Fic: The Next Morning, Chapter 3 -Office Gossip (CSI Miami, Ryan Wolfe/ Eric Delko)

Oct 21, 2008 13:59

Title: The Next Morning, Chapter 3 -Office Gossip
Author: FinnishSphinx
Rating: PG
Fandom: CSI Miami
Pairings: Ryan Wolf/ Eric Delko
Spoilers: None
Disclaimer: They are not mine, just using them for amusement...

Eric was well aware he had a very silly smile on his face,
but sometimes he just couldn`t help it. For once everything
seemed to go nicely. He and Ryan had spend practically
every evening together during the past four weeks, and
Eric had found out they actually had more in common
than he had originally thought, and even their differen-
ces seemed to compliment each others.

Ryan, who still held on to his old health regime from his
days in the patrol, would bug Eric to join him in the gym
or for a jog, when Eric would otherwise probably feel like
skipping it. Ryan loved cooking and Eric loved eating.
Eric could still remember Ryan comments to Eric`s
supprised face when he first offered to cook for them:
`Don`t look so supprised. Cooking is all about chemistry,
how the ingrediants affect to one another, predicting the
outcome of the process. Besides, during the time I`ve
known you, I have never seen you say no to food.`

`Eric, are you listening to me?` Calleigh`s voice finally
broke through his thoughts.
`Sorry, did you say something?` Eric asked over the
table filled with blood soaked pieces of clothing.
`I was thinking about something.`

`Yes, I guess you were thinking about the same thing
you`ve been thinking about the past weeks.`
`I don`t know what you mean.` Eric tried to keep his
eyes on the table.
`You know exactly what I`m talking about. You had that
same sappy smile on your face again. Who`s the lucky
girl? And dont pretend there is nobody, I know you too
well. The whole lab has noticed you`ve been acting
differently. There is only one thing in the lab gossip
that is different  from usual.`
`What`s that?`
`Usually Cooper is talking about who you are currently
dating. These days he talks about your dating, but has
no idea who it is.`

Eric felt tempted to tell the whole thing, but he and Ryan
hadn`t really talked about it yet, and he didn`t want to do
it until both of them were ready to go public.
`Well, you can always try to guess. Try to follow the evidense.`
Eric teased and watch as Calleigh`s face turned thoughtfull.

`Since you are so reluctant to talk about her, it`s propably
somebody from here in the lab, isn`t it?`  Calleigh looked at
her collegue for confirmation and continued. `It can`t be Boa
Vista again,if it were I would have allready heard it from
her.... Last time I heard, Valera was still seeing that
guitarist, so she`s out of the calculations. Is it that new
brunette from the reception?`

Eric chuckled and shooked his head.

`OK, who else is there... Emilia from the archives? Linda from
night shift?`
`Would you stop? I`m not gonna tell!`
`Oh, come on! It´s not like I have a life of my own, and I don`t
have brother, who`s life I could meddle with. Your the closest
thing I have. And you know how ruthless I can be when I´m in
my interrogation mood.` Callegh grinned.

`Who are you interrogating and why?` Ryan asked leaning
against the door frame.
`Eric, about his new girl. I`m going to make suffer until he cracks.`
`I`m curious about that too. You mind if I stay and listen?`
`Not at all, I might need some backup. You got your handcuffs?
We could cuff him to the chair.`
`No, but I got my flashlight. We could point it at his eyes.`
Ryan had a unusually wicked grin on his face and Eric had to
remind himself not to stare.

`Calleigh, my life is really not that interesting. Would you just
change the topic?"
`Just give me the highlights, what is this new honey like.
Maybe I´ll guess it on my own.`
`Well.....` Eric shot a quick glance at Ryan. `Dark hair,
beautiful eyes, very nice ass....`
He didn`t need to look at Ryan to know he was blushing.
`Likes jogging and cooking, very tidy..`

Calleigh frowned and looked slightly absent minded, like she
was going through the whole staff of the lab in her mind. Finally
she just gave up. `I can`t come up with anything. Ryan, you try
to dig it out of him, I got to go.`

After Calleigh had left, Ryan let out a cheerful laughter and
took the seat on the other side of the table. `Nice to hear you
appreciate my best qualities.`
`Believe me, I appreciate all of them. We haven`t really talked
about what we are gonna say to people. Do you want to just
come out with it or keep it between us for now?`
`Not that I don`t want people to know, but I would like to keep
this between us for a little while longer. And this `secret
affair` thing is actually quite fun....` Ryan gave Eric a little
smile and leaned over the table. `You have plans for tonight?`

`Yeah, actually I was hoping to spend it with this much talked
about secret honey.`
`Too bad, I was thinking we could spend the evening at my
place. I could cook dinner and we could maybe watch a movie.`
`Okay, I`ll tell my mystery date I can`t come. You want me to
bring something?`

Ryan considered for a moment. `You could rent a movie,
you know what kinda films I like."
"What time?"

`Around six? You can stick around while I´m making dinner.`
`I`ll see you then.` Eric watched as Ryan walked out the room,
eyes fixed on the ass he had moments before praised. It was
still just as perky as it had been that mornig when they arrived
to work.

The whole `taking it slow` approach had actually been easier
than Eric had anticipated. He had figured out why the lack of
sex had not really bothered him. He actually enjoyed spending
time with Ryan, whether it meant working together of watching
TV. Not that he didn`t want to have sex with Ryan, he definitely
did, but he had started to equally enjoy the other aspects of
their time together. So far there had been kissing, a lot of it,
and some serious make out sessions on the couch while
watching movies.

Four weeks..... Ryan`s fears about this thing turning into a
speedy heartbreak still popped up in Eric`s mind now and
then. Eric had to smile at that.  For the first time he could
actually picture himself spending the rest of his life with one
person, and he had no intention to screw this one up.


show: csi miami, csi miami / series: the next morning, pair: ryan wolfe / eric delko

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