Hetalia Kink meme part 8 -- CLOSED

Feb 26, 2011 14:01

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 8



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Comments 9019

anonymous November 3 2009, 13:31:49 UTC
Rome/Germania or Germania/Rome

I don't care so much what's going on.. but please be making Germania the taller one? When reading fics he always seems to be described as the shorter one... where historically Germans were taller then Romans.

Bonus: Rome yanking Germania's face down for a kiss rather then standing on his tip toes.


Heaven Help Them 1/1 anonymous November 5 2009, 14:56:49 UTC
"How did it go ( ... )


Re: Heaven Help Them 1/1 anonymous November 5 2009, 15:17:49 UTC
Eeee thank you <3 You have made the OP so happy X3 It was adorable, I absolutely loved it <3

pfff... poor Lovino though XD


Re: Heaven Help Them 1/1 anonymous November 5 2009, 16:30:07 UTC
Oh, my! Melikes, AnonWriter!


someone/America, Tik Tok anonymous November 3 2009, 13:33:27 UTC
We can start requesting here?

Well then... Apparently trashy-glam is the In-thing in the States now. As much as I'd like to come down against that, this song is addicting in it's catchy pop trashy-glamness: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ra0CWBW9aY

Therefore OP would like to request something with this song and America. Him grooving to it or acting out the lyrics in the fill or anything like that. A fill inspired by this song, with America, because I see him having that sort of wild "don't stop, make it pop" spirit.

Can be anyone/America - England, Canada, France, whoever. Just as long as America bottoms! Must have that sort of letting loose feeling on America's part. The being wild and letting go and not caring if he's being a little trashy and slutty so long as he's having fun.


But the Party Don't Stop, No [1/?] anonymous November 3 2009, 18:17:44 UTC
This was too fun to pass up, and mentioning Framerica just set all sorts of bells off in my head like you wouldn’t believe. Hence, this. Because fandom needs moar Framerica, and I’ve already written England/Canada. Hope you enjoy this, anons.

Club that they’re dancing at is based off of Apex, in Washington DC. Pictures and details can be found here: http://www.apex-dc.com/

“You should come down to D.C. a few days early, Francis.”

Francis freezes, his long gold hair glittering in the dim light where it isn’t wrapped around the teeth of his brush. “Well,” he says, just to taste the word on his tongue. To try it out. “Well,” he says again, putting his brush down, “that certainly sounds intriguing.”

“Interesting choice of words,” Alfred murmurs, and Francis can just picture those half-lidded eyes, that cocky, Southern sun-soaked smile. “You make it sound like I have other motives than the political.”

“Cher, you only use that particular tone of voice when you have ( ... )


Re: But the Party Don't Stop, No [1/?] anonymous November 3 2009, 18:55:32 UTC
So fast, anon.
And the fill's really lovely, can't wait for the next part


OP anonymous November 3 2009, 22:27:46 UTC
*catches breath*

Oh, anon, this is fantastic! How did you know I adore this pairing?! And Alfred's tone... *shivers with lust* France being both curious and turned on is so like him - a bit thrown of the the novelty but turned on by it as well. His slight arrogance, but also his smoothness, it's all perfect. I can envision all of this perfectly.

Thank you so much; I can't wait for the next part!!


\o/ anonymous November 3 2009, 13:38:45 UTC
Italy/Romano/Germany, the Italians topping the hell out of him and Germany loving it (even if he tries to pretend that he doesn't)


Saucier Than Pasta. [1/?] anonymous November 9 2009, 06:33:27 UTC
Germany struggled with the handcuffs that bound his hands behind his back, the metal digging into his skin as a result.

His eyes turned wearily to the two Italians in front of him who smirked, more so the older one.

“Italy. Let me go. Now.” He growled, though not for much longer as the younger of the two brothers hit his exposed nipple with a riding crop. Stifling a moan, Ludwig’s neck turned red. “I-Italy-”

Another hit, along with a soft stroke that lead down to his naval before stopping. Germany shivered at how sensitive his skin had become, and how much his lower body was eager for more.

“Ah, ah, Germany. You always tell us to behave. Now it‘s your turn.” Feliciano tittered, drawing the riding crop back into both of his hands. Meanwhile, Romano stepped forward, his smug smirk being forever emblazed in Ludwig’s mind.

“You’re at our mercy now, Potato Bastard.”

Germany’s eyes fluttered close and he grit his teeth at what seemed like anger, when really he tried to regain control of himself.

What’s wrong with me ( ... )


Saucier Than Pasta. [2/8] anonymous November 9 2009, 06:35:15 UTC
“I don’t take advantage of your bro-” He was slapped on the cheek, hard. Shocked, Ludwig’s eyes slowly trailed to the older brother. He didn’t really just do what he thought he did?

“I never said you could talk.” Romano hissed.

Germany glowered at Romano, opening his mouth to speak. But instead of an insulting response, a low moan slithered out from the back of his throat, his back arching slightly.

Feliciano smiled at Ludwig, continuing to nip and suck at the German’s neck.

“Ah..Fratello,” Feliciano spoke between kisses, and Ludwig tried to contain all of his noises.

“Maybe,” nip. “you,” suck. “should,” bite. “ah, help?” Nibble.Romano looked at Ludwig’s face, which looked pained and restrained, his mouth moving slowly as tiny noises escaped them ( ... )


Saucier Than Pasta. [3/8] anonymous November 9 2009, 06:36:14 UTC
Feliciano sighed, almost disappointedly, before he grasped Ludwig’s face between his hand, forcing the German to look at him ( ... )


Liet+Latvia x Virgin!Russia anonymous November 3 2009, 13:39:22 UTC
Latvia and Lithuana topping the hell out of Virgin!Russia

I don't exactly care about if it's DP or not as long as it is NOT WORKSAFE xD


Softly: Correct Fill anonymous March 10 2010, 15:19:58 UTC
(Please ignore the previous Softly posts. A deletion request has been sent ( ... )


Re: Softly: Correct Fill anonymous March 10 2010, 15:20:58 UTC
The next thing he semi-consciously observed were the two Baltics leaning over him. He blinked languidly and put the back of a hand over his eyes. He was dreaming again. The Baltics were gone, and certainly would not have looked upon him with such expressions even if they had remained with him. He remembered all too clearly the stricken terror that filled a room instantly at his entrance. Honestly, he hadn't meant any of it. He hadn't intended to harm any of them as he had. He just wanted... He wanted to be needed; relied upon for everything, which was, he believed, the closest he could come to being wanted. He had collected the little countries around him and taken responsibility for them ( ... )


Re: Softly: Correct Fill anonymous March 10 2010, 15:22:03 UTC
When they parted, Latvia licked his lips with a smile and Lithuania turned his attentions next to Ivan. Lips were pressed against his, and at first he was too afraid to respond in any way. Toris frowned slightly and pulled away to look into his eyes. The fear there did not truly surprise him. He had learned far more of the country than Ivan ever had from the rest of his house. Not only because he had forced his culture upon them while drowning their own out, but becuase Lithuania was naturally observant. Raivis laid back and wrapped his small arms around the man's chest reassuringly ( ... )


France x fem!England anonymous November 3 2009, 13:55:31 UTC
student!fem!England and teacher!France
you know what to do with this

bonus: the sexier the better


l'enseignant [1/2] anonymous November 6 2009, 01:50:19 UTC
FIRST: I'm sorry there's no actual sex... I just couldn't get there. This is probably so far from what you want lmao .......EITHER WAY perhaps some anon who reads will learn a little French for the road.


“Non~ that isn’t the right answer, Mademoiselle Kirkland.”

The blond’s lips pursed into a pout as her eyebrows knit together. “But, I can’t possibly mimic your accent. You’re just too bloody FrenchFrancis laughed, his hand waving through the air. “Perhaps that is so.” He came to sit on the top of the desk next to the student and smiled that secretive smile of his whenever a grand idea flashed into his mind. His eyes wandered slightly, they couldn’t help it -- his student’s legs were tucked beneath the desk, crossed so daintily at the ankles. The plaid skirt of her uniform gently caressed the top of her creamy thighs ( ... )


l'enseignant [2/2] anonymous November 6 2009, 01:51:43 UTC
Francis’s eyes locked on hers. The looked that crossed the girl’s face this time was rather defiant, as if to dare him to go further. Well, he never was one to not oblige a lady. Again, his hand traveled further to just underneath her skirt, obviously rubbing the smooth skin of her thigh. “Here ( ... )


anonymous November 6 2009, 02:37:36 UTC

That was amazing anon, hot even without the sex! ♥


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