Part 6!

Feb 26, 2011 13:31

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 6



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Comments 7917

Two and a Half Men parody? anonymous August 1 2009, 08:22:15 UTC
You know who Feliciano reminds me of? Candy. Candy from Two and a Half Men.
I want Ludwig to be Allen, Gilbert to be Charlie, and of course, Feliciano to be Candy. If other characters are involved, writer!anon can decided who they are.
I want humor and smut, if possible.

I'll greatly appreciate it if this gets filled! (:


Ludwig, Feliciano, Lovino. anonymous August 1 2009, 08:37:25 UTC
Ludwig walks in on Lovino and Feliciano having sex, and is angry at Feliciano for cheating on him with his brother. He begins to explain to Ludwig that it was Lovino who had started it and that he "forced" him, not mentioning that it was not their first time to do it while they were dating. Then, even though he continuously rants on about how much he hates the german, a turned-on Lovino tells Ludwig to join them. And against all odds, he does.


Didn't See That One Coming 1/? anonymous August 3 2009, 07:04:19 UTC
Ludwig was a man of principle, a country of morals- at least, he liked to imagine that. It was hard enough dating the bouncy Italian he’d adopted as an eternal nuisance; but it was even harder letting go of every wall of propriety he still had intact, any sense of decency within him, to be able to just kiss the man when he walked him to his door after a night full of “Ve Ludwig~” and playful, one-sided, banter. And honestly, he probably would have never made a move it if hadn’t been for his brother prompting him through lecherous glances and suggestive movements of his hips whenever Feliciano’s back was turned ( ... )


Didn't See That One Coming 2/? anonymous August 3 2009, 07:45:36 UTC
The disappointment on his friend’s face almost made him take back his words, but he held firm and watched as his eyes dropped and his form cave in on itself. The sadness was so tangible in his eyes that Ludwig felt a sharp guilt in his chest. But he wasn’t ready for this; he couldn’t do this yet ( ... )


Didn't See That One Coming 3/? anonymous August 3 2009, 08:27:31 UTC
author anon is sorry if this isn't coming out like OP wantedD:

After he found his jacket, and the box of condoms, Ludwig made his way out the door with an encouraging dog whistle from his brother for good luck. Out of his brother’s influence, though, he felt discouraged and nervous. He’d imagined how this would work, sure; he’s fantasized about it countless times. He’d brush against Feliciano’s tan skin, soft as silk and dark like coffee, and he’d have trouble concentrating on the conversation at hand rather than those oh so insistent fantasies that would cloud his mind. He’d imagine running his hands through the chestnut hair, mapping out every line of his body because Gilbert had taught him ‘geography’s important’, tasting and taking what he wanted, and getting moans out of Italy that for once wouldn’t be about how delicious a plate of food was. But what held him back from ever taking the Italian was his pride, or dignity, as he tried to convince himself. Ludwig had experienced failure, seen it in war and love, and knew its bitter ( ... )


America/England, Cash Cab anonymous August 1 2009, 08:46:05 UTC
Apologies if this has been requested before (I really hope it hasn't). Would like to see them on the American version of Cash Cab. (Another occassion of the US taking something British and Americanizing it, but shhh)

Bonus one: America loses.

Bonus two: America gets really touchy-feely.

Bonus three: England is stinking drunk.

Bonus four: I will love you forever if you can combine the first three. XD

Go forth, anons!


Welcome to the Cash Cab, Where We Win and You Lose [1/?] anonymous August 2 2009, 17:59:42 UTC
2nd!anon here. I hope this is to the OP's liking.Alfred sighed as walked in the poorly lit New York City street. Usually he wouldn't mind the walk back to his place, since he was used to all the walking he had to do to get around, but he did not want to carry his drunken companion any longer then he needed to. Alfred made sure to make a mental note for himself to never take Arthur to drink after a world conference meeting ever again, or at least when they were so far away from his place or Arthur's hotel room ( ... )


Re: Welcome to the Cash Cab, Where We Win and You Lose [1/?] anonymous August 3 2009, 01:20:17 UTC
This not!OP rather enjoyed it and looks forward to more :D


OP! anonymous August 3 2009, 02:32:50 UTC
I'm loving this so far, anon! I can't wait for the next chapter, and Arthur making a fool of himself XD


Germany/Japan anonymous August 1 2009, 08:48:58 UTC
Japanese speaking anon came to an interesting realisation today-

Quite obviously, Japanese does have its own word for 'masturbate. However, the most commonly used word for 'jerking off' is オナニー, pronounced Onanii.

At school, I study German, and well, my friends and I looked up masturbate (as you do ^^) in a dictionary.


i.e. Japanese uses the German word for masturbate.

Now I really, really want a detailed explanation of how Germany taught Kiku the word. Please.

This pairing really needs more love guys.


Fill! anonymous August 1 2009, 10:41:57 UTC
Japan bit his lip as he trailed his fingers up and down, teasing himself with a light, slow touch. He had slipped away from the others shortly after Italy began to snore, but he wasn't that far away and he didn't know how little noise it might take to wake Germany up. He swiped his thumb over the head of his prick, shivering despite the island's balmy weather at the thrill that ran up his spine ( ... )


Re: Fill! anonymous August 1 2009, 23:34:40 UTC
*pant* Goddamn, Germany... And damn, Japan. o.o This was so hot.


Re: Fill! anonymous August 2 2009, 03:59:32 UTC
this was indeed hot!! and it had an interesting incorporation of the prompt <33


France/England - New Relationship? anonymous August 1 2009, 08:49:49 UTC
Sorry for the long request...

I know everyone is probably annoyed with all of the "Britannia Angel changes *insert nation* into a child" request, but this has been stuck in my head for a while now.

I thought it'd be interesting to see Britannia Angel changing himself back into child!England accidentally(maybe he wanted to change someone else). The catch is that France decides that this is a good time for him to try to fix their relationship.

So I want France taking care of Child!England again, but trying to make things right and so they actually have a caring relationship. When England changes back, I want him to still keep his new relationship with France. As in no fighting or anything. Instead he likes being around France and is affectionate towards him.

Though, I don't want England's personality to change for anyone else. He's still the same to everyone else.

Whether England changes back into his normal self or not is up to anon. :]

Bonus if America and other nations are weird out by England's new affections for France.


(The comment has been removed)

New Relationship? (1/?) anonymous August 16 2009, 07:16:50 UTC
Okay, I'll put up the next part soon. This story will be in two sections, one when England's changedinto a kid, the other when his an adult again. Sorry for the cliché start, it was late when I started...

Relationships formed in Youth: Part 1France just stared at him, eyes wide in shock as he saw chibi England scowling up at him from the ground. This is NOT what the Frenchman had in mind when he went to England’s place that day. He was hoping to form a new relationship with the tea-totting alcoholic, not stare down the mini version of him ( ... )


Re: New Relationship? (1/?) anonymous August 16 2009, 10:58:55 UTC
OP here~

I love it already Writer!Anon! Caring France always makes me smile since he always is depicted as a huge pervert in fics. Not that he isn't a pervert! People just tend to forget that France can be caring too!

Haha, Iggy still can't remember Canada.


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