Five Acts

Apr 18, 2010 18:12

I foolishly signed up to do toestastegood's Five Acts comment fic fun. She's going to do a master list once everyone's getting underway, so I'll link you there in case you're interested in more than my post.

The story is, I put in my five favourite kinks, plus a note of what fandoms/pairings I will read and write, and then people write me kink! I will then return the favour in their LJs. Let's hope this works!

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My Five Acts:

1. Touching: there's nothing more erotic to me than guys just touching, stroking, fondling, each other with hands and mouths either leading up to sex, or during the course of it.
2. Rimming: yes, I have an evil need to watch men put tongues into each other's private spaces.
3. First times: At least one of the guys has never done it (either with another guy or altogether). He may have fantasised about it, or wanted to do it, or been in complete denial - any one of these is fine - but not actually done it physically, and somehow ends up in the situation where he gets to indulge. The second guy can be experienced, or inexperienced too and they discover it together.
4. Voyeurism: I have a total kink for a guy watching two (or more) other guys going at it. Whether he's caught watching or not is entirely open. Alternatively, and this as as het as I usually get, a girl watching two guys at it, not realising they were gay, is also a turn-on, but she shouldn't join in unless she takes a very minor role.
5. Fighting/Anger: Doesn't have to be violent as such, but I like the idea of some kind of antagonism leading to getting turned on and ending up in sex. Whether they're already a couple or have both been denying any interest by hiding behind antipathy for each other and/or thinking the other is straight is entirely up to the writer.

Fandoms I'll read:

Lost: Any m/m pairing except Locke, Ben, Jacob, The Man in Black, Hurley
CSI LV: Any m/m pairing except Brass
House: House, Wilson, Foreman, Chase - any combination thereof
Firefly: Any m/m pairing
Flash Forward: Mark, Demetri, Bryce, Lloyd, Simon, Al - mostly either Mark/Demetri or Demetri/Al, but I'd read Lloyd/Simon, Mark/Lloyd, Mark/Al, Mark/Bryce too
Nip/Tuck: Christian/Sean
Brothers & Sisters: Kevin/Scotty, but I'd go Justin/Robert, Justin/Scotty or Robert/Kevin too
Torchwood: Jack/Ianto, Jack/anyone male!
True Blood: Bill/Sam, Eric/Bill, Eric/Sam, Eric/Lafayette, Eric/Godric, Jason/anyone male!
Star Trek XI: Bones/Chekov, Sulu/Chekov, Bones/Sulu
X-Files: Mulder/Krycek
RPS: any LOTR males, any men from the above fandoms

And that's probably enough! I'll also attempt to write any of the above, though I can't vouch for quality! ;-)

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Please join in! It's definitely lots of fun! ;-)

Fics I've written so far (edited in as I write them):

1. Lost, Sawyer/Charlie, rough sex, NC-17 (411 words), for toestastegood

2. Lost, Jack/Boone, hurt/comfort, PG-13 (826 words), for janie_tangerine

3. Lost AU (or pre-island), Sawyer/Sayid, foreplay, R (1315 words), for gemjam

4. STXI, McCoy/Chekov, bathing NC-17(2154 words), for takhallus

5. Lost, Jack/Sawyer, scars/tattoos, angst/hope, journeys/motels, R (979 words) for crickets

6. Lost, Miles/Sawyer, public sex, jealousy, NC-17 (1610 words) for gottalovev

7. Lost, Charlie/Sawyer, healing/comfort sex, NC-17 (1067 words) for yersi_fanel

8. Glee, Finn & Kurt, friendship, PG-13, (719 words) for setos_puppy

9. Lost RPS, Josh/Naveen, angst, blowjobs, NC-17 (2495 words) for zelda_zee

and that's it for this time around! ;-)

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