Hetalia Kink meme part 8 -- CLOSED

Feb 26, 2011 14:01

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 8



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Softly: Correct Fill anonymous March 10 2010, 15:19:58 UTC
(Please ignore the previous Softly posts. A deletion request has been sent.)

Latvia and Lithuania took one last glance at eachother. The look held a hundred different questions and they silently agreed on the answer. Yes, they were going to do this. The two Baltics sat on either side of their former captor. Russia was quite intent on the third bottle they had ordered. He had downed most of it, as well as the other two, with Toris and Raivis merely making a show of drinking with him. To celebrate a new start, they said. Grudges had been held long enough to be ridiculous. The truth was, that America had made him a fool to the world and it had made him... Human, for lack of a better word. Even Raivis no longer shook in his presence. It had given them the boost of confidence to plan this evening. Eduard had declined a place in the proceedings. He had never had the strange connection with the man as his brothers had and felt no need to disturb his peace for their benefit. Russia had shown up for the liquor and because he had nothing better planned. And because his house was so empty and he so eternally alone.

Latvia had slyly been slipping powder into the former super power's shots for some time now. Luckily he had agreed to the use of shot glasses, or they might have had to down quite a lot of the mixture themselves. It took quite a lot to affect the country, with his great mass, and Toris was having a difficult time flirting as a distraction without the man acting on the encouragement. He nearly called the whole thing off as he felt a hand on his thigh, but Raivis leaned back and gave him the thumbs up.

Russia was rambling, as he had been for some time now. They hadn't really been paying attention to what he was actually saying. Something about his canal and mortar made of bodies. It really seemed to agitate him, but his expression was clearing, and Raivis suggested that they go upstairs, to his rented room. Forty, even twenty, years ago this would have been unthinkable. He probably would have hyperventilated before he could even utter a word. The bartender paid them no more notice than he had the rest of the time they had been there, but proceeded to close up.

The weight of the country that would have to be balanced between them had failed to enter into their plans. It was a real struggle for the two much smaller countries, and Russia helped not one bit as he leaned haphazardly on one shoulder, then the other, stumbling up the stairs with them as best he could. The vodka. There had been enough vodka this time, he rejoiced in his head. For years now, he had fallen into the habit of trying to drink himself into a state of happiness, or at least into a temporary coma. His country pretty much ran itself these days and he was miserable and utterly, eternally alone. There was no one who really wanted him. Not even delusional Belarus, who liked to force onto him her vision of what he ought to be. The best he could hope for was the peace of absolute oblivion through alcohol.


Re: Softly: Correct Fill anonymous March 10 2010, 15:20:58 UTC
The next thing he semi-consciously observed were the two Baltics leaning over him. He blinked languidly and put the back of a hand over his eyes. He was dreaming again. The Baltics were gone, and certainly would not have looked upon him with such expressions even if they had remained with him. He remembered all too clearly the stricken terror that filled a room instantly at his entrance. Honestly, he hadn't meant any of it. He hadn't intended to harm any of them as he had. He just wanted... He wanted to be needed; relied upon for everything, which was, he believed, the closest he could come to being wanted. He had collected the little countries around him and taken responsibility for them.

Lithuania pulled his hand away from his eyes and looked down at him. Little sparks crossed his vision from the weight of his hand, but it was the same expression looking down at him. It was a million feelings in one, but there was something impossible there. There was, of course, the newly discovered happiness of self-determination, the sadness heaped upon him year after year, and deeper down was the anger and exhaustion from all of it. On top of all of these, there was something like what he had come to think of as... love. He had seen it between many other countries. Even during exasperation and downright anger, Japan had it for Korea, and England for America, to name only a couple. No one had ever chosen to look upon him with such an expression. No one had any reason to.

A weight was added to the bed on his right, and he realized that it was little Latvia moving to lie with him. He had no clothing on, and Ivan now realized that Lithuania was in the same state. To be accurate, all three of them were completely naked. If they were going to harm him, as he without a doubt deserved... Why were they naked as well? Not that he would complain. The soft warmth of skin was heaven against his own.

With his in and out attention, he realized suddenly that his scarf too was missing, and he started to panic like a child awakening without their security blanket, but it was placed wordlessly in his hand by Lithuania who had sensed his need. He wished that he could move to a less vulnerable position, but his head was still full of a happy haze and he remained on his back. The pillows were wonderfully soft and Latvia pressed against him even as he sat up.

The Baltics exchanged a kiss over him, Latvia forcing his tongue past his brother's lips. Russia watched the way their soft lips melted together, their cheeks flushed, and Lithuania closed his eyes while Latvia's remained open slightly. It was obviously ingrained paranoia, and Russia was saddened by the idea that it was his own fault. How many times had he sprung apon the boy without warning, whether for good or bad? He could never be sure of what would happen next and probably only let his guard down in sleep, if even then. Russia himself was prone to striking out at anyone who happened upon him in those small hours and it was possible that the smaller country had inherited that ability. It would be unthinkable to ask merely to assuage his curiosity.


Re: Softly: Correct Fill anonymous March 10 2010, 15:22:03 UTC
When they parted, Latvia licked his lips with a smile and Lithuania turned his attentions next to Ivan. Lips were pressed against his, and at first he was too afraid to respond in any way. Toris frowned slightly and pulled away to look into his eyes. The fear there did not truly surprise him. He had learned far more of the country than Ivan ever had from the rest of his house. Not only because he had forced his culture upon them while drowning their own out, but becuase Lithuania was naturally observant. Raivis laid back and wrapped his small arms around the man's chest reassuringly.

"We are not here to harm you." Lithuania said in the soft voice he used for other injured animals. Raivis pressed kisses to Ivan's cheek and eyelids fluttered gently against his stark white skin. Ivan was starting to haze out again.

"I hurt you. I hurt you all." He paused. "The vodka... You drugged me."

"So that you would listen." Raivis answered before his brother could, between kisses.

There were tears burning his eyes. How long had it been since he had known the helpless feeling of release which they brought, rather than replaced it with anger and aggressive action? "I didn't mean to."

"We know." Toris smiled slightly and tilted his head in an adorable manner. "It took a long time, but we can forgive you. You are not the monster that once haunted our lives. You are our Russia, and in as much pain as we were."

The next time that Russia phased into consciousness, Raivis was stroking his neck softly as he spread kisses across his shoulders and chest. Toris had gone lower, to trail kisses down the patch of hair that led down from his belly button. Happy Trail, America had once called it. Whatever that meant. It had made Canada blush scarlet.

He managed to push himself up into a sitting position and get his arms around Raivis's shoulders to pull him tightly against his broad chest. Raivis yipped, but a glance from Toris kept him from yanking away. He trusted his brother and tentatively returned the embrace. Ivan shuddered as Toris's tongue lapped across his penis, completely limp. Something would have to be done about that. He took the length in one hand and pulled slowly and gently on it. Russia whimpered and bit down on Raivis's shoulder. He cried out in pain and Lithuania was there, tilting Ivan's head away from the deep wound.

"No. You can't hurt him." Toris chided, as if at a child, that being Russia's current frightened state of mind. He was dangerously close to relapsing into the abusive self-defence he had during the Soviet years. This was the reason for the drugging. So that he would listen openly without burying his emotions beneath carefully constructed layers.


Re: Softly: Correct Fill anonymous March 10 2010, 15:22:54 UTC
The larger country communicated his apology and Raivis nodded, resisting the urge to rub the painful mark.

"I've never... No one ever..." Russia was unsure how to phrase it. He had never been taken. He had never taken another, and he was frightened of their warm touches, even those innocent of all sexual intent. He had never even touched himself. The cold was too ever present. Raivis looked surprised, but not Lithuania. What else could have accounted for his reaction? Rape, perhaps, but who could have held down such a man? No, he had known the reason behind the action as soon as it had happened.

"Raivis, trade with me?" He asked of his brother, and he held Ivan against him as Raivis slid down to lick his half-hard member. Russia moaned, clasped his scarf in a death grip, and buried his face in Lithuania's shoulder as his soft blonde hair was petted. The smallest took the muscle in his mouth and alternately sucked and licked, tangling the tips of his fingers in the wiry patch of hair just above, which was still slightly wet from Toris's tongue..

An urgent need filled his belly down and Ivan gasped against Lithuania's skin. "I'm going to.. Toris, please stop him... Please, I'm going to..." But Toris hushed him. The use of his name pleased him greatly. It brought them to the same level. Always it had been Lithuania and Russia, formal and reminding all of their positions. He was frightened by his impending orgasm and embarrassed that he was going to come in the presence of others, let alone in someone's mouth.

"It's okay, Ivan. He wants you to."

Raivis picked up the words and readied himself. The cock on which he sucked was already quite large and he was taking it as deep as he could. This meant that his load would be shot straight down his throat, and he had to be careful not to gag. His eyes squeezed shut as he felt the man tense and jerk, and he swallowed the jets of cum. Being deep against his throat, the swallowing motions made Russia twitch further in over-sensitivity. His cries were swallowed by Lithuania's sudden kisses.

When Raivis was quite sure that he had finished, he let it slip from his mouth and licked away the last drops. He crawled back up to kiss both his brother and the shivering Russia. He twined their fingers together and allowed Toris to speak for both of them.

"You are one of us now. We invited you to celebrate a new beginning. Not only ours, but yours."

It was some time before Russia stopped shivering and would open his eyes, but he wouldn't look at them even then. Toris tugged his chin up with the curve of a finger to look into Raivis's eyes. Raivis smiled encouragingly. He knew fear, oh yes, even more than his brother. He understood the wicked chilling of the soul, and if he was not afraid, why should Russia be? He looked from one to the other.

"And now?" He asked. He didn't feel so tired anymore. Perhaps the drugs had run their course. He had no way of telling, having no idea of what Latvia might have scrounged up.

In response, Toris straddled him and Raivis sat behind him, legs on either side of his own, erection pressed to the small of his back. His neck and shoulders were sucked at again; harder this time, enough to leave marks. The time for gentle caution was over. Child-sized hands came beneath his arms and fingertips brushed against his nipples. Ivan sighed and his head lolled back against Raivis's shoulder. There was no time for Latvia to worry about the crushing weight because he sat bolt upright again as Toris rubbed against his cock. This time he gave in to the feeling and closed his eyes. His breath came in small pants that increased in frequency as he hardened again. Toris's own erection was dabbing precum on his abdomen.


Re: Softly: Correct Fill anonymous March 10 2010, 15:24:07 UTC
"Ready?" Ivan realized that he had been asked a question and opened one eye, unsure as to what would come next.

"...Yes?" He ventured, and was rewarded with a bright smile from Toris.

"We'll be gentle. It will be okay." He was reassured, though the words, had they not been delivered so confidently, would have sent him into a panic.

Toris rolled back onto the mattress, tugging Ivan with him until the man was on his hands and knees over the other man and Toris had both legs pressed to his sides, coaxing the erection’s wet head toward his puckered anus, which twitched in the cool air of the room. He grasped Ivan's hand in his own and guided it to feel the hot lubricant that slicked his entrance. They had come prepared for this, and it assuaged his worry somewhat. Hands still together, they guided his erection in and Toris threw his head back, gasping in pain and delight. There was no way around the initial stretching pain, but it quickly faded and Ivan could ease his entire cock into him with little effort. It was very nearly sucked into the wet heat. Ivan's eyes were wide as he watched Toris pant beneath him and their hips were drawn together by the Baltic state. Behind him, his brother had risen to his knees and cupped the Russian's balls in his hand, rolling them gently.

Toris yanked Ivan down to his level by the shoulder and whispered in his ear a command. "Fuck me, Ivan." And he did so, instinct setting in. He just kept pressing his cock into the man, head shaft and base, and pulling it out again in a steady motion. He was concentrating on this and nearly bit his lip bloody as he felt Raivis's fingers trail up from his testicles to press against the entrance above them, between his smooth cheeks. The fingers were as slick as he had felt inside Toris and slipped in easily to prepare him.

"Just look at me." Toris managed, holding his head still with his hands on either side. "It will be okay." When Raivis pressed his erection against the prepared entrance, Ivan clenched in fear, but quickly realized that this was not helping. The tighter he clenched, the more intense the pain, so he forced himself to relax and receive the Baltic.

When the boy had slid in to the point that his balls smacked audibly against Ivan's, he realized shamefully how much larger he was than either of the other two. How he must be hurting Lithuania... But the other seemed to be enjoying himself fully. He was watching Ivan's eyes carefully for any warning signs and was relieved to see that he would not have to worry. He coaxed the larger to continue his thrusting by raising his hips up to meet him. Raivis maintained his position by planting his hands flat on the man’s sweat-slick back.

After a short while of mismatched thrusting, they set into a rhythm somehow, with Ivan's deep thrusts and Raivis's quicker pace. It was an odd sensation, being dominated by those above and below him. At length, he felt Raivis shoot his load up into him and the twitching, pulsing motions threw him off until he came inside Lithuania. This time it was Raivis's hand which awkwardly guided Ivan's to Liet's straining red dick and together they brought him to orgasm. The angle meant that he got quite a lot of his own cum on his face, and he licked it from his lips before wiping the rest with the back of his hand. Ivan leaned down to lick away the last bit just above his left eye.

Both took their turn to kiss Ivan, and they smiled as he imitated them, unsure as to how his lips should be moving. He would learn.

They slept, one brother pressed to each side, and Ivan fell asleep in warmth for the first time.

(Hope you liked, all. Especially OP. I am working on a much more brutal fill for the same request, if this was too fluffy for you.)


Re: Softly: Correct Fill anonymous July 11 2010, 16:26:00 UTC
*_* Very nice, anon, very nice indeed.


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