Fic: All That I Am (17/17)

Dec 22, 2010 07:02

Title: All That I Am (17/17)

Author: gradgirl (aka Ali)

Rating: PG-13 (what else?)

Characters/Pairings:  Luke/Reid, Casey/Ali, Chris/Katie, appearances from Snyder clan and other OCs

Summary: Luke found almost everything with Reid. Is that enough?

Warnings: Sequel to Almost Everything. So you should read that one first.

Author’s Notes: Thank you taking the journey back into this universe with me. Also a huge thank you to reilaroo for your awesome beta work and slayerkitty for letting me give you presents. Constructive criticism and comments are appreciated. Thank you for reading. ~Ali

Previous Chapters: { Chapter 1} { Chapter 2} { Chapter 3} { Chapter 4} { Chapter 5} { Chapter 6} { Chapter 7} { Chapter 8} { Chapter 9} { Chapter 10} { Chapter 11} { Chapter 12} { Chapter 13} { Chapter 14} { Chapter 15} { Chapter 16}


Reid woke up with a start. He glanced over his shoulder at the alarm clock beside the bed.  It was just after midnight. Luke was sleeping soundly next to him. He smiled to himself. This was his life, he realized, and it was everything. The redhead couldn’t even recall the last time he’d had a panic attack.

He settled back into the bed, fitting his body with his husband’s. Reid’s hand rested on the blonde’s torso, and he pressed a few kisses on the nape of Luke’s neck. The younger man stirred slightly. Reid smiled and went back to kissing his husband.  He nuzzled the spot right underneath Luke’s ear, and it got to the blonde every time. A soft sigh worked its way past Luke’s full mouth. Reid knew Luke was about to wake up, and he was going to make the best of the situation.

Then a loud piercing cry worked its way through the room. Reid was out of the bed in an instant. He thought he heard Luke waking up, but the redhead was on a mission.

As much as Reid loved his daughter, she had inherited her mother’s timing when it came for her dads to have sex. He quickly walked down the hall and found the little girl crying in her crib. He should have known when he glanced at the clock that it was time for one of her feedings. Reaching into the crib, Reid picked up his daughter.

“I love you,” he murmured, holding the little girl close. Her cries started to subside. “Are you hungry, baby? Daddy Luke says you definitely inherited my love of food.”

Walking down to the kitchen with his daughter in his arms, Reid couldn’t help but remember the day he and Luke finally decided to have children.

“Reid,” Luke said as they were getting ready for bed. It had been a long day and all Reid wanted was to crawl into bed and wrap his arms around his husband. But he’d heard the tone in Luke’s voice. They were going to “talk,” and Reid knew exactly what Luke wanted to discuss.

“Yes, Bobby’s birthday party was wonderful,” he responded and his eyes rolled heavenward. “But the kid’s one. You know it was just for Chris and Katie.”

“Yeah, I know. So… Katie asked me if we were ready yet. I know we agreed to the possibility…  But are you ready to make the plans?”

Reid sat down on the foot of the bed. “I am.”

The younger man bounced on the balls of his feet, and he quickly joined his husband on the bed. “So, what do we do?” he asked. “Do we adopt? Do we ask Katie? How many kids do we have? Do you want boys or girls? One of each? Do we try now?”

“Okay, okay.” Reid turned lifting up his leg so it was resting on the side of the bed, and he could face Luke. “Slow down.”

The younger man nodded his head and tried to take a breath. After everything he didn’t know that he and Reid would ever be here and have this conversation. Now that they were, he couldn’t contain his joy.

“Are you sure that Katie and Chris are okay with her being the mother of our child?”

Luke nodded his head. “Yeah, they both told me. If we want Katie, they’d be honored to do it. I do want her to be the mother. Do you?” he checked.

“It means we’ll be connected to Doogie for the rest of our lives,” Reid noted. “But you’re right, there is no one else that I love or trust more outside of us. Since we’re not going to adopt, there is another decision to be made.”


“Who would be the biological father?” the redhead asked.

Both men looked at each other for a moment before saying, “You.”

Reid quickly got the bottle ready and headed back to the nursery, holding his daughter close. Her cries had subsided, but she was wiggling a little in his arms, determined to get her bottle. “Well, Daddy Luke was very convincing when he insisted that I be your biological father,” he told the little one. Her blue eyes widened around the bottle as she sucked down the formula.  Reid smiled down at her, realizing she did have Katie’s eyes, but what little hair on the baby’s head was a soft auburn. “Daddy Luke knew we’d have you.”


He looked up and saw Luke leaning against the doorframe. “I thought you made me promise to get up in the middle of the night for all her feedings.” He started to walk further into the room. “Wasn’t that one of your stipulations when I said I wanted you to be her biological father?”

“I was awake anyway. She’s fine,” Reid assured his husband.

“She’s perfect,” Luke countered and gently cupped her head, looking down at his husband and their daughter. “Thank you.”

“It’s nothing. I told you I was awake.”

“No.” Luke shook his head. “For agreeing to have her, for letting me name her Casey.”

“Well…” Reid sighed, and he felt their daughter move slightly, trying to get more of the bottle. “He did save your life, and technically he is related to her.” The doctor sighed. “I know you think all of this Oakdale dating your cousin thing is normal, but-”

Luke chuckled and the baby turned, her eyes fixed on his. The blonde smiled at her for a moment. “You’re just upset because at dinner Mark told us he was going to ask mom to marry him.”

“If I had any idea that Mark would be my new step-father-in-law, I never would have agreed to your suggestion of building that cardio-wing,” Reid countered, trying to keep his voice low. Baby Casey had a one-track mind when it came to her bottle. Luke was convinced that she inherited that from Reid. The older man knew if they started “discussing” what Reid referred to as the “inappropriate and just plain gross relationship” that Lily had started with his best friend about a year ago, then Luke would walk off in a huff, and Reid’s plans for the rest of the night would disappear as quick as that bottle.

Luke walked closer to his husband and their daughter. “He makes her happy, and knowing your fondness for Molly, I thought you’d be glad that mom is distracted away from dad.”

Reid rolled his eyes. “Fine. We won’t discuss the cougar and Mark any more tonight.”

The blonde chuckled again before he bent down and pressed a kiss to their daughter and then his husband. “I love you.”

“I love you back,” Reid assured him and watched Luke leave the room. He went back to tending to the baby. He watched her eyes start to close, and he hoped to be able to get her back to sleep soon. Reid knew someday he would have to explain the long and complicated family history she came from. That flow-chart in his office would help, but it hadn’t been updated in a while either.

“Your Daddy Luke,” he noted, “is the generous one. If you want to get away with anything, you’ll ask him first. But I’m going to have to remind him that you’ll need to get final approval from me.”

Casey’s blue eyes opened following her father’s mouth, even if she didn’t understand the words.

“You did inherit your mom’s eyes though,” he told her. “Daddy Luke thought you might. I just wanted you to be healthy.”

For the fifth time in as many minutes, Reid tugged at his tie. He hated dressing up, playing the part of the Chief of Staff. Luke had done it for him on the way out the door, chuckling at his husband’s discomfort. “You wanted to be Chief of Staff so badly.”

“I’m not a show pony.”

“But you’re so handsome,” the blonde noted, tugging on the loose ends of Reid’s tie.  “The first boy I ever kissed, I helped him with his tie,” Luke replied, absently getting the knot just right.

Reid’s hands came up and stilled his husband’s hands. “Luke.”

“But my favorite part of fixing your tie…” He pulled his hands out from underneath Reid’s and started to smooth down the lapels of the redhead’s coat.

“What?” he asked, his eyes not able to hide his dubious nature.

Luke bounced up and pressed a quick kiss to his husband’s lips, Reid’s mouth automatically followed for a moment.

“Taking it off of you at the end of the night,” Luke said, a half-smile gracing his face. “So come on, Dr. Oliver, Chief of Staff, let’s go to this ribbon-cutting ceremony.” With his free hand, he reached for one of Reid’s and went to pick up his phone off the dresser. “Um,” he noticed.

“What?” Reid asked, trying to keep his voice sound nonchalant.

“My phone’s off.” The younger man quickly turned it on. “There are like a dozen missed calls from Katie. Reid, did you turn off my phone?”

The redhead couldn’t quite meet Luke’s gaze.


“We were having sex and that woman has a sixth sense about it. You were the one who suggested we spend ‘quality time’ together before the ceremony today and more in-vitro treatments for Katie, because once she got pregnant, I knew you’d move in with Chris and Katie.”

Luke opened his mouth to protest, but Reid was correct. Luke had taken an active interest in Katie’s pregnancy with Bobby, now she could be carrying Reid’s baby and… “Fine,” the blonde finally acquiesced.

“Besides…” Reid let go of Luke’s hand and wrapped his arm around his husband’s waist. “I didn’t hear you complaining about missed phone calls when I was-” He took the blonde’s ear in his mouth and tugged gently on the lobe. His tongue darted out to soothe the bite, and Reid felt Luke shudder in his arms.

“You play dirty, Dr. Oliver,” the blonde whispered huskily.

“I learned from the best, Mr. Oliver.”


The moment Luke and Reid arrived at Memorial, Katie immediately tracked them down. “There you are!” she exclaimed. “Luke, I can’t believe you turned off your phone. What was so important that you…” her voice trailed off as she saw the tell-tale blush stain Luke’s face.

“Never mind,” Katie noted, trying to hide her grin.

“What did you need to talk to me about?” Luke checked.

Katie glanced around and then pulled Luke and Reid off to the side. She took each one of their hands in hers. “I’m pregnant.”

Both men stood there for a moment, staring at her. They had matching dazed looks on their faces. Reid recovered first.

“Are you sure?” he demanded. “You didn’t take one of those drug store tests, right? You’ve seen the dead rabbit?”

Coming out of his haze, Luke gently tapped his husband on the arm with the back of his hand. “Reid!”

Katie just rolled her eyes. “Remember, Luke, I lived with him too. And yes, I had a real test with a real doctor.” She held up her hand when Reid opened his mouth. “It wasn’t Chris.”

“You’re pregnant,” Luke whispered.

Katie turned to him. “Yes.” She couldn’t help but smile and a couple of tears pinpricked her eyes. She knew how much this meant to them, especially Luke, and the fact that there was a time when none of them thought they would be in this place, having this conversation.

Luke’s heart started to pound in his chest.  It was beating so fast he felt as though he could barely catch his breath. And then he started sweating, water formed on his forehead, the back of his neck, his chest. He heard Reid call his name, but it felt so far away. The younger man turned, trying to look at his husband, and then he felt Reid’s warm palms holding his face.

“Luke, you’re having a panic attack. Just concentrate on the sound of my voice, okay?” Reid asked. His fingers worked their way into Luke’s hair, gently massaging the younger man’s scalp, doing whatever Luke did to help him when Reid had a panic attack. “Try to breathe through your nose.”

The younger man shook his head. He couldn’t breathe, that was the problem. Didn’t Reid know that by now? How many times had Luke talked him through one of these things?

“What’s your special place?” Reid asked. “What place do you feel most comfortable?”

“Y-you,” Luke panted. “Your arms,” he gasped. “Your heartbeat. You holding me.”

Reid moved quickly, pulling Luke close, wrapping his arms around his husband. He started talking, soothing words of nonsense, not once mentioning the baby. Katie watched the scene unfold. She’d heard of Reid’s panic attacks, but never witnessed one. Now Luke? She said a silent prayer that the baby wouldn’t inherit this trait from her dads.

Finally, Luke’s breathing became more controlled and his heart-rate returned to normal. He wrapped his arms around Reid’s waist, trying to get his balance back.

“You okay?” Reid checked, pulling away, but still holding his husband’s face in his hands. “Scary aren’t they?”

The blonde smiled shyly. “We’re having a baby.”

“If I say yes, are you going to start panicking again?” Reid checked, reaching for his husband again.  “I’ll make her lie if I have to.”

Luke chuckled and straightened. “No, I-”

The rest of what he was going to say was cut off by the arrival of his mom and Mark Cohen. Lily was there to support Luke and the Foundation. She’d found herself without a date once again, and knowing that Mark was starting up the wing, she asked if he wanted company. He was starting to be able to actually form sentences around Lily, and he did appreciate the offer. He wasn’t much for glad-handing the way Luke was, and he would appreciate someone with experience at this event to keep him company and prevent him from making a complete fool out of himself. Things were running a little behind schedule; Reid and Luke were both supposed to make small speeches.

“Luke, Reid, are you guys ready?”

The blonde looked at his mom and friend. “We’re having a baby,” he whispered.

“Oh, Luke!” Lily quickly pulled her son toward her for a hug.

Mark shook Reid’s hand. “Of course, you would find some way to steal my spotlight,” he teased.

Reid smirked and then turned to Lily. She had warmed up to him, but they still weren’t close. “Congratulations, Grandma,” he told her.

Lily’s smile was brittle.

“Hottest grandma I’ve ever met,” Mark added, the words slipped out easily and his eyes widened in shock.

Lily turned to him with a smile. “Thank you, Mark.”

“Uh, what I mean is… That is to say…”

Reid gave Mark a gentle shove and started to walk towards the podium for the speeches. “Quit while you’re ahead, my friend,” the redhead told Mark.


The baby had finally gone back to sleep. Reid was tempted to join her in dreamland, but then he felt Casey being taken out of his arms. The redhead was startled for a moment and then saw Luke get their daughter settled back into her crib.

Reid knew that the younger man could stay up the rest of the night watching her, but he had other plans. Taking his husband’s hand, he led him back to their bedroom. They quickly got settled in the bed as Reid’s arms wound their way around Luke’s stomach. He started to place open mouth kisses along Luke’s neck. The younger man groaned gently; he was torn between pressing back into his husband and pulling away.

“We need to get up early,” Luke whispered, his hand coming up behind him, holding Reid close. “We’re flying to Iowa tomorrow.”

Reaching for the hem of Luke’s shirt, he gave it a gentle tug and slipped his warm palm against Luke’s torso. He felt the younger man’s stomach contract in anticipation. “That’s why we have a private jet,” Reid countered, his warm breath skimming across Luke’s ear. “And you won’t let me do this on the plane since we had Casey.”

“But the flight plan…” he tried to protest, his voice a little husky.  Reid continued to nip at Luke’s neck.

“It just says we’re going to Iowa, which we are.  If we’re a little late, what’s the big deal?”

Luke finally turned, facing his husband; their torsos pressed together, their hips aligned, and their legs intertwined. “It’s Jason and Izzy’s wedding,” the blonde noted with a smile.  “You made this possible for them. You saved him, Reid.  We can’t be late for their wedding.”

He kissed Luke, and the blonde’s tongue darted out, running along the seam of Reid’s lips. The redhead’s mouth opened, pulling Luke’s tongue into his mouth. The younger man’s hands tugged at Reid’s hair, a slight gasp. Luke couldn’t get enough of Reid. He never could.

Breathlessly they pulled part. “I love you,” Luke whispered.

Reid nuzzled his nose against the blonde’s for a moment. “How many times do I have to tell you…”

“Deal with it,” Luke said, his hand working its way down Reid’s spine, tugging him close again. “Your husband is completely, madly in love with you.”

“I love you back,” the redhead assured Luke, but he had one last argument to make.  “You don’t want us to be late in the morning?” Reid pushed Luke down further onto the bed. The redhead straddled his husband’s waist. He leaned over, tugging the shirt off of Luke, and gently ran his fingers up and down the blonde’s sides.

“Reid…” Luke’s response was a little breathless. His husband nipped and kissed his way down Luke’s stomach.

“If you don’t want us to be late, then stop trying to talk me out of having sex with you,” Reid paused for a moment and looked at Luke, holding the blonde’s gaze.

“Well, when you put it like that…”

~The End~


Well, we have reached the end. It's been quite an experience and I want to thank you for taking the journey with me and sharing your insights, questions and comments. I think I need tissues and hugs now. Happy Holidays!   ~Ali

luke/reid; fic: all that i am

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