Fiction Index

Jan 22, 2015 19:51

Fandom WIP List (F-locked to latin_cat.)


- Green Stuff - Jack, Stephen. (U) Short drabble. Written for gloriana’s eight minute fic challenge.
- Fishing - Jack, Stephen. (U) Something nasty is lurking in the great cabin...
- Captain Melbury - Jack/Stephen. (12) During "Post Captain" when Jack and Stephen are ashore renting Melbury Lodge.
- St. John the Nudist - Jack/Stephen. (18) Terrible faux-scripture and somewhat out of proportion nudity. Silliness.
- The Ghost of a Violin - Jack/Stephen. (12) Jack is absent from the cabin, but not from Stephen’s thoughts.
- To the End - Jack/Stephen. (12) Sequel to The Ghost of a Violin. Jack’s prospects of recovery are fading fast, and Stephen finds the strain too much to bear.
- Thunder Overhead - Aubreyad/Hornblower X-over. (15) Archie is wounded aboard Surprise, and Babbington tries to cheer him up whilst Stephen does his best to operate.
- A Wholly Expected Party - Jack, Stephen. (U) Jack and Stephen are gate-crashing! A short drabble written for grace_poppy's birthday.
- Under The Copper Beeches - Jack/Stephen, George/Brigid (15) Young and old love ashore. A tale of two couples, and the relationships of fathers with their children which takes place after “BAtM”. Dedicated to esteven
- Untitled - Jagiello/Jack/Stephen (18) TSM; Whilst imprisoned in the Temple. Inspired by a drawing of tootsiemuppet's.
- Caterpillar - Stephen, Jack (U) The Naturalist strikes again.*g* For des_pudels_kern.
- Sirens - Jack/Stephen (12) "TIM"; The captain of the Surprise speculates about Sirens.
- Sweethearts - George/Brigid, Brigid/Philip (15) George, Brigid and Philip; from their childhood together into adult life. WARNING: Major character death.
- The Ash Grove - Jack/Stephen, George/Brigid (12) An old Stephen reflects on his lost friend. WARNING: Major character death.
- Swimming - Jack/Stephen (12) Jack and Stephen’s first kiss. Set during the final chapters of HMS Surprise. Based on a picture by wicked_warrior.
- Belaying Pin - Stephen/Jack (U) Short drabble for sharpiefan.
- Ionian Illness - Stephen/Jack, Killick (U) Short drabble for esteven.
- Quiet - Pullings & Stephen (U) Short drabble for ylla.
- Shelter From The Rain - Mowett/Pullings (12) Pullings and Mowett get caught out in a rainstorm. For sarlania's AoS Painting Challenge. Prompt: Shelter from the rain by Bonaventura Peeters the Elder
- Once Upon December - Jack/Stephen (U) The captain and the doctor dance. Written for the perfect_duet 2009 Advent Calendar.
- Ari’s Song - Pullings/Mrs Pullings (U) Tom pines for the sea. For des_pudels_kern's Song!fic Challenge on perfect_duet.
- Nemo - Stephen, Jack, Herapath, Fisher, OC (PG) "DI:" Stephen encounters an unexpected presence when he goes to exorcise the bowsprit nettings.
- The Night Before Christmas - Stephen/Jack, Killick, Bonden, Davies (PG) A traditional Festive Favourite, retold by Dr. S. E. Maturin. Written for the perfect_duet 2010 Advent Calendar.
- Fiddler's Green - Jack/Stephen, Jack/Sophie, Heneage Dundas, Killick (12) “Which goes first?” #2: Stephen dies before Jack. Sequel to The Ash Grove. WARNING: Major character death(s).
- Curiosity Pullings/Marshall (Unrequited) (15) Tom Pullings, Master’s mate of the Sophie, wonders about William Marshall. Set just pre-Aubreyad.

Stephen the Vampire Series - Jack/Stephen. (15) What it says on the tin.
- #1: Crossing the Line - Jack is unusually timid and Stephen resorts to some… experimental medicine. An AU insert into “The Far Side of the World”.

- Untitled Drabbles Sophie/Jack, OC & Stephen, Jack, Heneage (PG) Two drabbles, written for tootsiemuppet.


- Pressgang - Hornblower, Archie, others (PG) Short drabble for lady_branwyn.
- Battle Fever - Hornblower/Bush (12) Aboard the Renown, during the battle with the escaped Spanish prisoners. For the following_sea "Seven Deadly Sins" Challenge, Prompt: 'Wrath'.
- Monster - Hornblower/Bush (15) Another Renown fic; Bush comes to terms with being owned by another. For the following_sea "Seven Deadly Sins" Challenge, Prompt: 'Greed'.
- An Overdue Interview - Hornblower/Barbara, Wellington, Richard Hornblower (PG) 1815: After Waterloo, Hornblower is reunited with his family. (SPOILERS: Lord Hornblower)
- Two in the Bush Hornblower/Bush/Kennedy (18) On the Renown, after Sawyer's fall. Whilst Horatio's joke fails to be at all amusing, it gives Archie an idea. Smut.
- Upon a Midnight Clear Hornblower/Kennedy, Bush (U) Remix of gayalondiel's fic Snow. Written for hornblowerremix.


Les Misérables
- Vive le Contorsionniste - Javert, Valjean (U) M. Madeline finds a surprise in his office cupboard. Silliness.
- Black Wings - Javert/Valjean (PG) A different take on the Suicide. Very definitely AU.
- Christmas morning - Javert/Valjean (15) The boys at Christmas.
- Addictions - Javert/Valjean (12) Javert is addicted, but not to snuff.
- Musings of a Thénardiess - Mme. Thénardier, Javert (12) POV Mme. Thénardier - what she really thinks. Look out lads…!
- Librarian - Cosette (PG) Cosette & books, pre-Marius. Written for the revolution_but_ 'Less Than 500 Words' challenge.
- Le Matin - Javert (PG) Javert ruminates. And has a shave. Written for the revolution_but_ ‘Less Than 500 Words’ challenge.
- For the Love of Hell" Les Misérables/Dracula x-over (15) The tale of two lovers parted by death. Rated for slash, reference to sex and general weirdness.
- Crimson - Javert, OCs (15) Les Miz and vampires. Chapter 1 originally posted in response to JenValjean's Hallowe'en challenge.
Chapter I
Chapter II



Pre Tiger
- Nothing - Wellington/Simmerson. (18) A young soldier's worst nightmare. WARNING: Non-con.
- In Flanders Fields - Sharpe/Wellington. (PG) The 33rd in Flanders.
- Breaking - Sharpe, Wellington (PG) When Sharpe was broken down from corporal. For the look_sharpe prompts table, Prompt #16: “Parade”.

Sharpe's Tiger
- Dreams Within the Smoke - Sharpe/Wellington, Garrard (15) Sharpe sees things he does not believe he’s seeing - mainly due to drugs.
- Irregularities - Sharpe/Wellington. (18) One evening in Seringapatam. The first time.

Sharpe's Triumph
- Night Terrors - Wellington, Campbell (12) The Night after Assaye. For the look_sharpe prompts table; Prompt #25 "Narrow Escape"; based on a real event.

Sharpe's Fortress
- Exchange - Sharpe/Wellington (12) A conversation in India (Takes place just after Sharpe’s Fortress). For the look_sharpe prompts table; Prompt #24 “Exotic”.
- Beneath A Moonless Sky - Sharpe/Wellington (12) The farewell in India, 1804. Written for the StC Alphabet Soup Challenge ('M' is for 'Moon').

Sharpe's Trafalgar

Sharpe's Prey

Sharpe's Rifles
- Watching - Sharpe, Harper (PG) Harper’s thoughts about his new officer. Spoilers for Sharpe's Rifles. Short piece for the look_sharpe August Picture Prompt. Takes place somewhere between Rifles and Havoc.

Sharpe's Havoc
- A Day In May - Sharpe/Wellington, Hogan, Lawford, & two OCs (12) Wellington missed his 40th birthday - he was fighting. Silliness abounds. A birthday fic in three parts.

Sharpe's Eagle
- A Woman’s Duty - La Marquesa/Wellington (15) Helena performs her duties well. For the look_sharpe prompts table; Prompt #19 “Chosen Men”.

Sharpe's Gold
- Truth - Sharpe/Wellington, Sharpe/HC (15) 1810 in the Peninsula. The General marks the anniversary of a death. Written for the showthecolours KinkMeme. Prompt; Any established male character turns out to be a woman in disguise. WARNING: Major character death.

Sharpe's Escape
- Águila - Sharpe/Wellington (15) Speculating on nicknames. Short piece for the look_sharpe prompts table; Prompt #2 “Eagle”.

Sharpe's Fury
- Pillow Talk - Henry/Pumphrey, Sharpe/Wellington (implied) (PG) A discussion. For snakey.

Sharpe's Battle

Sharpe's Company

Sharpe's Sword
- Words - Sharpe/La Marquesa, Sharpe/Wellington (PG) A confrontation on the mirador.
- To Death Us Do Part - Sharpe/Wellington (PG) The General’s feelings on one particular Salamancan night. WARNING: Major character death.

Sharpe's Enemy

Sharpe's Honour

Sharpe's Regiment
- Gloves - Sharpe/Wellington, Harper, Rossendale (18) Sharpe’s attire causes a stir. For the look_sharpe June Picture Challenge.
- Weller's War - Weller, Hagman, Sharpe (PG) For the look_sharpe November Picture Prompt challenge.
- Of a Failed Romantic - Shellington, Sharpe/Wellington (15) For the look_sharpe September '09 Picture Challenge. The would-be poet has some bad encounters with romance. (N.B. Spoilers for Sharpe's Mission.)

Sharpe's Siege
- Out of the Rain - Sharpe/Wellington, Fredrickson, OC (12a) What to do on a foul and rainy night. A collaboration between myself and sharpiefan. For the look_sharpe prompts table; Prompt #14 “Obeying Orders”.

Sharpe's Revenge

Sharpe's Waterloo
- To March Again - Sharpe/Wellington (PG) Leading up to Waterloo. For the look_sharpe November Picture Prompt challenge.
- Victory - Sharpe/Wellington (15) Waterloo is the Army’s Trafalgar, yet for it to be exactly so, there needed to be one more loss. For the look_sharpe prompts table; Prompt #15 “Wounded”. WARNING: Major character death.

Post Waterloo
- Sitting - Sharpe/Wellington, HC (PG) Richard Sharpe = Biggest Fidget in the history of Mankind. For the look_sharpe prompts table; Prompt #23 “Bribe”.
- Exeunt - Sharpe/Wellington. (PG) The Rifleman says his farewells. Chapter 1 and Chapter 2.

- Chocolate - Sharpe/Wellington. (PG) Wellington has a sweet-tooth. Pure fluff and silliness.
- Ex Libris - Harris, Wellington. (PG) Harris’ search for literature gets him into trouble.
- Debt - Sharpe, Wellington (PG) History repeating itself. A very short, pointless oneshot.
- Desperation - Hagman, Perkins, Sharpe, Lawford (15) Perkins in a predicament. Short piece for the look_sharpe prompts table; Prompt #29 “Desperate”.
- Cheating - Sharpe/Wellington (15) A very wicked game. For the look_sharpe September Picture Prompt.
- Listening In - Sharpe/Wellington (15) Tent walls are, by nature, very thin. Silly, silly little piece. For the look_sharpe prompts table; Prompt #3 “Sentry”.
- Treasured - Sharpe/Wellington (18) For the look_sharpe prompts table; Prompt #22 “Treasure”. Short and slightly dirty.
- Snow - Sharpe/Wellington, Lawford, Harper (PG) For the look_sharpe prompts table; Prompt #20 “Treachery”. One snowy morning in the British camp.
- Silence - Sharpe/Wellington, Hagman, Harper (15) For the prompts table; Prompt #18 "God Save Ireland" WARNING: Contains angst. AU.
- Keepsakes - Sharpe/Wellington, Chosen Men (PG) For the look_sharpe January Picture Prompt challenge.
- Things - Sharpe/Wellington (implied), Harris, Harper, Lawford (15) Sharpe has a bad mood, and it’s spreading. Somewhat dirty punchline. For the look_sharpe March Picture Challenge.
- Blue - Sharpe/Wellington (PG) Richard has some strong opinions about Arthur's dress. For aninfamousarmy's Prompt Table; Prompt #10 “blue”.
- Battle Plans - Sharpe/Wellington (12) Sharpe doesn't think much of Arthur's artistic abilities. A short piece of fluff.
- Sharpe's Surprise - Sharpe/Wellington (18) Wellington has a surprise in store for Sharpe.
- Never In Life - Sharpe/Wellington (18) A mysterious plague causes particular and personal problems for Lord Wellington. Based on astolat's fantastic Aubreyad fic The World turned Upside-Down.

- 10 Short Sharpe Drabbles - Sharpe/Wellington, Sharpie/Lucille, Leroy, Harper, Price, various others (PG overall) Various short drabbles for a meme.

"Misplaced" (WIP) - Class Swap AU: Sir Richard Sharpe is C-in-C of the Peninsula Forces, and Arthur Wesley an officer up from the ranks. (15) New chapters will come as and when (Though between you and me there will be more 'when' then 'as').
Part I: Dublin, 1769
Part II: Flanders, 1795
Part III: Seringapatam, 1799
Part IV i: Assaye, 1803
Part IV ii: Assaye, 1803
Part IV iii: Assaye, 1803
Part V i: Gawilghur, 1803

The Welly!Cat and Sharpe!Bunny Series - In which Wellington is discovered to be a shape-shift and Sharpe a Wererabbit. (12) Short, slashy silliness.
- Part 1 - Cat's Eyes
- Part 2 - Bunny Ears
- Part 3 - Rabbit, Run
- Part 4 - Rabbit at Rest
- Part 5 - Rabbit Redux
- Part 6 - Felis Felicitas

A Boot Up the Backside; written in collaboration with sharpiefan - Sharpe/Welly PWP. (18) Written in a moment of insanity.
- Part I
- Part II
- Part III

The Fangirl’s Revenge - (PG) How to catch a Wellington. Pure silliness.
- Part I - "A Fistful of Hatpins"
- Part II - "Beware the Harper-wock, my Son..."
- Part III - "These Boots Are Making Footprints"

Sharpe's Book - (PG) Sharpe loses a certain book of his... Told in screencaps.
- Act I
- Act II
- Act III; Finale


Show the Colours
- A Second Opinion - Sharpe/Aubreyad X-over (PG) Wellington is ill, and one of his aides calls in a physician. Fits the look_sharpe prompts table; Prompt #30 “Writer’s Choice - ‘Submission’”.
- Untitled - Leat, Bolitho, Crozier (15) The Death of Leat. Written for the showthecolours KinkMeme. Prompt; Death!fic. How do you picture each character's death?.
- Untitled - Jonathan Padstowe (PG) The Death of Padstowe. Originally written for the showthecolours KinkMeme. Prompt; Death!fic. How do you picture each character's death?.
- Hampshire, 1816 - Vickery, Padstowe (PG) A reunion post-Waterloo.

Coincidence - Terpsichores, the Eighth Doctor, Charley Pollard (PG) AU StC/Doctor Who Crossover. It's 1809, and the Doctor finds a familiar face on board a ship. Written for the StC Alphabet Soup Challenge ('B' is for 'Brother').
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7


- Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell; A Different Magic - Strange, Whyte, Wellington (U) Strange finds a different magic at work in the Peninsula. Dedicated to teh_elb.
- The Road To Samarcand; Epilogue - Sullivan/Ross (12) After the journey is over.
- Sherlock Holmes; Legitimate Questions - Holmes/Watson, Wellington (PG) Watson stumbles across a Holmes family secret. (Could become multiple chapter work.)
- Young Bloods; First Time - Wellington/HC (18) Written for the showthecolours KinkMeme. Prompt; First times. What was each character's first time like? (Can be first kiss, first time with the opposite sex, first time with the same sex - whatever you like!)

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