Past-Part Fills Part 3 -- CLOSED

Feb 26, 2011 13:34

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General Relativity - Canada/Teacher!America AU anonymous April 28 2010, 03:52:52 UTC
General Relativity

Based on this request: This anon is dying to see Alfred as Mr. Jones, the bizarre new teacher at World Academy who's maybe a little too enthusiastic with his space and physics lessons, but somehow still manages to make people learn. Even more, she is dying to see Student A's blossoming crush and ensuing pursuit of a relationship with the oblivious teacher (preferably successful, and with some kinky student-topping-teacher sexytiems in the classroom).

Parts I-X:

Parts XI-XVI:

This is not a placeholder. No, this is me taking, like, two hours to post the new parts because I'm busy packing for Japan in between editing ( ... )


Re: General Relativity (19/?) anonymous April 28 2010, 22:06:42 UTC
This fill makes me so incredibly happy, I don't even. . .



Re: General Relativity (19/?) anonymous April 29 2010, 10:32:58 UTC
Stuffed whale... happy stuffed whale... SO MUCH LOVE!

I love the slow, steady pace of this fic, because it feels like falling in love so gradually that you don`t know what happened until you look back on it and see sunshine and stuffed whales and shared yogurt cups, and they`re all shining like stars. Honestly, so much love for this story and for you. <3

And welcome to Japan! Warning, it`ll be Golden Week when you get here, and it`s CRAZY then!!


Re: General Relativity (19/?) anonymous April 30 2010, 04:19:43 UTC
I leave in about six hours... I can't wait! X3 I love Japan so much. I'd live there, if I could get a job.

Thank you so much for the lovely feedback. ♥ So much love for you, too~

I always coordinate my visits with Golden Week, since that's when my friend I stay with has time off. XD I have yet to see a "non-Golden Week" Japan, LOL.


OP anonymous April 30 2010, 02:31:24 UTC
I'm a little freaked because...for I think the past two times now, when I've updated my WIP...something of yours updates too, and I just think to myself 'Is this karma?' XD

Nnn, I don't think I'll ever get over how awesome this all is. Their interactions are just so cute, and you make even their most casual moments seem so soft and sincere. I feel like I'm falling in love right along with Matthew.

The whale bit was utterly adorable, and I greatly enjoyed seeing it move around he and Kiku's place, haha. And Alfred talking about the Kool-Aid, just rambling XD Oh, Al~

Favorite line: And every morning, Matthew woke up to reality; it was cold on his bare toes.There's just something about it that I really, really enjoy. I imagine the metaphor, short but very relateable, and so easily capable of describing his feelings ( ... )


Re: OP anonymous April 30 2010, 04:24:15 UTC
I am sorely tempted to go hunt down and try to guess which fill is yours. XD XD FATE HAS CHOSEN.

Thank you so much for the lovely feedback. Your consistent support of the story has meant so much to me. ♥ Especially since I started it on a whim (I'm normally not into "school AU" stories). Thank you, thank you, thank you.

I am a sucker for headcanon, anytime I do an AU. XD I have to shove all sorts of canon tidbits in (and many more will appear). Matthew's ability devour pancakes is completely true, too; he could almost beat out Alfred in a contest. (Alfred totally digs early rap. Like, 80s style rap, too. The kind that involved bright, froofy shirts and backwards caps.)

And also, yes, your comment makes total sense. :D I'm going for a casual, natural read (almost all of mine tend to), so I'm so happy it's getting through.

Good luck on your tests! ♥ And have fun on your own vacation - Virginia Beach ain't nothin' to laugh at. Mmmm.


Re: OP anonymous April 30 2010, 04:40:09 UTC
Haha, feel free. You can even consider it getting even for me spotting several of yours XD I'd just tell you, but where'd be the fun in that?

You're very much welcome <3 This has definitely been the greatest fill I've ever received, so it's only fair that I tell you as much. So, really, thank you as well. I love seeing the way you've developed the request It even helps me get better test scores. You see, I use them as incentive if they come out right before a test, a kind of 'You can read it...once you stop procrastinating and study!' Lagging in my comments are likely due to that XD


Re: General Relativity (19/?) anonymous May 1 2010, 16:45:08 UTC

Teehee, this song reminds me of this fill, so everytime I hear it I smile.


Re: General Relativity (19/?) anonymous May 14 2010, 04:35:05 UTC
:| It's Mr. Watson by Ke$ha. stupid youtube


Fanart anonymous May 12 2010, 05:56:21 UTC
I had wayy too much free time today and doodled fanart for this ^^;

... )


Re: Fanart anonymous May 13 2010, 04:26:09 UTC
Not author!anon OR OP!anon but I love these all the same <3


... OP is speechless and clings wantonly. anonymous May 13 2010, 04:37:08 UTC

You just - that's - I don't even...!

*clings pathetically* I love you, fanart!anon. ♥ ♥ ♥

Oh my gosh, I've never gotten fanart, what's the etiquette?! XD;; I'm totally blindsided. Especially by your awesome. You are just so good - how natural the posture is when you draw the body forms, the perfect (PERFECT) Matthew, the freaking adorable whale being exactly as I'd imagined... My God. Seriously. Your talent. I just. And they're both so cute.

Can I just say that the first one has a level of detail that fascinates me? GET OUT OF MY BRAIN. WAIT. NO, NEVER LEAVE IT, I LOVE YOU. How Mr. Jones' legs stick out further into the space under the table, the way his sleeves aren't buttoned, the lean into his hand. That's just like how I'd imagined. And oh Matthew. He is utterly perfect. His blush, the expression on his face when he watches Mr. Jones is just... argh ( ... )


Re: DoodleAnon anonymous May 13 2010, 13:17:39 UTC
You don't have to do anything O:}
The only thing I could possibly want is more of this story lol

I was seriously bored at my desk and just remembered this fill and my two favorite parts<3
I couldn't draw anything too involved, lest it give away the fact that I am bored to death at my desk...

But thanks for the too-awesome review, it makes me happy just reading it ;D


Re: Fanart anonymous May 15 2010, 18:46:45 UTC
*flails and squeals* Dammit, I don't have a brain anymore, the cute of that second picture has KILLED IT UTTERLY.
Is it weird that I want to pet Matt's hair? Cuz I so totally want to pet it. It looks so sooooft~ /weirdness


General Relativity (20/?) anonymous May 18 2010, 04:57:39 UTC
XX. The Lorentz Transformation “This is our sun,” Mr. Jones told him, placing the near-empty creamer cup on top of the napkin dispenser. He glanced up as if to check and make sure Matthew was paying attention, his mouth quirking. “This half-and-half creamer is five billion years old and counting ( ... )


General Relativity (21-22/?) anonymous May 18 2010, 05:01:37 UTC
XXI. The Heuristic Value of the Theory of Relativity

The world went on, and Matthew did other things with his time. He read books and wrote papers that received appropriate praise; he helped Dr. Bonnefoy paint a mural in the student lounge, mostly by carrying paint cans here and there; he wrote home and asked his mom to send his skates to school; he tried to learn some basic Latin. Nights fell, mornings stumbled in, and Matthew always felt incredibly ordinary right up until he saw Mr. Jones.

Mr. Jones liked taking Matthew out for pancakes during their study time. He liked telling Matthew about the universe over coffee and buttered toast. He liked giving him things: old journal articles, VHS tapes, a little dog pendant, a mug that said ‘Where No Man Has Ever Gone Before.’ He never had a good reason, or even tried to give one. He just beamed at Matthew, pushed the bauble across the table, and told a story about it.

Matthew couldn’t bring himself to throw these things away. He also had no idea what it meant, if anything ( ... )


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