Part 6!

Feb 26, 2011 13:31

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 6



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No Known Cure (1/?) anonymous August 3 2009, 20:00:09 UTC
On this like England on tea. (Or is it tea on England?) Normally Author!Annon finishes fills in one go, so this will be my first epic!fill. Hope it doesn't epic!fail... I'll try to update regularly ( ... )


Re: No Known Cure (1/?) anonymous August 3 2009, 20:05:02 UTC
Author!Annon says sorry for teh shortness and lack of doctor!'s coming I swear!


Re: No Known Cure (1/?) anonymous August 4 2009, 06:12:02 UTC
Looks good so far anon!


OP is very happy :) anonymous August 4 2009, 07:04:08 UTC
Someone's filling this? Yay ( ... )


Re: No Known Cure (2a/?) anonymous August 4 2009, 18:24:50 UTC
I hope no one shoots me for Alfred’s new name ( ... )


Re: No Known Cure (2b/?) anonymous August 4 2009, 18:27:19 UTC
Ten years pass since the attacks on the United States. There is still so much damage, though it is concentrated in the urban areas. Thousands of lives were lost. Most of the major American cities are in ruins, though rebuilding is taking place. Disease is running rampant through the country, leading some to suspect biological warfare. In light of this, many mobile medical teams are formed to help combat the sickness and help the wounded. The teams hop from city to city, state to state, offering as much aid as possible. One of the most successful teams is led by one Dr. John Tracy ( ... )


Re: No Known Cure (2b/?) anonymous August 4 2009, 21:34:12 UTC
Author!Annon realized she did something stupid...One sentence says ten years since the attacks, the other says eight.
Just to clarify, it's ten.


Re: No Known Cure (2c/?) anonymous August 4 2009, 18:28:17 UTC
“Well then, I suppose introductions are in order,” Tracy began with a smile, “We’re not a very large team, I’m afraid, but it makes remembering names easier ( ... )


Re: No Known Cure (2c/?) anonymous August 4 2009, 19:28:20 UTC
Paging Dr.Kirkland....
I know the paging part won't ever happen but the Dr.Kirkland part sounds undeniabley sexy.
Wouldn't Iggy be proud if he ever found out.


Re: No Known Cure (2c/?) anonymous August 4 2009, 22:31:26 UTC
Ergh, no one saw that.

Soap boy, that's cute! I like his name. jalsk Can't wait to see more of this. :D


Op agrees: Dr. Kirkland is undeniably smexy-sounding anonymous August 5 2009, 18:09:23 UTC
I'm loving this, anon. Alfred is still good-ole-Alfred. And even your OCs are likeable.

And I have to agree with my fellow commenter-anons: Dr. Kirkland sounds unbelievably sexy. I wonder how Arthur will react to it. ^_~!

Really, I can't wait for more. Update soon, writer!anon, you're killing me!


Re: No Known Cure (2c/?) anonymous August 6 2009, 09:32:13 UTC
Kirkland produces everything. Everything.

Haha, I like it. Alex is a much more common name than Alfred now-a-days so I approve. You wouldn't happen to be a fan of Thunderbirds, would you author anon?


Re: No Known Cure (2c/?) anonymous August 7 2009, 05:09:57 UTC
Great so far writer!anon! Put this anon on the list of people strongly approving Dr. Kirkland!


Re: No Known Cure (2c/?) anonymous September 30 2010, 02:06:12 UTC
"Itsfromabrandofsoap" FTW. See, whenever I see anything with Kirkland as its logo, I am compelled to point it out. My long-suffering sister now dreads to go into a Costco.


Re: No Known Cure (3a/?) anonymous August 8 2009, 20:04:46 UTC
It was no big secret that England loved history. Every Nation did. History was written on their bones, dictated who they were and what they would become. And while England certainly loved his past the most (after all, who wouldn't?) he did adore his colonies' history very much in a strange, not quite brotherly/fatherly fashion. America's especially, despite (or perhaps, because of) their not so perfect, almost sordid past. And now that most of America's historical landmarks had been destroyed or damaged, England had a burning need, almost an obsession, to rebuild as much of them as possible.

He never admitted it, but England had a feverish hope that maybe, maybe America would return once everything was rebuilt.

Ten years was just so long...No one had seen the blond loudmouth Nation after the attacks. Search teams had been sent out, but nothing could be found. And with the way the country had been hurt, the independent government almost nonexistent, its freedom and liberty compromised, America could be dea-No. America was alive. ( ... )


Re: No Known Cure (3b/?) anonymous August 8 2009, 20:07:34 UTC
They called it the Red Death ( ... )


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