Fic: Three Signs, Chapter 4/7 -The Break Up (Criminal Minds, Spencer Reid/ Derek Morgan)

Oct 23, 2008 02:19

Title: Three Signs (Chapter 4/7 -The Break Up)
Author: FinnishSphinx
Rating: PG
Fandom: Criminal Minds
Pairings: Spencer Reid / Derek Morgan
Spoilers: None
Disclaimer:  They are not mine, just using them
for amusement...

The team had the case wrapped up by the afternoon, and didn`t need to stay another night in the dingy motel. Entering the plane Morgan had taken the seat next to Reid. They hadn`t told to anyone what had happened yet, and they couldn`t really do
anything too touchy, but Morgan enjoyed a chance to lean close to Reid and go through the case, piece by piece, till both could get it out of their system. They also had a chance to talk about things they had put on the backburner for the day to focus on work.

Half an hour before landing Reid got up and walked to his usual little corner to make a call.

Morgan kept his eyes on Reid the entire time, and the change was obvious. There was nothing happy or relaxed in him.
Reid was uncomfortable, taking turns between fiddling his sweaterwest and tucking his hear behind his ear, like he had
no idea what to do with his free hand. He ended the call and got back to his seat.

"How did it go?" Morgan had to ask, even though he knew Reid would rather not talk about it. Reid took a deep breath
and leaned against the back of his seat.
"I`m meeting him tonight. In a coffee shop, I thought it was better not to do it at my place or go to his."
"Yeah, probably. Your not having second thoughts, are you?"
"I`m not." Reid gave him little smile. "But I`m not really looking for to this, I just have to get it done."

Morgan looked around and placed his hand on Reid`s, giving it a little squeeze. "You just need to do it once, and
that`s it."

Reid  looked uncertain."Can you do something for me?"
"Sure, what?"
"Can you meet me outside the coffee shop after I`ve... done it?"
"Of course, I`ll be there." Morgan gave Reid a grin, and leaned closer to whisper.  "Can`t wait for it. After that`s
over, your mine. Aren`t you?"

"I`m not going to feed your ego like that, it`s too humongous already." Reid grinned. After a teasing pause he continued. 
"But yes, I`ll be yours. And you``ll be mine, don`t you forget that."
"Believe me, I won`t."


Morgan looked at his watch and started tapping his fingers against his car`s dashboard. Reid had asked him to be there at seven, but it was now quarter past. Morgan twisted his neck to the side to see the coffee shop on the other side of the street.
He was just about to get out of the car and go see what was going on when he saw Reid. He was walking quickly, almost running, and clutching the strap of his messenger bag.

Reid opened the car door and sat down. He was obviously shaking and tried to keep his voice steady.
"Thanks for coming."

Morgan took a good look at Reid and wrapped his arm around Reid`s shoulder, pulling him to rest against his shoulder. "What happened in there? How did he take it?"
Reid sniffed and cleared his throat. "Not well."

Reid didn`t say more and didn`t move from Morgan`s arms, so Morgan waited and held him. After some time Reid pulled himself back to his own seat, and wiped away few teardrops, that had fell on his cheeks.
"He got pretty upset and it all became a big scene in the middle of the cafe."
"What did he do, did he get angry?" Morgan was now on full protection mode.

"No, he wasn`t angry, just shocked. He started this big speech about how much he loves me and how he would make everything better. I don`t think he heard anything I said. Finally the owner came and asked him to leave."
"Why did you stay so long inside?"

Reid shrugged and pulled a strand of hair behind his ear.
"I just needed to calm down a bit. And I wasn`t sure if he was still outside the cafe, I didn`t want to go through another scene."
"What do you wanna do now?"
"Just take me home. Please. I just want to go to bed and forget the whole day."


Morgan yawned and stretched himself carefully, trying not to wake up Reid. The genius was wrapped around him like a human sized octopus, and radiated body heat like a radiator. During the past three weeks after they had got together Morgan had made startling discovery. He had realized that he actually enjoyed waking up next to the same person every morning.
Or to be exact, waking up next to Reid.

Morgan lounged on his back and let his mind wonder. His time with Reid had caused some changes he wouldn`t have guessed. Sex with Reid was awesome, but for once he had actually spent time together wrapped around each other on the couch or on the bed without actually doing anything. Morgan simply enjoyed the closeness, and the touch of soft skin
against his. He wasn`t sure why, but he had no intention to complain. When things are good you better enjoy it.

Morgan was torn from his musings by a shrieking voice. He looked around and find the cause of the noise. Reid`s cellphone was ringing on the bedside table. Morgan grabbed Reid`s shoulder and gently shook him.
"Wake up, you got a call."

Reid snapped away from sleep, and pulled himself up in bed. He picked up his glassesfrom the table and tapped the cell open.
"Hello." Reid paused and an exasperated look appeared on his face. He cut the call and snapped the phone shut.
"What was that about" Morgan asked and got halfway up to lean his head on his hands.
"It was nothing, just a prank call. Let`s just go back to sleep."

Morgan took a good look at Reid`s face and snapped the bedside lamp on. "There`s something going on, I can see it in your face." Reid looked at him, and finally sighed.

"That wasn`t the first call. The caller just waits till I answer and then hangs up."
"Well, how many have you had?"

Reid was silent for a moment.
"Including this one... twentyone."

"How come you didn`t tell me! When did it start? And how come I haven`t noticed it before?"
"About two weeks ago. First there was just one call a day, but it has continuously escalated. After the first few calls I kept my phone on mute, and just had the vibration on."
Morgan was now fully awake and his mind was running quickly towards the obvious conclusion.
"Two weeks, it has to be that guy."

Reid looked embarrased, and nodded. "That`s what I thought too. I asked Garcia track down the calls, off the records."
"And they were made from various payphones. When the call came at night it was made from a phone near my place, when I was at Quantico, the call was made from a phone near by."
"Reid, you know what that means, the guy is stalking you! Did you tell Hotch about it?"
"No. There`s no way to connect the phone calls to him, and without that there`s no way to link him to stalking."

"Reid, we`ll figure out a way to solve this. At least talk to Hotch about it."
"Right now there is nothing to do. Let`s just go to sleep."
Morgan grunted, but got down to bed again and turned down the light.

Reid got himself wrapped around Morgan again and sighed. "And I know what you are thinking. You will not go and beat him up."
"Okay...." Morgan murmured. "But we have to come up with some kinda solution."
"We`ll figure out something. For now, we should just be happy he hasn`t done anything worse than prank calls." Reid placed his head against Morgan`s shoulder and buried his face in the crook of Morgan`s neck.

Next Chapter 

show: criminal minds, cm / series: three signs, pair: spencer reid / derek morgan

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