Part 6!

Feb 26, 2011 13:31

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 6



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New Relationship? (2/?) anonymous August 17 2009, 10:16:48 UTC
“You mean Canada?”

“Yeah him, give it over-”

“What do you say, mes ami?”

England glared at him, eye twitching, but succumbed, “Okay, okay… PLEASE may I have it?”

France smiled and handed the clothing over. Just as England went to grab it, France pulled it away again and said, “But first, I have to give you a bath. You’re filthy, and I’m not letting you wear this nice shirt and put dust all over it!”

“But, France-”

“And if you want,” France winked at him, “I can go in with you, to make sure you’re washed properly. Okay, mon petite?”

England looked at him, or rather glared, but sucked it in and nodded, letting the Frenchman carry him to the bathroom. When they got there, France put him down and said, “Go get undressed while I go and wash this shirt: it’s all dusty after being in that box for so long.”

England shrugged, watching the man leave, shutting the door behind him. He threw off his baggy clothes and ran up to the bath and stopped: shivering, he reliesed that he couldn’t reach the taps. Pulling a towel down from the rack, he yelled out, “France!”

He waited a moment, and then the door opened, France stepping through. He bent down and asked, a sober look upon his face, “What is it, Angleterre?”

England blushed and explained, “I’m sorry, I can’t reach the taps.”

France smiled and said, “Okay, I’ll put you in.” So picked up the boy, who dropped the towel, and placed him in the bath; switching on the taps. He ruffled the boy’s hair and said, “I’ll be back soon, after I’ve cleaned that shirt and found something for me. Okay, petite lapin?”

England nodded as France left. He began splashing water onto himself as it came into the bath slowly. After ten minutes, he started to become nervous when the water almost reached the top of the bath tub. He shivered and yelled out, “France!”

He couldn’t hear anything. “France!”

He went over and tried to turn the water off. It was surprisingly hard for someone his size. He yelled out to France again, trying to hold back his tears. He tried one more time, but a hand over his switched it off. He turned and looked up at France, who bent down and asked, a soft smile across his face, “Angleterre, are you okay chéri?”

France moved a tear out of the boy’s eye as he sobbed, “You took so long, and I didn’t want the tub to over flow. I yelled for you three times, France…”

The Frenchman chuckled and held the boy’s head to his chest, getting his shirt wet. “My poor lapin, I’m sorry, I couldn’t hear you. I’m here now though, so no more crying, okay?”

England pulled away and said, clutching his little fists, “I’m not crying!”

France laughed again, taking his clothes off. “Oh yes, I can see that Angleterre.”

He dipped into the bath and sat in front of England, who was pouting at him. He stretched out his hands to the boy and said, “Come here, I want to wash you.”


“I promise I won’t pull anything, bonbon.”

England blushed at this and stuttered, “Wha- hey, don’t… don’t call me that!”

England paused for a moment, before stepping forward, into the Frenchman’s arms. France chuckled again and said, “Don’t you like your new nickname. You always called America and Canada that… Alright, here’s the soap, you can wash yourself.”

The boy took the bar of soap, scowled up at France then began washing himself. France turned him around, so that the boy was looking away, and began splashing water onto his hair. When England finished, he placed the soap back, on the other side of the tub, and returned to France’s lap. The Frenchman kissed him on the head and asked, “Do you want me to wash your hair, bonbon?”


Re: New Relationship? (2/?) anonymous August 17 2009, 13:17:44 UTC
England needs to regress into his child form more often, he's cuter and less... well ok, cuter that way. xDDDDDDDD

But it's also nice seeing France being all caring, cause my head-canon also says so. \o/

It's just all sorts of cute in this... I like the details you put in about England not being able to do the simple things, like turning on/off the tap with his now-small hands.

Looks forward to your next update!


Re: New Relationship? (2/?) anonymous August 17 2009, 21:51:43 UTC
This sounds so cute so far~!


OP anonymous August 17 2009, 22:13:25 UTC
I agree with the other Anons. Iggy is so cute! ♥

Can't wait for the next part.


Re: New Relationship? (2/?) anonymous August 18 2009, 01:18:23 UTC
Sooo cute indeed!!!
Anon loves it a lot too and waits for more~ <3

But there are some mistakes in french, well I'm french so I think I could help:
"mes ami" -> "mon ami"
"mon petite" -> "mon petit"
And bonbon is a weird nickname xD" It doesn't really exist, I have never heard someone calling someone else 'bonbon' ( "mon sucre d'orge" or "mon petit canard en sucre" etc. would be more appropriate ^^ )


Re: New Relationship? (2/?) anonymous August 18 2009, 04:51:09 UTC
author!anon here: Sorry, I don't normally change into French, so I'll try harder to fix it in future! (I got mes ami from Madeline *slaps own hand* I know, I should study more then rely on kids tv shows :P)

And I wanted France to call England 'sweetie' (don't ask, I've been writing to much CanadaxEngland/France/America fanfics, that's were I got it from) and I almost fell off my chair laughing when I founf out bbonbon means sweet in French. I'll stop using it if people find it irrotating or un-canon if you want.

I've almost finished the next part, btw.


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