Fic: Not in Kansas Anymore (5/23)

Oct 14, 2011 23:23

Title: Not in Kansas Anymore (5/23)
Fandom: Stargate/Star Wars
Rating: M
Genres: crossover, romance
Summary: When Laura Cadman and Evan Lorne woke up in a storage room, they never thought it would be in a galaxy far, far away. And now they need to find a way back home, past Special Operations agents and stormtroopers, between the fronts in a war they thought they knew (from television, mind you). But no one ever said it would be easy.
A/N: Righty-o, let's keep posting chapters. And I apologize for them being so short. They honestly looked and felt a lot longer when I wrote the story (probably because I kept thinking "25k, OMG, need to make 25k, OMG will never make 25k"...). This really isn't my usual style... I'm sorry :S Also, am still promoting yappichick's fanart! And please don't forget to claim a day in my Holiday Fic Request meme (because otherwise mackenziesmomma will have claimed them all)!

( Not in Kansas Anymore 1/23 )

( Not in Kansas Anymore 2/23 )

( Not in Kansas Anymore 3/23 )

( Not in Kansas Anymore 4/23 )


Well. For some reason, he can hear Cadman’s voice - of all people - as clearly in his head as if she were standing next to him, berating him for that decision and quite frankly, if he still hadn't that weird feeling that he did the right thing he’d wholeheartedly agree with her.

Because right now, he feels himself confronted with what looks like two squads of white-armored stormtroopers and most of all a dozen blaster muzzles. Actually, it’s a small miracle that they haven’t simply shot him on sight when he encountered them just a second ago. But maybe the fact that as soon as he saw them he managed to shout sufficiently pissed off, “Shoot and you’ll regret it!” had something to do with that.

Now there’s just a gaggle of identical helmets looking at him with their black eye slits and having trained their rifles at him. He’s pretty sure that behind that façade, there’s frantic communication with their superiors somewhere around this base but it’s still a little off-putting to be stared at by silent stormtroopers.

And suddenly, unbidden, there’s the scene with Han Solo screaming and running towards the stormtroopers in his mind. It always made him laugh when watching A New Hope but right now, he’s wondering how stupid one man can be to be actually charging towards a phalanx of that.

All of that happens in the fraction of a second but it appears to him as if it was a small eternity until the one in front with the red patch on his shoulders says in a disembodied, filtered voice, “Identify yourself.”

Yes, well, now comes the hard part. Frantically trying to come up with a cover story justifying his warning, he decides… to stall. “I could tell you… but then I’d have to shoot you.” Again, there’s Cadman in his head and even the almost physical sensation of a slap to the back of his head - or maybe that’s just his headache which seems to intensify again, after a short reprieve after leaving Cadman and the hopefully good guys behind. Yes, well, in terms stupidity, this one rates very high up. Probably even higher than Han Solo charging at a battery of stromtroopers on the fucking Death Star.

However… for some reason… he’s still not dead. Huh. “State your name, rank and unit or you will be shot.” Mh. Did he just detect a hint of impatience in the lead trooper’s otherwise almost robotic tone?

If so… the ground is getting hotter. He’s playing a dangerous game here and he did promise Cadman he’d get those dog tags back. So he better watch his steps here. “My name and rank are none of your business and my unit answers directly to the Emperor.” Well, not like that.

But now he said it and all he can do is hoping that there actually is an Emperor in this version of the Star Wars Galaxy. Because if there isn’t… “JC-1278, search him and strip him off everything that can be used as a weapon. Look for anything that can be used for identification. JC-1263, cover JC-1278.”

“Yes, Sergeant,” two voices answer in unison and two of the faceless armor suits leave formation and come walking over to him. While the first one roughly pats him down and takes away his P90, Beretta and everything else that he could use to kill someone off him, he tries to make a face that’s part bored, part irritated, as if this is all just beneath him and he’s just humoring them.

It is, however, kind of hard keeping it up because they’re not exactly gentle. Not that he didn’t expect that - he’d probably be the same in their stead - but there’s still his injured calf and yes, it’s starting to become a tad uncomfortable.


It’s starting to become a damn pain in the ass and it’s kind of hard not to look relieved when the troopers’ Sergeant orders them to take him in their midst and march him to… wherever they march people like him to. Hopefully it’s not his execution but he does cling to the fact that if they’d wanted to execute him, they just could have shot him now and be done with it. So at least his attempt at lying through his teeth didn’t go as bad as he thought it would, after all.

fandom: stargate, fandom: star wars, crossover: not in kansas anymore, big bang big frenzy, fannish stuff

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