Past-Part Fills Part 4--closed

Feb 27, 2011 12:28

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General Relativity - Canada/Teacher!America AU anonymous August 31 2010, 02:50:40 UTC
General Relativity

Based on this request: Alfred as Mr. Jones, the bizarre new teacher at World Academy who's maybe a little too enthusiastic with his space and physics lessons, but somehow still manages to make people learn. Student A's blossoming crush and ensuing pursuit of a relationship with the oblivious teacher (preferably successful, and with some kinky student-topping-teacher sexytiems in the classroom).

Parts I-X:

Parts XI-XVI:


Continued below, at last nearing the still-lengthy end stretch. ♥


anonymous August 31 2010, 03:37:12 UTC
/shows up with a tent, sleeping bag, food supplies, clothes, laptop, etc.

/camps out forever


General Relativity (123/?) anonymous August 31 2010, 04:16:42 UTC
CXXIII. A System of V-Curves Drawn

“I’m not opposing your decision,” said Dr. Bonnefoy. “I’ve been behind you all along, mon cher, and the last thing I want to do is go down in history as a force opposing free love! Why, I’d be no better than Mercutio mocking Romeo’s ardor and idealism, worse than the seneschal that tosses Equitan and his lover into the scalding water to die. I’ve been with you all along, haven’t I ( ... )


General Relativity (124-125/?) anonymous August 31 2010, 04:23:05 UTC
CXXIV. A Perfectly Definite Value of U

“Are you doing anything for Valentine’s Day?”

Matthew peeked over the top of the Goodwill coats rack, right over the bulky black trench coat with cigarette burns and in direct contrast, a white cashmere sweater that must have been organized incorrectly into the shuffle. He felt like he had to be honest. “I don’t really know. I bought you something. I don’t normally celebrate it, though. I mean. I could, if you wanted to. It’s just, all of the commercialism and hype that goes into it, when I feel like if you really-you know, love somebody-you don’t need a special day to show it ( ... )


General Relativity (126-127/?) anonymous August 31 2010, 04:26:40 UTC
CXXVI. A Continuum of Two Dimensions

“Are you going out for Valentine’s Day?” Kiku asked, as they sat on his bed and folded their conjoined laundry into neat, practical squares. They’d run out of fabric softener this week, but Matthew was relieved to find it didn’t make too much of a difference.

“I don’t know,” he said. “I think Alfred wants to.”

“He hasn’t said?”

“Well. Yes, he wants to. He’s said. More or less.”

Kiku gave a slight, barely perceptible frown. “But you don’t.”

There was a streak of robin-egg blue fluff on Matthew’s jeans. He scratched at it, clearing it away with this thumbnail. “Have you ever been so involved with a person-not like dating, I mean enveloped, like they’re twisted in your emotions and thoughts so intricately that you can’t pull them out without, uh, without pulling out parts of yourself-that you’re terrified of being consumed ( ... )


General Relativity (128-129/?) anonymous August 31 2010, 04:32:33 UTC
CXXVIII. The Equations of the Lorentz Transformation Are Valid

“I think it’s safe to say we’re in a serious relationship,” Alfred told him next week. They were sitting in the Willow Room after hours, putting together a few beaten-up solar system models for the astronomy club. The parts were scattered between them, and Matthew was sure he’d accidentally swapped Neptune and Venus around, but Alfred wasn’t talking and Matthew wasn’t asking.

“Um,” he said, distracted, “I think that’s fair to say, yeah.”

Alfred looked relieved. “Right.”

“What did you…?”

“Oh, it’s-so I was thinking about telling my best friends, too.”

Matthew’s busy fingers stalled, the curve of Saturn heavy in his palm. “You mean Ludwig and Feliciano?”

“Yeah. Is that okay?”

It isn’t if I like my spleen to stay where it is, thought Matthew. He forced a gentle smile. “Are you sure they’ll take it all right ( ... )


General Relativity (130-131/?) anonymous August 31 2010, 04:57:40 UTC
CXXX. The Gaussian Co-ordinate System is a Logical Generalization of the Cartesian Co-ordinate System

The breaking point came when Alfred wore the necklace to school again. It took Matthew half of the class period to realize what was perturbing him-he was so used to seeing it dangling from Alfred’s neck outside of campus grounds that it didn’t sink in right away. But he was caught up in dreams yet-stark things that dragged out of his sleep and into the waking world, half-soft images of limbs intertwined and trying to fish the moonlight out of Alfred’s glasses-and when Alfred cheerfully stood up on the stool to demonstrate how you couldn’t actually reach the moon, the colors dappling across the room as the sun hit him were like a slap in the face.

Matthew’s heart thundered. He covered his eyes and willed something to make sense from the cluster of sudden panic. He thought he was going to throw up. He thought he was going to scream He didn’t catch when the bell rang. Absorbed in his disorder, it wasn’t until Alfred tucked ( ... )


Re: General Relativity (130-131/?) anonymous August 31 2010, 05:25:18 UTC
Sweet MERCIFUL LORD anon you're giving me a heartattack D8

Oh God, I'm so terribly relieved that they're going to try to slow down the public advances, because jesus! When Al kissed him in the classroom I wanted to scream at the monitor! What if someone saw them. Oh man, it's probably Edward who's going to spill the beans on them isn't it D'B Him or Ludwig I'm assuming.

“D’you want to come in?” asked Alfred, quietly.

He did.
OhboyOhboyOhboyOhboy, is anything going to happen then? CB

Goddamnit, why are they so adorable! Much love anon <3
captcha: Self-mutilation motely. Omg captcha, I certainly hope not! D8


Re: General Relativity (130-131/?) anonymous August 31 2010, 05:35:43 UTC
“I can’t do anything there,” said Alfred, haltingly. His red-rimmed eyes were bold against his skin; he’d been crying, a little, and Matthew could tell.

WAHHHHHHHHHH, poor Alfred! ;;O;; Matthew just couldn't handle having his two worlds collide so suddenly and so obviously like that. Still, Alfred wasn't wrong to feel something in his heart cry out at Matthew's reaction. I absoultely love how passionate your characters feel! =O Amazing!


General Relativity (132-133/?) anonymous August 31 2010, 05:21:46 UTC
CXXXII. To Formulate More Exactly the Idea of Minkowski

“And you have to stop pushing me to make all the calls,” murmured Matthew, tired in his voice, in his bones, even in his eyelashes. He leaned his head against Alfred’s shoulder and let himself define in all the ways that it was okay to be there. “It’s not fair to me. Or you. Just because you tell me about the stars a few hours a week doesn’t mean that you can’t touch me whenever you feel like it. I expect that ( ... )


Writer!anon's Notes (LJ COMMENT SPACE YOU ARE HATE) anonymous August 31 2010, 05:24:42 UTC
lkasjdl, I... can't help but be disappointed with this update. I had a rough time with it. Sorry! T_T

LOL at Matthew's failed drama; he just can't work himself up that much. Or maybe I just can't dive into anything too devastating, considering there will probably be some intense stuff coming. Thank you so much for all your support, as always. I was surprised at the, er, violent reaction to the last update. (I swear, I thought Dr. Bonnefoy's reaction was vague. Apparently not so.) He is still love, please give him love. XD

Thanks to all who offered advice and such! ♥ And to everyone who's sticking in there. I just… can’t describe how much I appreciate the reassurance and help so many people have offered. I’m sure this fill will disappoint eventually, if it hasn’t already, but I hope it continues to make people happy.

So. Er.

Who wants sex next time?


Re: Writer!anon's Notes (LJ COMMENT SPACE YOU ARE HATE) anonymous August 31 2010, 05:28:08 UTC




Re: Writer!anon's Notes (LJ COMMENT SPACE YOU ARE HATE) anonymous August 31 2010, 05:30:40 UTC


And lots of descriptions of the stars and nebulas and shit.
/coherency puddle of goo.

I love you eAe


Re: Writer!anon's Notes (LJ COMMENT SPACE YOU ARE HATE) anonymous August 31 2010, 05:34:27 UTC

Holy crap, this is one of my favorite fics, srsly. My heart is aching with every update. Even when Alfred and Matthew are being fluffy and adorable, there's this overpowering sense of dread, like something terrible is going to happen. IN A GOOD WAY, I MEAN. I'm enjoying the story immensely.

Um so yeah basically I love you.


Re: Writer!anon's Notes (LJ COMMENT SPACE YOU ARE HATE) anonymous August 31 2010, 05:40:55 UTC

Oh my god, this fic just keeps getting better and better. I seriously get so excited with every update and just AAAAAH I LOVE YOU SO MUCH FOR WRITING THIS


Re: Writer!anon's Notes (LJ COMMENT SPACE YOU ARE HATE) anonymous August 31 2010, 05:44:18 UTC
OH HOW NINJA I FEEL! I pour out my guts in a review, all the while wondering when the next installment of this epicness epic will come when, lo and behold, THIS! XDDD

SEXY TIME! Totally loves! :P This fill couldn't disappoint if it tried, I'm convinced! Speaking of whichhhh! >8D You absolutely cannot go wrong with Matthew/Alfred sex as long as Alfred is bottoming! ^0^! I'm sure your genius can fill in the blanks, as always!


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