Fic: The Next Morning, Chapter 2 -Two Conditions (CSI Miami, Ryan Wolfe /Eric Delko)

Oct 18, 2008 02:37

Title: The Next Morning, Chapter 2 -Two Conditions
Author: FinnishSphinx
Rating: PG
Fandom: CSI Miami
Pairings: Ryan Wolf/ Eric Delko
Spoilers: None
Disclaimer: They are not mine, just using them for amusement...

After his revelations, Eric felt like a weight had been lifted.
Things were not as good as they could be, but they were
definitely getting better. He had a shot with Ryan and was
certainly going to make it happen. After the aspirin and few
cups of coffee the hideous hangover was starting to mend,
and Eric could get his mind together well enough to consider
his game plan. He went to the bathroom and started picking
up his beer soaked clothes.

Should Eric wait in Ryan`s apartment for him to come back
from work, or should he go after him and make his move....
After brief consideration, Eric decided he did not have the
patience to wait. Wait a minute. Ryan would probably not be
too thrilled if he was interrupted at work..... Eric could pick
up some lunch on the way, everyone had to eat, right?

Now that he had his strategy clear, Eric gave a critical look
to the bathroom mirror. Maybe he should go home first and
get a shower and some clean clothes, since with his current
state and soiled clothing he might just trigger the biohazard
alert in the lab.

----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----

Two hours later Eric was at the lab, with steaming take out
containers trying to locate Ryan. The target of the search was
finally spotted in Valera`s lab. The tech and Ryan were chatting
lively and a moment later both bursted in laughter. Eric couldn`t
help staring. It was not really that common to see Ryan really
relaxed and laughing like that.

`Eric? Are you alright?` A vaguely familiar voice called. Eric
turner to the direction of the voice and realized he must have
been staring longer than he had noticed. Calleigh tilted her
head and give him a worried look.

`Sorry, what did you say?` Eric made his best to sound as normal
as possible, but the attempt did not wipe away the look on his
colleagues face.
`I asked if you are okey.  You looked kinda odd. Besides, I
thought you were off today.`
`I am, I just needed to talk to Wolfe about something. I`m fine.`
Calleigh gave him a I-dont-believe-that-for-a-second-but- I`ll-
pump-the-truth-out-of-you-later look , and left.

Eric took a deep breath, walked to the open door of the lab and
knocked on the door frame. Both Ryan and Valera turned to look
at him and Eric could have sworn Ryan was blushing again.
Valera was, as expected, the first one to speak.
`Hey I thought you were having a day off, did they call you in?`
Eric had to chuckle hearing her questions. `I do and they didn`t.
I wanted to talk to Ryan, I was thinking we could have lunch. You
didn`t eat yet did you?`
`No,,,," Ryan looked like he was desperately thinking how to
escape, but finally gave up. `Okey, but it will have to be a
short lunch. Let`s go to the break room.`
`I`ll page you when I have your results.` Valera said and turned
to continue her work.

Ryan followed Eric to the breakroom and plopped down on the
sofa. Eric shut the door, sat down next to him and started sprea-
ding the contents of the food containers on the table.
`So, what did you want to talk about?` Ryan took a small carton
of fried rice and fixed his yes on it.
`You said yourself we could talk when I`m sober. Well, I`m sober
now. `
Ryan stared him with wide yes. `You remember that?`
`Yeah. I didn`t at first, but it all came back to me later. Are
you busy tonight, we could go out and-`
`Eric.` Ryan interrupted him. `Let`s just leave it and forget it
ever happened, it`s better that way.`

Eric took a long look at Ryan and tried to process what he had
said.  `What do you mean `its better that way`! I want you and
judging by last night you want me, so where`s the problem?`
Ryan looked like he was thinking hard how to answer.

`I dont think we want he same thing. I mean...How long was your
longest relationship? Couple weeks, maybe a month? What
would happen after that? We have had hard enough time working
together before, and it would only make it more awkward. And...`

`And what?` Eric was not exactly sure if he should be disappointed
or angry.
`And I don`t do the whole `light, casual, over in a week thing`,
I just can`t do it. I tried it before and in the end it hurt. Badly.
So even though I`m tempted, and believe me I am, I can`t go
through that. I`m sorry.`  Ryan set the food carton on the table
and got up, ready to leave.

Eric grabbed his arm and yanked him back, this time closer to him.
`You don`t think it couldn`t be anything more than a little fling?
Okey, my track record is not that great, but when it comes to you
i wanna make it work.` Eric gave Ryan a small smile.
`I can`t imagine any kind of relationship with you being light or

Ryan seemed to be speechless, and Eric decided to take advan-
tage of the opportunity.
`I told you last night I wanted you from the start, and that was
true. But after that, I got to know you and.... I am not sure what
I`m feeling, but it`s hell of a lot more than I felt for any of the
short term things. And no matter what happens, I would never
intentionally hurt you.`
Eric paused and let Ryan think about the things he had said.
`Ryan, I remember last night. I made the first move, but you
kissed me back. You wanted that too, didn`t you?`
Ryan couldn`t help but smile. `Yeah. I did.`

`Just give it a chance. Please.`
Both remained silent for a moment, and finally Ryan raised his
head to look at Eric.
`Okey, I wanna try. But on two conditions.`
`Anything." Eric felt so relieved, he would have promised
everything Ryan might ask from him.
`First of all, we have to take this slow.`
`And secondly, I need to set the pace. I need to be in control.`
`Sounds good to me. So you wanna start the slow progress
tonight? We could go to movies, maybe to a dinner, some-
thing like that.`
`Movie sounds nice. But I need to go home after work and
change first.`
`Great, I`ll pick you up around six.`
`I`ll see you then. You go and enjoy your day off.`

Ryan got up to leave, but paused at the door. He glanced at the
half empty corridor and turned back. He grabbed Eric closer to
him and kissed him. Eric`s mind rewinded back to their  first
kiss the night before and decided this time was definitely better.
Now that he wasn`t drunk, he got to enjoy the kiss and Ryan`s
soft lips all he wanted and still remember it later.

Finally they had to break the kiss simply to breathe, but stayed
close to one another, both reluctant to break the physical contact.
`I`m not sure if `taking things slow` includes that, not that i`m
complaining.` Eric gasped.

`Well, that is an important part of the whole `night at the
movies` thing.
`What part?`
`The preview.`


show: csi miami, csi miami / series: the next morning, pair: ryan wolfe / eric delko

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