight) anonymous April 22 2009, 05:14:26 UTC
Okay, total misfire...

Decades passed, and Alfred F. Jones didn’t look a day older than twenty at least. He had experienced so much, and gone through more than his shares of heartaches, and yet, he continued to face it all with a smile and sheer determination.

And now, he was repaying a visit to a certain woman in Palm Springs, California, specifically in an upscale retirement community. Having been financially savvy through her life, Gina Cain-Masterson managed to pool her resources from not only her own income as a journalist but also from her late doctor husband’s salary to be able to maintain a cozy life for herself once she became too old to work.

Gina and Ian had three children - one son and two daughters. She admitted to Alfred that her son had been named after him - Nicholas Alfred Masterson. He thanked her for that, but didn’t see why she needed to do that. But he was reminded of why when she told him she meant every word she said that day they broke things off.

“Alfred, I want you to know this - you were my first ( ... )


Re: A True Patriot (Chapter Eight) anonymous April 22 2009, 05:18:12 UTC
So they got to preparing. Alfred was strongly reminded of that night when he first visited her home in Arizona. He really only needed to set the table and get her the ingredients she needed. When he asked about her kids and grandkids, she answered that they were all doing well; her son, Nicholas, was an engineer like his grandfather before him, her older daughter, named Laurel Jane or simply “Laurie” was a housewife and good at it, and her youngest daughter Emily Rose was in economic marketing. Her grandchildren were all doing great as well, and she loved them dearly. Alfred watched Gina as she chopped the ingredients and looked so dedicated to her craft. It was cute to see her cook, even as an old woman ( ... )


Re: A True Patriot (Epilogue) anonymous April 22 2009, 05:20:49 UTC
A few more years passed, and Gina died peacefully in her home, surrounded by her loved ones. Alfred came over for that one last visit to say goodbye, posing as a distant relative of hers ( ... )


Re: A True Patriot (Epilogue) anonymous April 22 2009, 05:35:18 UTC
A few hours and a few goodbyes from other people later, Gina was dead. Alfred left the house, letting her family decide on her funeral arrangements and whatnot, while Arthur and Francis were in a car waiting for him ( ... )


A True Patriot (Epilogue) Warning anonymous April 22 2009, 16:09:56 UTC
Just a warning. Please credit me if you are going to use parts of my fill in yours. If you don't, that is blatant plagiarism.


anonymous April 22 2009, 19:58:15 UTC
Um. Actually....... anonymous April 23 2009, 03:31:46 UTC
The Anon above is right. Blatant plagiarism is blatant ( ... )


This Glorious Twilight 1/2 anonymous May 7 2009, 21:57:51 UTC
There's a tired look on his face as Turkey comes in, but his eyes light up at the sight of his beloved nation. Turkey likes to put on a brave face, but his eyes remain dark in contrast; the man is ill, has been for a while, and his time is near.

”They tell me you're not getting up anymore.”

Atatürk's smile is laced with pain. ”It won't be long now. I'm glad you've come to see me while there still is a chance.”

Turkey pulls a chair to the bed without asking. He is not without respect, but this is not the time to be asking permission for every little thing. ”I don't have long, either. I get a few private minutes for being Türkiye an' all, but that's...” He attempts to grin. ”Even your death's a public matter.”

”It comes with leading a public life. Nevertheless, it is good to see you.” He glances at the hand that covers his own. ”You are looking healthy. And I am glad you're not wearing that mask today ( ... )


Re: This Glorious Twilight 2/2 anonymous May 7 2009, 22:02:59 UTC
”You are strong, Türkiye. You were before me and will be after I'm gone ( ... )


Re: This Glorious Twilight 2/2 anonymous May 8 2009, 00:25:36 UTC
That was excellent. And so much IC for Turkey despite the circumstance.

She would make Atatürk proud, too; her head is uncovered and she is out working like a proper daughter of the new state.

Loved this line.


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