Feb 11, 2011 00:01

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 4



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Batshit!Nations anonymous May 19 2009, 09:36:11 UTC
This anon would like to see, for no reason at all, one of the nations regressing back to their most power hungry/dangerous/insane personification for a day (could be longer if you want). I want to see how the other nations react to seeing the country like that again or for the first time. Any nation will do.

Anon admits to being partial Conquistador!Spain BritishEmpirePirate!England, and ManafestDestiny!America, but would really give her left arm for Viking!Sweden. And oh the things that could be done with China. Maybe even Prussia coming back to life as Crusader!Prussia.

Also could make for some good non-con if the author so chooses.

Surprise me Anon. ~ ♥


(The comment has been removed)

Conqueror of Worlds, prt 1: first sweden [1/?] anonymous May 21 2009, 04:30:09 UTC
It was a disease of sorts, they thought as he walked through their homes, bloody axe and sword in hand. No one knew where it'd come from, merely that suddenly Sweden had lost it. Or perhaps a better term was 'gained it'. One night he was as sick as a dog, high fever, vomiting, it was horrible and all the Scandinavian nations were there trying to help him through it. The next day he was gone from his bed, donning ( ... )


Conqueror of Worlds, prt 1: first sweden [2/2] anonymous May 21 2009, 04:31:28 UTC
Sweden just looked at them with mirth in his eyes, bringing his axe up and onto his shoulder. He spoke in a language France didn't recognize before he came at them. He lopped one police man's head clean off his shoulders before twirling and cutting another one's hands off. The other police all took about a second to realize what had happened before one of them shouted, "Tire sure lui!" and resounding gunfire sounded through the air. Sweden merely laughed even when one struck his shoulder, and as quickly as he dispatched the local police he dispatched these men too. He looked down at a fallen France who looked up at him in horror, eyes wandering to all the bodies of his men laying around him ( ... )


Conqueror of Worlds, prt 1: then france [1/?] anonymous May 21 2009, 04:33:07 UTC
When France awoke he was in a warm bed...no make that a hot bed, he wasn't sure but he felt like he was boiling. He moaned as pain filled him and he tried not to move. A gentle hand lay a cold cloth on his forehead electing another moan from him.

"He's got a fever." an thickly accented voice said in English to his left. That...he recognized it, that was England..."probably brought on by his wounds. See to it that he doesn't move."

Some one else, a woman? answered in French and then France knew no more.


When he awoke he suddenly knew he shouldn't be there. That he should be up and about and conquering those weaker than him. He got up from his bed, despite all the nurses and several doctors trying to get him back into it, and quickly left for his house. He went straight to his storage closet where he pulled out his old coat, sword and musket. Now...now was the time of France ( ... )


Conqueror of Worlds, prt 2: then france [2/2] anonymous May 21 2009, 04:34:32 UTC
France stood triumphant over Spain who looked up at him in shock. "Surrender Spaniard!" he shouted, a wicked smile across his face ( ... )


Conqueror of Worlds, prt 3: then Spain [1/2] anonymous May 21 2009, 04:36:32 UTC
Shortly after the attack on Spain the French army retreated back into France and when pursued quietly and quickly surrendered. It seemed as though the French army had no idea why they'd suddenly been sent to attack one of their neighbors and just as quickly were told to pull back and surrender ( ... )


Conqueror of Worlds, prt 3: then Spain [2/2] anonymous May 21 2009, 04:37:50 UTC
It was several days later, Germany was doing paper work in his office, when a maid said he had a guest. He didn't really have the time, he was trying to help the Spanish people out and now they had to protect France too, as Romano decided that 'justice' had to be done and hired a hit man to take the Frenchman out. It was all quite stressful. The maid was quite insistent however, saying that the guest was quite insistent. "Fine send him in..." Germany growled putting his pen away ( ... )


Conqueror of Worlds, prt 4: then Germany [1/2] anonymous May 21 2009, 04:39:20 UTC
Before anyone realized what Spain had done his troops were already gone and the city of Berlin lay in ruin, many people killed and others left for dead. No one knew who to blame or really what had happened, only that suddenly they were invaded and nearly wiped out ( ... )


Conqueror of Worlds, prt 4: then Germany [2/2] anonymous May 21 2009, 04:40:32 UTC
"Wh-What?! What are you asking?!" Japan flushed but he already knew the answer to that ( ... )


Conqueror of Worlds, prt 5: then Japan [1/2] anonymous May 21 2009, 04:42:01 UTC
Germany was found, three days later, carrying an unconscious Japan who was as white as a sheet and shaking like a leaf. He was rushed to a doctors and immediately looked into while Germany was put under scrutiny by all the other nations. The first question on everyone's tongue was why he was wearing an old Nazi uniform. He answered as best he could but honestly he barely remember the last few days. His last memories were when he was in his house doing paper work.

They realized that likely, Germany had come down with the fever and after hearing the extent of Japan's injuries realized Germany had attacked had been him. They also realized that the fever could easily be spread from nation to nation under close contact and so everyone who had it was quarantined until further notice ( ... )


Conqueror of Worlds, prt 5: then Japan [2/2] anonymous May 21 2009, 04:43:15 UTC
England awoke in a room on a cot, his body aching lightly. But he was...in a Japanese house? Why was he...oh yes. A door opened to his left and he turned his eyes to it ( ... )


Conqueror of Worlds, prt 6: then England [1/2] anonymous May 21 2009, 04:44:57 UTC
The world was in a panic now as they discovered it had been Spain who attacked Germany and that Japanese ships were sailing towards America, planes at the ready. It was only through a massive amounts of communication with officials, peacekeeping nearly all over the world and a miracle that they managed to stop the ships from attacking and keep the German people from taking up arms against Spain ( ... )


Conqueror of Worlds, prt 6: then England [2/2] anonymous May 21 2009, 04:46:56 UTC
A resounding slap woke America out of his slumber. "W-Where...?" he asked and looked up to see two glowering Emerald eyes staring straight back at him. He tried to move away but found his arms were bound up above his head. He gasped and looked up at the rope binding them, then back to his captor who was looking hungrily at him. He flushed when he realized he had been stripped him as well. "England! What...? How...? Are you okay?! Have the pirates hurt you ( ... )


Conqueror of Worlds, prt 7: then America [1/2] anonymous May 21 2009, 04:48:50 UTC
Being on a ship with Pirates was dangerous enough but now that England had come back to himself both him and America were in great danger. He no longer was the leader of these men and America was to weak to fight. Careful maneuvering, and acting skills later, England had both of them in a life boat and were heading towards the nearest land. Which happened to be America ( ... )


Conqueror of Worlds, prt 7: then America [2/2] anonymous May 21 2009, 04:50:29 UTC
America, sometime during the night, had made it out of quarantine and all the way to white house. No one had known until the next day, at dawn, troops were marching into Canada and taking it by force. No one could believe what they were seeing, some even calling it a joke. Canada knew differently and quickly scrambled to get his own military to back down, lest a blood bath begin. He knew as long as they met no resistance America would not attack ( ... )


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