Part 6!

Feb 26, 2011 13:31

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 6



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New Relationship? (4/4) Fin, for part 1 anyway... anonymous August 21 2009, 12:46:46 UTC
France placed him on the ground and held his stomach. He said, “I know that you like me, Angleterre, but not after dinner please…”

After sometime of fighting and hassle, France finally got England into bed and drew himself under the covers. He looked over at the boy, who was staring at him. “I don’t need a babysitter, you know.”

France ran his fingers through England’s hair, drew in close and whispered, “Don’t you like it when I look after you?”

“Well, I didn’t say THAT exactly.” A glint appears in his green eyes. “I am grateful, for your help… It’s just that, this reminds me of when we were younger, you know. I want to know that I’ve grown up since then, France.”

He was clutching France’s shirt sleave. The Frenchman moved in so that their noses were touching; he could see a dribble of tears going down the kid’s cheek. He kissed the tears away and said, lightly, “Angleterre, everything changes, in time. Everything is always changing, both children AND adults. Even though you’ve tried so hard to keep your old values, you are different from when you were younger, even if it doesn’t seem like it.”

“Francois…” The boy nuzzled into the man’s neck as the strong arms wrapped around him, bringing him closer. He lay there, lightly crying into France’s shirt, his small fist clenched. After a moment, he wiped his eyes and looked up with a sober expression, “France, I’m sor-”

France had, lightly, pushed him onto his back and moved his lips on top of the boy’s. It was soft and chaste, but such an action shocked the boy, even if England normally expected these things from the Frenchman. England lay there, wide eyed and frozen as France nipped his lips gently.

The man moved away and stared down at the boy. “Arthur, I will look after you, even if you stay like this. That, I promise you because I lo-” He stopped.

“Francois, you keep saying that.”

“Saying what?” England slapped him. Surprised, France looked down at the boy and flinched: the slap didn’t hurt NEARLY as much as the pained face the boy was giving him, eyes welling up with tears again. France caressed the boy’s cheek and smiled softly, “Do you want me to say that I love you?”

England thought for a moment before muttering, “If that’s what you want to say…”

France smiled, whispering into his ear, “I love you…” before giving him a peck on the cheek and falling asleep next to him. England watched him for a moment, watching the man’s light hair falling over his face with every subtle movement caused by breath. The boy move a few locks out of the man’s eyes before snuggling up next to him, drifting off as well.

The next morning, England woke-up with a start, feeling a cool breath on his neck. When he looked next to him, he saw France sleeping peacefully, his lips ajar. England sighed, remembering the unfortunate events of last night, that’s when he looked down. He almost jumped out of the bed with what he saw: he was back to normal, naked!

England sighed, falling back onto the pillow, and looked back at France. After a moment of watching the sleeping beauty, he moved in closer, laying a peck on the cool lips, sighing, “What are we going to do now…”

Author NOTE!

YES, finished it. This has been a rather random one because I tend to change the mood of a story depending on how I feel or what I’m listening to. I started to cliché, then random and confusing, to some what philosophical… Hopefully you haven’t noticed too much :P

Hopefully, this doesn’t seem too rushed!

The next part will be about their relationship as adults, so stick around for that ^_^


author!anon again: anonymous August 21 2009, 12:54:13 UTC
WOW, I didn't think I would get the last two parts out at the same time! I must be on a role :P

Hopefully the last one was too deep or anything: it's late here and I'm listening to a really cool song by the Ali Project, and it reminds me about one of the other songs, she did about a forbidden marrage under God, so yeah...

And I was looking up really cool, sadly GOOD, Hentai - I know, I'm REALLY say, but it shouldn't make the writing any worse :P


Re: New Relationship? (4/4) Fin, for part 1 anyway... anonymous August 22 2009, 00:52:16 UTC
I really like the dialogue and images you've described here, so in character for both of them.


Re: New Relationship? (4/4) Fin, for part 1 anyway... anonymous August 22 2009, 01:59:39 UTC
Really like how this went, and glad there's part 2 for it. 8D

What I think I like best about this is that even if Arthur's regressed to a child form, his body still reacts in the manner of a child, even if he's mind is that of an adult. For example, getting tired and sleepy compared to his being in his usual body, etc.


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