Fic: The Next Morning, Chapter 13 (CSI Miami, Ryan Wolfe/ Eric Delko)

Nov 12, 2008 15:22

Title: The Next Morning  (Chapter 13)
Author: FinnishSphinx
Rating: PG
Fandom: CSI Miami
Pairings: Ryan Wolf/ Eric Delko
Spoilers: None
Disclaimer: They are not mine, just using them for
Feedback: Makes the World Turn.

Eric parked the car and took a look at Ryan, who had slumped on the passenger seat. 
"Hey, babe, wake up. Were here."

"Where...?" Ryan murmured and tried to shake himself awake.
"Your place. You wanted to come here, I didn`t really hear why. You were already half
"Because your place has gone uncleaned the entire time I was gone, I`m not going in
there without a safety mask. Or have you cleaned there while I was gone?"
"Not really...."
"I thought so. Besides I got a better bed. I`m not going to get out of it too much
during the weekend."
"That was my plan too."


Eric left Ryan leaning against the wall as he carried the bags to Ryan`s bed room.
Everything was like it had been when Ryan left. Everything in order and bed nicely
made. Before Eric could turn, Ryan leaned into him, wrapping his arms around his
chest, and pushed them forwards, till they fell on the bed.

"You know... If you wanted to get me to bed, you could have just asked. I`m very
easy." Eric turned around to his back, and pulled Ryan down to rest his head on
Eric`s chest.

"I know. I`m still too wired from the flight to sleep. I`m tired but not sleepy. It`s
weird." Ryan nuzzled his cheek against Eric`s shirt and let out a satisfied sigh.
"Keep talking. What happened  here while I was gone? Anything interesting?"

Eric closed his eyes and enjoyed the feel of Ryan`s body against him. 
"Interesting.... well, Valera ditched that guitarist for a cop."
"What cop?"
"The one she met in a bar, remember? The weird looking one, with shoulders as wide
as he is tall."
"Oh right, Rickitt. He`s a nice guy. Dumb like a pair of mittens,but nice."
"I`ve noticed. I was thinking we should go and give him the `big Brother` talk.
Make it clear we`ll go after him if he screws up."

Ryan giggled. "You better be kidding. He could beat you to pulp if he wanted to."
"What, your not gonna come to my rescue?"
"I`m only one man. What about Calleigh and others?"
"Calleigh`s fine, Horatio is... well, he`s always kinda hard to tell. But Frank actually
got himself in a funny situation. He was at a crime scene and this elderly lady got
annoyed with him and attacked him. Guess what  she used as a weapon. Her cat.
An old, fat, smelly cat, can you believe it... He had to go to hospital to get some
stitches, that beast had sharp claws-"

Eric stopped his bed time story when he heard snoring. He opened his eyes and
realized Ryan was in deep sleep. "Good night, babe. Glad your home." Eric closed
his eyes and let the sleep take over.


Eric woke up to a very familiar scent. He got up and noticed Ryan must have been up
for some time. He had completed his morning cleaning routine and was now sitting
in the kitchen, enjoying the morning paper and his break feast.

"Good morning." Eric walked next to Ryan and leaned down to give him a good
morning  kiss. "I knew you were back to your usual activities before I even opened
my eyes."
"How did you know that?"
"I could smell the cleaning products."
"It doesn`t really take a CSI to make that conclusion. There`s eggs on the pan, toast
on the counter and fresh coffee in the pot."

"How did the funeral go? You didn`t tell me last night." Eric set the bread in the
toaster and piled scrambled eggs on his plate.
"As well as funerals can go, especially when the deceased was someone nobody liked.
I think some people came just to make sure she was really gone."
"What about your parents?" Eric sat down and started shoveling the food into his mouth.

"Just like I predicted, empty chit chat and phoney smiles. But it was nice to see some
of my cousins, it had been a while."
"By the way, did you inherit anything? Can I finally leave my job and live the rest of my
life as a kept man?"
"I did get something, but we better keep our jobs for now."

"At least you get to rest the whole weekend. What do you want to do?"
"Right now... I just wanna enjoy being back."
"What a coincidence, I want to enjoy that your back too. How do you wanna celebrate?"
"I`ve been away for almost a week, wanna guess?"
"I could guess, but when it comes to you, I like to get direct commands."  Eric grinned
and swallowed the last piece of his toast.

Ryan put down his empty mug and folded the newspaper.
"Good, go back to bed and look pretty. I`ll be there in a minute."

Next Chapter

show: csi miami, csi miami / series: the next morning, pair: ryan wolfe / eric delko

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