Part 6!

Feb 26, 2011 13:31

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part 6



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France/England - New Relationship? anonymous August 1 2009, 08:49:49 UTC
Sorry for the long request...

I know everyone is probably annoyed with all of the "Britannia Angel changes *insert nation* into a child" request, but this has been stuck in my head for a while now.

I thought it'd be interesting to see Britannia Angel changing himself back into child!England accidentally(maybe he wanted to change someone else). The catch is that France decides that this is a good time for him to try to fix their relationship.

So I want France taking care of Child!England again, but trying to make things right and so they actually have a caring relationship. When England changes back, I want him to still keep his new relationship with France. As in no fighting or anything. Instead he likes being around France and is affectionate towards him.

Though, I don't want England's personality to change for anyone else. He's still the same to everyone else.

Whether England changes back into his normal self or not is up to anon. :]

Bonus if America and other nations are weird out by England's new affections for France.


(The comment has been removed)

New Relationship? (1/?) anonymous August 16 2009, 07:16:50 UTC
Okay, I'll put up the next part soon. This story will be in two sections, one when England's changedinto a kid, the other when his an adult again. Sorry for the cliché start, it was late when I started...

Relationships formed in Youth: Part 1France just stared at him, eyes wide in shock as he saw chibi England scowling up at him from the ground. This is NOT what the Frenchman had in mind when he went to England’s place that day. He was hoping to form a new relationship with the tea-totting alcoholic, not stare down the mini version of him ( ... )


Re: New Relationship? (1/?) anonymous August 16 2009, 10:58:55 UTC
OP here~

I love it already Writer!Anon! Caring France always makes me smile since he always is depicted as a huge pervert in fics. Not that he isn't a pervert! People just tend to forget that France can be caring too!

Haha, Iggy still can't remember Canada.


Re: New Relationship? (1/?) anonymous August 17 2009, 10:20:08 UTC
Lols, I know. Everyone see's him as a perv (specially since the strip with Sealand and Latvia o_O ) But I keep remembering those fanfictions about him looking after Chibi Canada and England when they were kids. I think he would make a good dad someday ^_^


New Relationship? (2/?) anonymous August 17 2009, 10:16:48 UTC
“You mean Canada ( ... )


Re: New Relationship? (2/?) anonymous August 17 2009, 13:17:44 UTC
England needs to regress into his child form more often, he's cuter and less... well ok, cuter that way. xDDDDDDDD

But it's also nice seeing France being all caring, cause my head-canon also says so. \o/

It's just all sorts of cute in this... I like the details you put in about England not being able to do the simple things, like turning on/off the tap with his now-small hands.

Looks forward to your next update!


Re: New Relationship? (2/?) anonymous August 17 2009, 21:51:43 UTC
This sounds so cute so far~!


OP anonymous August 17 2009, 22:13:25 UTC
I agree with the other Anons. Iggy is so cute! ♥

Can't wait for the next part.


Re: New Relationship? (2/?) anonymous August 18 2009, 01:18:23 UTC
Sooo cute indeed!!!
Anon loves it a lot too and waits for more~ <3

But there are some mistakes in french, well I'm french so I think I could help:
"mes ami" -> "mon ami"
"mon petite" -> "mon petit"
And bonbon is a weird nickname xD" It doesn't really exist, I have never heard someone calling someone else 'bonbon' ( "mon sucre d'orge" or "mon petit canard en sucre" etc. would be more appropriate ^^ )


Re: New Relationship? (2/?) anonymous August 18 2009, 04:51:09 UTC
author!anon here: Sorry, I don't normally change into French, so I'll try harder to fix it in future! (I got mes ami from Madeline *slaps own hand* I know, I should study more then rely on kids tv shows :P)

And I wanted France to call England 'sweetie' (don't ask, I've been writing to much CanadaxEngland/France/America fanfics, that's were I got it from) and I almost fell off my chair laughing when I founf out bbonbon means sweet in French. I'll stop using it if people find it irrotating or un-canon if you want.

I've almost finished the next part, btw.


New Relationship? (3/4) anonymous August 21 2009, 12:01:21 UTC
Don't be fooled by the (3/4) thing though, this is only for 'chapter one'. There's two chapters, so don't think I'm ending it here ( ... )


New Relationship? (4/4) Fin, for part 1 anyway... anonymous August 21 2009, 12:46:46 UTC
France placed him on the ground and held his stomach. He said, “I know that you like me, Angleterre, but not after dinner please ( ... )


author!anon again: anonymous August 21 2009, 12:54:13 UTC
WOW, I didn't think I would get the last two parts out at the same time! I must be on a role :P

Hopefully the last one was too deep or anything: it's late here and I'm listening to a really cool song by the Ali Project, and it reminds me about one of the other songs, she did about a forbidden marrage under God, so yeah...

And I was looking up really cool, sadly GOOD, Hentai - I know, I'm REALLY say, but it shouldn't make the writing any worse :P


Re: New Relationship? (4/4) Fin, for part 1 anyway... anonymous August 22 2009, 00:52:16 UTC
I really like the dialogue and images you've described here, so in character for both of them.


Re: New Relationship? (4/4) Fin, for part 1 anyway... anonymous August 22 2009, 01:59:39 UTC
Really like how this went, and glad there's part 2 for it. 8D

What I think I like best about this is that even if Arthur's regressed to a child form, his body still reacts in the manner of a child, even if he's mind is that of an adult. For example, getting tired and sleepy compared to his being in his usual body, etc.


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