Hetalia Kink meme part 8 -- CLOSED

Feb 26, 2011 14:01

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 8



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Lindens In Bloom - Part 3 anonymous November 5 2009, 16:00:41 UTC
If either of them was to fade, she should have, she thought.

Annaliese was Brandenburg, which had been the one of the main seats of power of the House of Hohenzollern for centuries, while the Duchy of Prussia had been this - cobbled together thing.

Don't worry, Maria, silly. I'll be with you tommorow.

" - So. You gonna be alright?"

Maria blinked, looking at the young woman in front of her. Royal - Polish - Prussia looked back at her, fearlessly.

"...We don't look exactly alike any more, do we?"

"No, duh. We haven't been identical twins for a while, now, you know?"

Ew. Of all the things her twin sister had to pick up from her Masters, or one Master in particular if she was getting technical...

And her twin did look a little more like Feliks and Toris now, Maria did have to admit.

"...But anyway, you're a little taller and a little more stacked, and your hair's sort of different too, but most of the difference is..."

Her twin poked her in the chest, then. "Here."

Yes, that was true. Maria knew that. Brandenburg's lands now resonated with her, she knew this. And Annaliese - was there, too. Somehow.

Don't worry, Maria, silly. I'll be with you tommorow. And even if I'm not...

But. But...

" - So how are you fairing in Poland and Lithuania's House?" Maria asked. Well, it wasn't like she didn't know most of it, but...

"Not bad, not bad. Hey, I'm the part that wanted to be part of Felik's household, remember?

Well, true, that. But...

"One day, you will be one with me again." Maria told her, in all seriousness.

"Maybe, maybe not." Her twin shrugged, strangely looking more like Feliks then ever for that moment.

"Though it might be you becoming one with me, you know? - So let's not try to get destroyed or something until then, hmmm?"

"Very well, then." Maria watched on as her twin - not really identical any longer, but still twins, yes - walked away into the sunlight.

Don't worry, Maria, silly. I'll be with you tommorow. And even if I'm not...I'll be with you, anyway. Here.

A slender finger, poking at where her heart beat.

For ever and ever.


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