Fic: The Next Morning, Chapter 20 -Rules of Departure (CSI Miami, Ryan Wolfe/ Eric Delko)

Dec 02, 2008 18:10

Title: The Next Morning  (Chapter 20 -Rules of Departure)
Author: FinnishSphinx
Rating: PG
Fandom: CSI Miami
Pairings: Ryan Wolf/ Eric Delko
Spoilers: None
Disclaimer: They are not mine, just using them for amusement...
Feedback: Makes the World Turn.

"What do you mean `accidental drowning`? She was black and blue with

"I mean exactly that. All the damage fits with the founder`s story. They saw
her in the pool, got her up and gave her CPR." Alexx took off her gloves and
walked to the sink to wash her hands. "She got some bruises from the edge
of the pool when they tried to get her up, and she suffered a buised rib during
the CPR. That`s very common. She made it to the hospital, but didn`t survive.
End of story."

"So, that`s it?"
"That`s it, mister, and I don`t value that tone you had. You know I take good
care of all my babies."
"Yeah, I know."
"And that`s why I want to know why you are here and Ryan is on his way to
 Las Vegas."

"It`s not that I didn`t want to go with him. He said he wanted to go alone.
I dropped him off at the airport this morning."
"I can understand why he didn`t want you to go with him, but you should have
gone anyway. Someone would have covered your shift if you had just asked."
"Look, Alexx... This thing is hard enough for him as it is. I don`t wanna add
any more pressure, that thing between him and his parents.. it`s volatile."

"That`s just one more reason for you to be there for him. That mother of his
seems like a real piece of work."
"Yeah.." Eric stopped to think what she had just said. "Wait a minute. He told
you about them?"
"We talked on the phone this morning, when he was at the airport."
"He called you?"
"Yes, and I told him the same thing I told you. You should have gone together."
She let out a frustrated sigh. "You two really are an ideal match. Both just as


"Okay, Delko, this is it."
Eric lifted his eyes from the microscope. Calleigh, Alexx and Valera were standing
in the doorway.

"This is what?"
"An intervention." Calleigh proclaimed. "And we`re doing this for your sake,
and Ryan`s."

"Doing what?" Eric was starting to panic.
"Eric, did you read the report you wrote on that drowning this morning?" Calleigh
unfolded a piece of paper. "In `time of death` you wrote `Vegas`, and in `location`
you wrote `flight`. Your head is obviously not on the job."
Eric tried to figure out what to say. "Well... anyone can make some typos-"

"Eric, shut up." Valera interrupted. "We checked the schedules and there`s a flight
to Vegas in two hours and there`s still seats available. Get up and get going."
"And if you don`t leave peacefully," Alexx added. "I`ll call your mother and ask her
to come here."
"You wouldn`t...."
"Try me."

Calleigh handed Eric a back bag. "There`s your clothes. You`ll go straight to the

"Where did you get this? Eric stammered.
Calleigh grinned. "We broke into your locker. Move!"


Eric raced from the main doors to the queue in front of the desk, but then he spotted
a familiar figure sitting on one of the benches. He walked closer and approached
carefully. "Querido?"

Ryan lifted his head. "Eric? What are you doing here?"
"They kicked me out. You were supposed to be on the morning flight, why are you
sitting here? Were you late?"
"No, I was here on time. But I.... I couldn`t get on the plain. No matter how I tried to
persuade myself to get on the plane I couldn`t. I changed my ticket to the next fligh,
but I still couldn`t...."

"You`ve been sitting here the whole day?"
Ryan nodded and sniffed. "I`ve missed three flights, but I just can`t leave. I know
it`s horrible, but I can`t do it."
"I`m here, do you wanna go try the next one with me?"

Ryan thought about it for a minute, but finally shook his head.
"You want me to take you home?"

Eric grabbed Ryan`s bag and pulled Ryan up from the bench, wrapping his hand
around his shoulder. He guided Ryan slowly and carefully to the car.


Ryan slumped down to the bed face first. Eric got on the bed next to him, so that he
could see Ryan`s face. "You wanna talk about it?"
"Before I left home it felt so simple, it was something I had to do. But when I got to
the airport, it felt so wrong. I mean, we hadn`t even talked to each others for years,
and now everything should be settled just like that, because things are the way they
are. It felt so phoney."

"I think I know what you mean." Eric pulled himself closer to Ryan so that they were
chest to chest. "You didn`t want to pretend everything was fine, because of the
"Yeah." Ryan wiped few tears from his cheeks.
"Not really...More like hungry."
Ryan tried to smile. "I always get hungry after a good cry."


Chapter 1 -Elephants on the the Trampoline
Chapter 2 -Two Conditions
Chapter 3 -Office Gossip
Chapter 4 -Sweaty and Panting
Chapter 5 -Valera`s Deduction
Chapter 6 -ME and her Scalpels
Chapter 7 -Worn Out
Chapter 8 -Invitation
Chapter 9 -Cleansing Preparations
Chapter 10 -After Dinner Cuddle
Chapter 11 -Lovers and Old Friends
Chapter 12 -Sleepless in Miami
Chapter 13 -Home Again 
Chapter 14 -Catching Up 
Chapter 15 -Negotiations
Chapter 16 -The Closet Case
Chapter 17 -Charity Effort of a Couch Creature
Chapter 18 -Otherworldly Anesthetic
Chapter 19 -Coming And Going
Chapter 20 -Rules of Departure

show: csi miami, csi miami / series: the next morning, pair: ryan wolfe / eric delko

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