Fic: Not in Kansas Anymore (3/23)

Oct 08, 2011 00:11

Title: Not in Kansas Anymore (3/23)
Fandom: Stargate/Star Wars
Rating: M
Genres: crossover, romance
Summary: When Laura Cadman and Evan Lorne woke up in a storage room, they never thought it would be in a galaxy far, far away. And now they need to find a way back home, past Special Operations agents and stormtroopers, between the fronts in a war they thought they knew (from television, mind you). But no one ever said it would be easy.
A/N: Still on sick leave, but really better now. Trying to translate this into German and just not in the mood... but I promise, I'll get into it as soon as I can! Also, still promoting yappichick's fanart!

( Not in Kansas Anymore 1/23 )

( Not in Kansas Anymore 2/23 )

Well, he thinks, at least the good guys won.

Or at least that’s what he’s hoping. That whoever the guys staring at Cadman and him are, they’re the good guys. He’s still kind of in denial about this really happening but right now is neither the time nor the place to second guess his perception of reality, mainly because there seems to be a lot of firepower to be involve on the opposite site.

There are three humans, one alien… non-human he identifies as what went for a Wookiee in George Lucas’ version of this universe, one he thinks could be a Rodian… and then he has to blank. There’s fur and it’s almost as tall as the Wookiee, but with an elongated… snout, a bit like a bi-pedal wolf…

And that’s as far as he gets with his assessment because suddenly the air is full of laser beams and out of reflex the first thing he does is let himself fall to the side, to move Cadman and himself out of the line of fire and shouting, “Cease fire, cease fire!” while pushing them both to the ground. He keeps shielding her with his body - even though he’s pretty sure he heard her say something like “Let me go, you over protective idiot” but he chooses to ignore that, for multiple reasons - even when he feels a hot, searing pain as one of the laser beams must have grazed his calf. Well then, that probably just answered the question of how real this is. The pain most certainly is.

And goddammit, didn’t they hear him? And don’t they see that neither he nor Cadman offer any resistance at all? Or, okay, only resistance at them because in Cadman’s case, she very much does offer resistance, only it seems to be directed at him, instead of that ragtag band of hopefully rebels. Jesus fucking Christ can’t she just… “Get the kark up, both of you.” Oh, wait, the laser beams… they just stopped.

Also, which is probably more important but hasn’t really registered in his head as that yet, someone just yelled at him. In English. The geek part of his mind can’t help thinking that this is about the worst science fiction cliché ever but the soldier part is way bigger which is why he decides to do the smart thing and slowly gets off Cadman - and again wisely ignoring her “Gee, thanks, sir” - with his hands in the air.

“I said, get up,” the snarling, slightly female voice says again and this time he can see that the speaker was the not-Wookiee and the narrowed eyes under furry brows don’t look too kind. But okay, the thing really making him comply are the enormous bared fangs. Without further ado, he tries to get up… and is severely hindered by the graze wound on his calf. Holy fuck.

“Hey, don’t you understand Basic, bantha-brains?” Well, if that was only the probl…

“Yes, we do, you… nerf herder.” Look who just remembered a Star Wars insult. And look who should shut the hell up, judging from the faces of their assailants. “But if you’d just take a closer look you’d see that my… companion here is wounded.” Companion? And who does she think she is that she suddenly speaks for the both of them?

However, apparently Cadman’s brazen nature… seems to astound them enough that at least for a moment, they seem to be taken aback… until suddenly, there’s the sound of heavy boots coming towards them. “Kriff, Boss, that sounds like a battery of chickens coming down our way. Unplanned chickens.” Uh… what?

A look to Cadman confirms him that she has no idea what this is about, either but agrees that whatever the human just said, it did not sound good.

The wolf lady - at least he thinks it’s a lady - makes a deep guttural sound, very much like a growl and then says, “Alright, pack up the two BUGs and hurry up or it’s gonna get boring very soon.”

Okay, they’re talking in some special lingo… probably Special Forces or something, which would also explain the body armor and the precise and economic movements while they’re collecting… what? The Star Wars version of dog tags of their fallen? Probably. And the rattling sound mingled with the clattering of boots keeps coming closer.

Which is probably why he’s being yanked up roughly by one of the humans, as well as Cadman and… fuck, the graze wound hurts. He grits his teeth so as not to show any weakness… most of all because Cadman just looked very much like she was… worried about him? Is that what he could just see gleaming in her eyes for a second?

And why is his head starting to hurt again, the moment Cadman was looking at him? Ah, fuck, he can think about that later. If there actually is a later.

Right now… there are a lot of words he doesn’t understand but from the sound of it there’s a lot of quite cussing going on. Yeah, he can understand that… because he and Cadman… obviously busted their little operation, whatever they’d planned.

So they’re kind of going with the flow and he’s glad that Cadman didn’t take the kicking and screaming road. Instead she keeps… she keeps looking at him as they are drag them through the hall ways, one looking as the grey as the next one, waiting for… for what? Directions?

Oh fuck.

She is waiting for directions because he’s her fucking superior officer and because he’s responsible for her. Okay, fine, he’d never have thought that brazen Lieutenant Laura Cadman would have moments where she’d look up to a superior…

What? Why did they suddenly stop? “What’s going on, Riel?” the wolf lady growls and the Rodian, the guy at the front turns around and answer… in Gibberish. Okay, Rodian, probably. But he still can’t understand a word. What he does understand though, is that they seem to be in deep shit because there’s a fast back and forth between wolf lady and she seems to be less happy with everything Rodian guy snarls at her.

And he keeps hearing the fucking boots and armor clanking and… “What the fuck is going on, guys?” Okay, so much for Cadman being in need of guidance. Or wait… she is or otherwise she wouldn’t just have said that and drew all attention to them again.

It is remarkable, however, how she doesn’t shrink away from wolf lady’s piercing gaze and doesn’t budge when the other human is manhandling her by jerking her arm. “What’s going on is none of your karking business, Imp.”

“I ain’t no fucking Imp, Doggie Girl!” Wow, someone’s really getting worked up… and someone’s about to get them both killed.

Even though his head is starting to throb now, he manages to growl, “Stand down, Lieutenant,” between his gritted teeth.

“Yeah, you shut the kark up, Imp,” Cadman’s handler suddenly says and… then he backhands her. The bastard.

He’s about to intervene but the moment the blast hits Cadman’s face, something seems to hit him and for a moment he’s seeing stars and the fucking headache just got even worse, if that’s actually possible. So he almost misses Cadman gearing up to hit her attacker back but suddenly, there’s a weird sense of urgency all about him and he growls again, “I said, stand down, Lieutenant.”

She glares at him and is probably gearing up to give him a piece of her mind but… they’re running out of time. Something - and that’s not just the sound of boots and armor way too close now - tells him something needs to be done and… with a sudden clarity… he knows exactly what it is.

The realization how to play this… hits him hard enough that he can’t help gasping and putting a steadying hand against one of the walls. Fuck. He takes a deep breath, turns to the team and Cadman who’re all looking to be in various stages of confusion and wariness. “I’m gonna be your diversion.”

“What?” Naturally, Cadman would be the first to speak.

He winces as he puts weight on his injured leg but he does manage to stand upright in the end. “Whoever you guys are, and I’m sincerely hoping you’re the good guys because I’m gonna entrust my subordinate to your hands,” Cadman looks ready to jump him now and his head receives yet another burst of pain and he’d totally start wondering if there’s any coincidence if they’d actually had time for any of that crap now, “since I’m gonna start walking into the direction of our pursuers now and don’t you dare shoot me in the back because I’m pretty sure Lieutenant Cadman here will make you pay for it.”

Well, he thinks apparently with those folks, whoever they are, a big mouth seems to genuinely impress them. Alright, so he probably should have made something up for Cadman, but quite honestly, they’ll probably doubt everything he tells them anyway, so no need for a cover identity. “With all due respect, sir, you will certainly not…”

“Yes, he will,” wolf lady just growls and suddenly… something tells him… that for some unknown reason… she understands what he just offered and she also understands the sacrifice… and he knows he’ll be safe walking away from them. Well… then there’s nothing keeping him here. Except… that one thing.

Nestling with his jacket’s collar, he pulls off his dog tags and limps over to Cadman. Ignoring her incredulous gaze and the sudden feeling of… despair and fear that somehow suddenly made it into his head and heart when he looked at her, he takes her hand and puts them in there, gently closing it again. “Take good care of them, Lieutenant. I’m gonna want them back.” Because somehow, somewhere deep down he knows he will find her and get his dog tags from her, if he just plays his cards right.

And right now, that means walking away and facing the enemy and damned if he knows how the hell he knows that. So that’s what he does; turning around, limping away… trying to ignore that now she is doing the kicking and screaming act, pretty well at that. He’s gonna find her again. He will. He knows that. And if he keeps telling himself that, maybe he’ll even start to believe it at some point.

fandom: stargate, fandom: star wars, crossover: not in kansas anymore, big bang big frenzy, fannish stuff

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