Part 6!

Feb 26, 2011 13:31

axis powers
hetalia kink meme
part 6



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Re: No Known Cure (3b/?) anonymous August 8 2009, 20:07:34 UTC
They called it the Red Death.

Named after the Edgar Allen Poe short story, the disease was the biggest after effect of the attacks on America. It was thought to be a man-made disease, a testimony of years of research, and it only made its presence known after the the attacks ten years ago. Everyone agreed that the Red Death had to have been a biological weapon that had been dropped, mixed in with the explosives that tore up the urban areas of America.

Symptoms included fever, bright red sores, and coughing fits. Children were the most susceptible to the disease, but they had a much better survival rate compared to adults. Death was assured in months without treatment. Being viral in nature, the disease was hard to treat, especially with the scant amount of medical care available. Luckily, the sickness had not spread past the continental U.S. due to the closed border. Seeing as they were the prime targets of the attacks in the first place, cities were the areas of highest infected population. One city in particular had been the biggest target of them all.

Washington, DC.


“DC?” Dr. Alexander Kirkland questioned out when Dr. Tracy announced their next destination, “The capital?”

Tracy nodded, “The hospitals down there are desperate for some help. We're not much, but it's better than nothing.”

“Why aren't they sending in a larger group?” Lily demanded, “Wouldn't they want more than the five of us? Everyone knows the place is in shambles.”

Al's heart unexceptionably tightens at her words. A flickered memory...

There is a man on top a horse looking across the river at the busy construction. He is dressed in a dark blue military jacket with white breeches and a tricorn hat on top of a powdered wig. The man (GeneralPresidentfather) turns to look at Al, the sun blurring out his features.

“What do you think of your new capital, Ame--” gone before it is even grasped.

“They're will be others coming to DC after us,” Dr. Tracy explained, snapping Al out of his zoned out state, “But our team is the closest and we have a good track record, especially Dr. Kirkland here.”

Said Dr. Kirkland blinked, “Who, me? I just joined you guys...”

“You've distinguished yourself as an excellent trauma surgeon before you joined us,” Tracy pointed out, “And you have a lot of experience on Red Death, as well.”

Al laughed at the praise, “Well, you know, all in a day's work...”

“Anyone ever been to the capital before?” Tracy asked.

“Don' look at me, sirrah,” Dan mumbled. Rose and Lily shook their heads in unison. Al shrugged.

“Red Death is a serious problem there,” Dr. Tracy said, stating a well known fact, “Not as much as New York or Chicago, but pretty bad. They also have been experiencing an increase in work related injuries there.”

“Huh? Why?”

“The British have been pumping money into restoration projects in DC,” Tracy explained, “There's a lot of construction going on there. The Brits figure that not only would the project provide jobs for those who need it, but that it would be a great way to boost American moral if the capital was rebuilt and historic landmarks were restored.”

“Just goes to show that Mommy England still loves us stupid American brats~” Rose singsonged. Dr. Kirkland laughed loudly.

His laughter increased suddenly because, for some reason, Al was positive England was a man.


LOL at ninja!George Washington, stubborn!Iggy, and quietly moe!Canada.

You have no idea how hard it was for me to write this. I live in the DC-Metro area, so DC is practically my other state. Love going to the Tidal Basin during the cherry blossom festival. I almost cried when I wrote that it was destroyed. T~T

Al's a trauma surgeon, cause I think America worked as a battlefield medic several times during the American Civil War and the World Wars when he wasn't being a soldier or pilot in the field. Even though he doesn't remember, Al feels comfortable working on trauma patients. His knowledge on the disease comes from the fact that it is the biggest problem in the US in the story and he's had to deal with it before. BTW, sorry for the lame ass name of the disease. I'm bad at naming things.

Um...also hope OP doesn't mind the touch of USUK I have in here. They're my OTP.


Re: No Known Cure (3b/?) anonymous August 8 2009, 21:02:12 UTC
Watch me bookmark this!

This is terribly exciting, anon. I wait with baited breath for more of this dramatic rising action! You are doing a great job with a pretty interesting prompt!


Re: No Known Cure (3b/?) anonymous August 8 2009, 22:20:02 UTC
Amazing, just amazing. So well written and just beautiful. While I'm not a Uk/US fan I do like how you're writing it so far


Re: No Known Cure (3b/?) anonymous August 8 2009, 23:24:59 UTC
Author!Anon here
I'll try to keep it light then ^.^


Re: No Known Cure (3b/?) anonymous August 8 2009, 23:25:34 UTC
This anon thinks you're brillant and does not mind the US/UK at all.


Re: No Known Cure (3b/?) anonymous August 9 2009, 01:29:42 UTC
I love you.

I love you.

I love you.

And I want this to be updated so, so much.

Oh yeah, and I love you.


Re: No Known Cure (3b/?) anonymous August 9 2009, 13:18:57 UTC
I can't believe how much I laughed at the last two lines. It's wonderful so far, author anon!

I can't help but feel Trauma Center vibes from this, and I love it~ <3


Re: No Known Cure (3b/?) anonymous August 9 2009, 20:54:38 UTC
Anon is seriously enjoying this. You have a very unexplainable (for me.) way of writing that I really like.

And USUK! This is the Anon's majormajor OTP, and is so happy to see it, orz. ♥ I think I may be in the minority of those who would want to see more though.


Re: No Known Cure (3b/?) anonymous August 9 2009, 22:15:51 UTC
Eeeeee! I'm so glad someone decided to pick this up. There is just so much to like about this fic.

The fact that you didn't have him remember his name but just part of it is a nice touch. Especially since Alfred is not a common name that he would consider adopting.

And England being so obsessed with rebuilding the monuments even the revolutionary ones is just love. It's my OTP as well, so I have no problem with that in the fic ^.^ And Canada being all quietly upset is just d'awww.

And just the little things he almost remembers, like being upset hearing about DC are so heart wrenching. Though the last line made me laugh. As did naming it The Red Death. I <3 Poe

I can't wait till you update again, dear Author!Anon. Great work so far!

reCaptcha: Dr Cireo Another character?


OP~ anonymous August 10 2009, 19:29:39 UTC
Absolutely beautiful job, anon. This was a really sad, yet touching, chapter.

Poor Iggy. But giving it the old British stiff upper lip may pay off for him. And aww~ at Canada (why so moe?).

I loved the touch with Al as a trauma surgeon. I can imagine he didn't spend all his time fighting. And, though it's a sad thing to think about, he would have to get used to such bloodshed in all the wars he's fought. Red Death also sounds suitably sinister, anon. Don't worry about the name!

As for the pairing touch, I honestly don't mind. I happen to like US/UK/US very much. LOL, Mommy England does love us Americans, he's just very tsundere about it. XD

I can't wait for your next update, writer!anon. F5, F5, F5!

...Why do I imagine Doctor Al dressed in a black/blue turtleneck, camouflage US army combat pants, boots, and a white lab coat in this fic? ...Why do I find that hot? IDK.

Captcha says "fanatic rate." How appropriate! ^_^


Author!Anon anonymous August 10 2009, 22:00:23 UTC
...shoot. Now I got the image of Dr. Al dressed in a black/blue turtleneck, camouflage US army combat pants, boots, and a white lab coat in my head. And I also find it hot. >.<

If he ends up dressed like this at some point in the fic, I'm blaming you OP! I blame you hard core!


The OP~: excellent... anonymous August 10 2009, 23:36:57 UTC
The OP has no regrets, author!anon. Absolutely no regrets. ^_^


Artist!Anon may just have to draw that now anonymous August 11 2009, 03:59:20 UTC

I will have that picture up in a few days.

-off to draw now-


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