Title: Not in Kansas Anymore (2/23)
Fandom: Stargate/Star Wars
Rating: M
Genres: crossover, romance
Summary: When Laura Cadman and Evan Lorne woke up in a storage room, they never thought it would be in a galaxy far, far away. And now they need to find a way back home, past Special Operations agents and stormtroopers, between the fronts in a war they thought they knew (from television, mind you). But no one ever said it would be easy.
A/N: So, second chapter! You're lucky I'm still on sick leave but don't need to sleep the entire day anymore ;) Hope you like it. And since I'm still so much in love with
yappichick's fanart, you get the
link again. Oh God, I love her icons so much. You'll find my favorite one under the cut ;)
Not in Kansas Anymore 1/23 )
So they’re not in Kansas anymore. And she’s stuck here - she’s still in denial about actually being in the universe that George Lucas once imagined - with Evan fucking Lorne.
Oh, okay, it could have been worse. Way worse, actually. She could have been stuck here with Rodney and that would have been all kinds of fucked. Or with Carson which would have been all kinds of awkward, seeing as they broke up only a couple of months ago. So, yeah, okay, being stranded in Lucas Land with patient, ass-kicking and obviously geeky Evan Lorne isn't actually that bad. “Lieutenant?”
Oh, damn, concentrate. “Yes, sir?”
“You’ve been staring at that thing for at least two minutes straight. Any new insights?” She tries not to look too irritated because basically he’s right.
But he asked her a question and he deserves an answer, so she tries to find words that don’t let her appear like a complete failure. “Not… really. Sorry, sir, my knowledge of Ancient goes as far as “Don’t touch this!” and that’s it. Can’t make anything of those inscriptions here.”
He raises his eyebrow. “And here I thought your time in Rodney’s head…”
“Let’s not talk about that,” she can’t help interrupting quite cutting and when his eyebrows raise even higher - after he winced? Did he just do that? - she feels the need to add a little hastily, “Please. Let’s… please not talk about that.”
Something in that - maybe the fact that she had to avoid his eyes so he wouldn’t see that she really doesn’t like to talk about that - obviously made him soften his voice when he says, “Sorry, Lieutenant. Didn’t want to wake any sleeping dogs.” Did he just… touch her face?
Mh. No, he definitely didn’t, or she would have seen him move from the corner of her eye. But she could swear she just felt something touch her cheek very softly… weird. Anyway… they have a job to do. “It’s okay, sir. Just… anyway. I can’t make anything of that.”
He frowns and takes the little cylindrical thing from her hands. “Okay, let me have a look. I don’t know much more than “up” and “down” in Ancient but…” And yeah, for a very short moment, the thing lights up… and then it’s dead again. Lorne blinks. “Alright, it reacts to the gene and… I think it just… tried to tell me something.”
Now it’s her turn to raise her eyebrows. “Hopefully how to get back home.”
Slowly he shakes his head and she thinks once more that he looks really a little shaken up. Like something is bothering him immensely and she wonders if the aspirin he swallowed did anything against the headache he mentioned. “No, unfortunately not. Or… not all of it. It said something about… coordinates or something.”
That… wasn’t much help. She can just barely refrain from saying so. Instead she tries to be constructive. “Did it clarify how I can get those coordinates in there and which ones they have to be actually?”
Now he looks almost contrite. Huh. “No. I tried to ask it but then it went dead.”
Well, actually, that’s also the bigger problem. “Please don’t tell me that means its battery is dead.”
Okay. Now he does look contrite. “Fraid that’s exactly what happened, Lieutenant.” Oh just fucking great. Just. Fucking. Great.
And did he wince again? This is really getting weirder by the minute. But… let’s not get distracted here. She frowns. “Maybe… mh…” without asking, she reaches for the thing again and takes it from his hands. And dammit, he winced again. This really needs to stop.
And maybe it will if she just keeps on ignoring it. So… the Ancients must have built in some kind of fail safe. They really did like to do that… some way to recharge the battery, or find a different power source… “Gotcha.” Oops, did she just say that aloud? “See here? That looks like a solar power collector. Let’s hope it takes all sunlight.”
She half expects him to ask when she means by that but then he confirms her suspicion that he might be one of the few Zoomies with something in their heads when he nods and says, “Only one way to find out, isn’t there?”
“Yeah,” she nods. “However, there’s still that coordinates thing.”
“Yeah, there still is. Maybe we should…” But he doesn’t get farther because suddenly the sounds of a rather big explosion ring through the compound or ship or wherever they are. Judging from the volume and the sound… and there’s another one, considerably louder.
Scrambling to her feet, she yells, “Fuck, sir, whatever caused this, we need to get out of here,” when a third explosion can be heard.
“Agreed, Lieutenant. Follow me.” Readying his P90, he runs between several crates towards the only structure that looks like a door and doing the same, she follows him after securing the Ancient device that brought them here in one of the pockets of her vest. Then, after only a minimal amount of fumbling around… the door opens with a hiss and they both step out into a cold grey corridor.
Both in combat mode, they quietly make their way a couple of feet away from the storage room until their hear a high pitched whine from somewhere in front of them… blasters, she thinks a little absentmindedly and when Lorne turns around to her, he simply nods, as if to confirm her suspicion. Huh.
He takes another couple of steps towards a T-shaped crossing and stops at the bend. She closes the gap and now they’re both standing shoulder to shoulder with their backs pressed to corridor’s steel walls. The sounds of fighting can still be heard and now it sounds like they’re up close and personal, judging from the occasional screams and the pinging and whining sounds that could be blaster bolts ricocheting.
“Sir?” He looks at her, his brows furrowed as if he needs to concentrate very hard. “Orders?”
After a moment of contemplation he comes up with, “Engage.” She can’t help raising her eyebrow and he says, “If, by some huge galactic joke, this really belongs to the Empire and depending on at which point in Star Wars history we landed ourselves here, this could be very well be a Rebel attack.” Okay, so far she can follow. And she’s kind of glad that she landed herself here with an officer who never felt that he didn’t need to explain himself to junior officers. “And anyway, whoever attacked, they probably came from outside so wherever they are, that must be the direction to get out.”
Alright. Yes. Of course. “Understood, sir.”
“Alright. Ready?” No. But she nods anyway. “Let’s go.”
So they do, step by step closer to the sounds of fighting… that actually seem to cease. Which means one of the sides is losing and she hopes to God it’s not the good guys, whoever they are. Another bend… another… and suddenly, the sounds of fighting have stopped and they’re face to face with a ragtag band of humans and aliens - wait, non-humans, that’s what they’re called here - in white camo and what looks like parts of body armor. Some of them are standing and guarding their portion of the corridor, some are checking ammo, wounds, or rifling through the amour suits of a couple of downed stormtroopers. Well, that is until they’re all looking at her and Lorne. Oh.
TBC in
Chapter Three.