Hetalia Kink meme part 8 -- CLOSED

Feb 26, 2011 14:01

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 8



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Brandenburg and Prussia anonymous November 5 2009, 15:45:25 UTC
Come on, we need more fills about the Nation who was apparently Not-Married to Prussia (His Charactor Sheet says Prussia was 'never married', IIRC)

Bonus : Interesting OC!Brandenburg(s) a definite plus.


Lindens In Bloom anonymous November 5 2009, 15:51:33 UTC
This story takes place in the same universe as 'The Wall' and 'Deny Her Name', and is a side story to both.

'The Wall' : http://hetalia-kink.livejournal.com/10456.html?thread=22417368#t22417368

'Deny Her Name' : http://hetalia-kink.livejournal.com/10456.html?thread=22509784#t22509784


Lindens In Bloom - Part 1 anonymous November 5 2009, 15:53:59 UTC
Her hair had been golden like the sun and her eyes the color of the bright blue skies, Annaliese, dearest Brandenburg.

"You're a strange, strange man, Gilbert!" She had laughed when their territories had first become 'united', sharing a Leader in common.

Things had changed somewhat later on, when one day, she had woken up in a battlefield tent, Annaliese frantically trying to clean her up and bind up her wounds.

"Really, Gilbert - Or whatever your name really is - you should have told me. What's the use of getting married if you don't even know you're husband's really a girl? - And what's your name, anyway? Oh, never mind, Sweden's coming - now shut up and stay under the covers ( ... )


Lindens In Bloom - Part 2 anonymous November 5 2009, 15:55:19 UTC
"This is my good friend and cousin, Maria Beilschmidt!"

Maria twitched. Sure, putting on dresses and such had been fun, she had to admit, but - being on display like this was another matter entirely, especially while all of 'Lady Annaliese's friends ohh'd and aah'd.

" - Cousin?" She's hissed at her, later on.

"Well, I couldn't really tell them I was married to you, now could I. - Maria?"


"...You don't really mind being a Beilschmidt, right?"

She still remembered that Annalise had looked, for once in her life, somewhat hesitant.

"- It's...alright."

" - Good."

And then, Annaliese had kissed her, under the linden tree, while the white flowers bloomed.


Lindens In Bloom - Part 3 anonymous November 5 2009, 16:00:41 UTC
If either of them was to fade, she should have, she thought.

Annaliese was Brandenburg, which had been the one of the main seats of power of the House of Hohenzollern for centuries, while the Duchy of Prussia had been this - cobbled together thing.

Don't worry, Maria, silly. I'll be with you tommorow.

" - So. You gonna be alright?"

Maria blinked, looking at the young woman in front of her. Royal - Polish - Prussia looked back at her, fearlessly.

"...We don't look exactly alike any more, do we?"

"No, duh. We haven't been identical twins for a while, now, you know ( ... )


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