Past-Part Fills Part 3 -- CLOSED

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General Relativity - Canada/Teacher!America AU anonymous April 28 2010, 03:52:52 UTC
General Relativity

Based on this request: This anon is dying to see Alfred as Mr. Jones, the bizarre new teacher at World Academy who's maybe a little too enthusiastic with his space and physics lessons, but somehow still manages to make people learn. Even more, she is dying to see Student A's blossoming crush and ensuing pursuit of a relationship with the oblivious teacher (preferably successful, and with some kinky student-topping-teacher sexytiems in the classroom).

Parts I-X:

Parts XI-XVI:

This is not a placeholder. No, this is me taking, like, two hours to post the new parts because I'm busy packing for Japan in between editing ( ... )


General Relativity (23/?) anonymous May 18 2010, 05:31:46 UTC
XXIII. The Experiment of Fizeau

“I’ve got friends in town,” said Mr. Jones.

He said, “You’d probably really like ‘em! We went to grad school together, though you wouldn’t guess in a thousand years what they were studying. We even shared an apartment a while. Feliciano’s the only guy I know that’s a little more messy than I am…”

He told Matthew, “Ludwig’s an engineering genius. He once built me an airplane. Seriously!”

And finally, with a brevity that Matthew wished he could return, came the question: “Wanna meet ‘em?”

Yes, I would like to meet them, was what Matthew was thinking at the time, like one big strand of ‘what-if’s packed together between his ears. I want to find out more about you through them. No, I don’t want to meet them. It makes no sense for me to meet them, why are you asking me this-are you an idiot? Yes, you are. You’re also gorgeous and irresponsibly kind and enthralling, and I’m going to say yes, not because I actually want to do this but because it’ll make you happy. No, that’s such a bad ( ... )


General Relativity (24/?) anonymous May 18 2010, 05:34:58 UTC
XXIV. The Apparent Incompatibility of the Law of Propagation of Light with the Principle of Relativity Ludwig turned out to be a stern man in a cleanly pressed white dress shirt and slacks that seemed fair new; his hair was pulled back severely, and his blue eyes were calculating and worried. He shook Matthew’s hand, a touch over formal, and gave him a bemused smile when they met ( ... )


Re: General Relativity (24/?) anonymous May 18 2010, 05:54:31 UTC
Hooray, the return of Matthew's libido!


These chapters were cute. And now Alfred is dragging him around to meet his friendss... Francis was right. :D

So how was Japan, authoranon? I forgot to ask after the end of Wired Differently (to be honest, my brain kind of short circuited and malfunctioned after that so uh...).


Re: General Relativity (24/?) anonymous May 18 2010, 06:00:14 UTC
Thank you! ♥ And LOL, Francis is totally right (even if Alfred has no idea, ha ha). I've got to make it at least a little easier for Matthew when he finally makes up his mind, yanno.

Oh, Japan was awesome. I wish I was still there! D: I bought a ton of Hetalia stuff and doujinshi (my one weakness, argh), and I saw a lot of really brilliant shrines. I even got to dress up as a samurai in a fake ancient Edo village, and I ate fish stuck on a stick. Thank you for asking!


Re: General Relativity (24/?) anonymous May 18 2010, 06:14:57 UTC
Whomg that sounds fantastic and extremely touristy. I have this flashback to that scene in anime where Alfred is freaking out in joy at the sight of a temple. xD I wish I could go! You sound like you had a lot of fun!

Can't wait for the next few updates then... even less than I've been able to wait for the past few. Must have Francis feeling smug. :3


Re: General Relativity (24/?) anonymous May 18 2010, 06:06:45 UTC
you are amazing,just absolutely amazing
I love the way you write so very much the emotion you put into words is so inspiring, I can't help but feel a little tug of the heart with every chapter

I am usually too shy to write comments showing my adoration but I can't help it with this, i just love it so much

this fill is great and you are great and yes, sorry if I sound like a sap haha


Re: General Relativity (24/?) anonymous May 18 2010, 22:19:40 UTC
*hugs* Thank you so, so much for your sweet comment. ♥

We're all saps here! :D I wear my badge proudly.


Re: General Relativity (24/?) anonymous May 18 2010, 06:08:28 UTC
Anon you are the love of my life and the wind beneath my wings and have made my week by updating.

Can I talk about how I read this fic obsessively because I love America just as much as Canada does? Oh my god, his descriptions of him, his love for him--you can just see and feel America's character through Canada and that is such a beautiful thing. Oh my god, I just want to pick up your America and hug him then stay in his arms forever while I ravish him in the grass and he can push me off and laugh awkwardly at me.

I would also do the same for Canada.

Also Germany and Italy are beautiful in this, they made me smile. Anon I love you. Please ravish me in the grass and have my first born child.


Re: General Relativity (24/?) anonymous May 18 2010, 22:35:31 UTC
♥ ♥ ♥

Thank you so much for the feedback - you're too nice. :D I love you, too~. And I admit, much of Canada's adoration of America probably stems from my own (which admittedly came out of nowhere a while back).

Germany and Italy. So cute. X3 I couldn't resist, I'm a terrible person.

Of course we can make babies together! We can populate an entire island! I will be gentle and feed you Czech poetry, which is always gorgeous.


Re: General Relativity (24/?) anonymous May 18 2010, 06:54:07 UTC
I was both surprised and extremely overjoyed to see Germany and Italy show up. I love that you included them, so much <3

Guh. I love when you update but you always leave me wanting mooooooooooooore but there's no more to read just yet XD


Re: General Relativity (24/?) anonymous May 18 2010, 09:22:50 UTC
Holy crap, anon, you've been busy lately. N-not that I'm complaining... ♥

I just.. I just love this. All of this. Matthew, Alfred, Francis, the odd-screen Arthur; and especially Kiku and Ludwig, who are wonderfully understated.

Feliciano asked Matthew which name he preferred! As someone with an easily contractable name, I really appreciated that; and it's a nice little character moment - Feliciano might be a little air-headed, but he's nice. Really, really nice.

Your Alfred is reminding me how much I love science, how awesome it is. (tl;dr I had a messy break-up with chemistry half-way through my third year, and jumped into bed with religious studies. |D) His enthusiasm rolls right off the screen, about anything and everything and not just his narrow(?) speciality. It's just so much fun. And flicking the sun/creamer package around while teaching? Adorable.

I kind of want to know the story behind that plane Ludwig built...


Re: General Relativity (24/?) anonymous May 18 2010, 09:25:12 UTC
^ "off-screen Arthur" whoops ^^;


Re: General Relativity (24/?) anonymous May 21 2010, 01:10:26 UTC
Uwaaah, thank you so much for your sweet comments~ ♥

Don't we all have messy breakups with chem in college? >.>;; (Rather, I tried to be friends, and chemistry BIT ME.) But I did discover a love of physics even if I fail utterly at it. It's a bit like poetry. Er. In that it's not.

Thank you so much for commenting! And as for the airplane...

Well, you'll see later. ;)


Re: General Relativity (24/?) anonymous May 18 2010, 18:02:39 UTC


Re: General Relativity (24/?) anonymous May 18 2010, 18:57:16 UTC much awesome. Seriously there are only two writers on this meme that can make he say without hesitation that I would always read Can/Am/Can as long as they were writing it...and you are one of them ( ... )


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