Part 6!

Feb 26, 2011 13:31

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 6



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Re: No Known Cure (2c/?) anonymous August 4 2009, 18:28:17 UTC
“Well then, I suppose introductions are in order,” Tracy began with a smile, “We’re not a very large team, I’m afraid, but it makes remembering names easier.”

“Not all of us are terrible at names like you, Doc,” Rose teased. Tracy ignored her.

“First off, to my right are the Terrible Twins, Rose and Lily Anderson,” Tracy indicated the two women, “They’re the group’s nurses and naggers. Rose is the dark haired one and Lily’s the blond.”

“Not that the blond is natural, of course,” Rose snickered at her sister.

“Hush you,” Lily sniffed, “And we’re not twins. We look nothing alike and I’m older by two years.”

“To my left is Dan Rosenburg,” Tracy continued, nodding to the quiet redhead beside him, “Dan’s our fix-it person. All the medical equipment and our vehicle are maintained by him.”

“Pleasure to meet ya, Doctor,” Dan greeted quietly in a soft Southern drawl.

“And then, there’s me,” Tracy finished off, smiling at the new addition, “And what about you, son? Last time I saw you, they were still calling you John Doe.”

“I’m going by Alexander Kirkland, now,” the blond man grinned, “Al or Alex for short.”

“I’m glad you finally settled on a full name, Alex,” Tracy nodded, “Where did it come from?”

Al shrugged, “Well, a few years ago I got a glimpse of a memory, nothing complete, just someone talking to me. They called me ‘Al something’ so I rolled with that. Alexander was a common enough ‘Al’ name. I thought about Albert, but that name sounded too stuffy.”

“And the Kirkland?”

Alex blushed, “Itsfromabrandofsoap.”


“It’s from a brand of soap,” Alex repeated, a bit more clearly, his face burning red, “Well they do some food too and other things. They’re basically a bulk producer. It just sounded…familiar. And I liked it.”

Rose snickered, “Soap boy.


Tracy laughed, “Glad everyone is getting along. Well then, now that introductions are over, let’s get this show on the road.”

“Hell, yeah!” Al crowed, his face lighting up like the sun, “Time to be heroes!”


Re: No Known Cure (2c/?) anonymous August 4 2009, 19:28:20 UTC
Paging Dr.Kirkland....
I know the paging part won't ever happen but the Dr.Kirkland part sounds undeniabley sexy.
Wouldn't Iggy be proud if he ever found out.


Re: No Known Cure (2c/?) anonymous August 4 2009, 22:31:26 UTC
Ergh, no one saw that.

Soap boy, that's cute! I like his name. jalsk Can't wait to see more of this. :D


Op agrees: Dr. Kirkland is undeniably smexy-sounding anonymous August 5 2009, 18:09:23 UTC
I'm loving this, anon. Alfred is still good-ole-Alfred. And even your OCs are likeable.

And I have to agree with my fellow commenter-anons: Dr. Kirkland sounds unbelievably sexy. I wonder how Arthur will react to it. ^_~!

Really, I can't wait for more. Update soon, writer!anon, you're killing me!


Re: No Known Cure (2c/?) anonymous August 6 2009, 09:32:13 UTC
Kirkland produces everything. Everything.

Haha, I like it. Alex is a much more common name than Alfred now-a-days so I approve. You wouldn't happen to be a fan of Thunderbirds, would you author anon?


Re: No Known Cure (2c/?) anonymous August 7 2009, 05:09:57 UTC
Great so far writer!anon! Put this anon on the list of people strongly approving Dr. Kirkland!


Re: No Known Cure (2c/?) anonymous September 30 2010, 02:06:12 UTC
"Itsfromabrandofsoap" FTW. See, whenever I see anything with Kirkland as its logo, I am compelled to point it out. My long-suffering sister now dreads to go into a Costco.


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