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Lost, Jack/Sawyer, scars/tattoos, angst/hope, journeys/motels, R (979 words) part one of two haldoor April 22 2010, 01:57:33 UTC
Jack woke up slowly; not like he'd always done in the past. Being on the road and in no hurry to get anywhere-because there was nowhere in particular that they were going-had finally broken him of the alarm clock habit. Even 'waking up way before he needed to' had disappeared with leaving everything from their convoluted and strangely intertwined past behind them ( ... )


Lost, Jack/Sawyer, scars/tattoos, angst/hope, journeys/motels, R (979 words) part two of two haldoor April 22 2010, 01:58:10 UTC
He sensed Sawyer watching the way he traced his fingertips over it and let his eyes be drawn to Sawyer's face. There was no hurry here despite how it had started; they'd done this-or something like it-a million times over the last few months ( ... )


Re: Lost, Jack/Sawyer, scars/tattoos, angst/hope, journeys/motels, R (979 words) part two of two crickets April 22 2010, 04:31:46 UTC
Aw, that last bit is so sweet. I love this whole thing. It's sexy and slow and perfect.

I loved the image of them standing in the doorway together, not caring who saw. Very hot. Hehe.

Thank you!


Re: Lost, Jack/Sawyer, scars/tattoos, angst/hope, journeys/motels, R (979 words) part two of two haldoor_honey April 22 2010, 05:50:08 UTC
Aww, so pleased you liked it! Itried not to make it too schmoopy! ;-)


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