Five Acts: My List

Apr 18, 2010 10:03

I'm taking part in the Five Acts comment fic-a-thon, which involves posting five of your favourite kinks/tropes and filling out comment fic for other people's. The master list is here.

1.) Possessiveness/protectiveness. There's something very sexily adorable about one person wanting to have and protect the person they love. It's the kind of thing that would annoy me IRL (and I kind of love it when it causes tension in fic too) but I adore reading about.

2.) D/s, especially in an established relationship. Whether 24-7 power exchange, or an established couple just playing around for the night, there's something sexy about that level of trust.

3.) Reunions. Doesn't even need to be sex-related, but I love seeing pairings reunited after being apart for whatever reason - whether it's after a break-up or because of distance or death or whatever. Hugs and kisses and "I missed you" sex galore.

4.) Holding hands. So, I'm totally a sap. Big-style. Holding hands is adorable regardless of the context, whether it's during sex or just walking down the street together.

5.) Rough sex. Desperate, angry, biting-bruising sex. Yum.


Angel/Buffy: Angel/Doyle, Buffy/Faith, Faith/Willow, Oz/Xander
Being Human: Annie/George, Annie/George/Mitchell, Daisy/George/Ivan, George/Ivan, George/Mitchell
Demons: Galvin/Luke
Doctor Who: Amy/Eleven, Donna/Ten, Jack/Mickey, Martha/Toshiko
Dollhouse: Alpha/Echo, Alpha/Victor, Echo/Whiskey, Topher/Victor
Glee: Brittany/Santana, Finn/Kurt, Kurt/Mike, Kurt/Puck, Matt/Mike, Sue/Will, Tina/Rachel
Heroes: Adam/Elle/Monica, Adam/Mohinder, Adam/Monica, Bennet/Claude, Bennet/Mohinder, Elle/Monica, Mohinder/Sylar
Leverage: Eliot/Hardison
Lost: Ana Lucia/Michael, Anyone/Charlie, Charlie/Jack/Sawyer, Claire/Juliet, Claire/Kate, Daniel/Juliet, Daniel/Miles, Esau/Jacob, Esau/Richard, Jin/Sawyer, Kate/Sayid, Kevin/Sawyer, Miles/Sawyer
Merlin: Arthur/Merlin, Gwen/Lancelot, Gwen/Morgana, Gwen/Will, Lancelot/Leon, Lancelot/Merlin, Lancelot/Uther, Merlin/Leon
Primeval: Becker/Connor, Connor/Cutter
Sherlock Holmes: Holmes/Watson
Star Trek: Anyone/Chekov
Supernatural: Castiel/Lucifer, Dean/Castiel, Lucifer/War eta: Gabriel/Lucifer, Castiel/Gabriel/Lucifer
True Blood: Eric/Godric/Lafayette, Eric/Lafayette.

challenge:five acts

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