Fic: The Next Morning, Chapter 6 -ME and her Scalpels (CSI Miami, Ryan Wolfe/ Eric Delko)

Oct 27, 2008 20:37

Title: The Next Morning, Chapter 6 -ME and her Scalpels
Author: FinnishSphinx
Rating: PG
Fandom: CSI Miami
Pairings: Ryan Wolf/ Eric Delko
Spoilers: None
Disclaimer: They are not mine, just using them for

"Ready?" Eric asked.
"As ready as I`ll get." Ryan knocked on the door and pushed it open.

The morgue was ready to be closed for the night, and only one left was
cleaning lady mopping the floor.
"Excuse me, did Dr. Woods leave already?" Ryan asked and received a
dirty look from the woman. She straightened up her back and plopped the
mop into a bucket.

"No, she`s in her office." Woman had apparently lost the little amount of
interest she had towards the visitors and she turned her back to continue

"Thanks." Eric uttered and the two men started their strategic retrieval. They
headed back to the hallway, and to Alexx`s office. They could see the ME
through the glass wall and knock on the door. Alexx looked up from her
papers and looked surprised.

"Hey boys, I thought you two would be heading home already."
"Well, we are off duty, we just wanted to talk to you. Got a minute?"
"Sure, I got to get up to date in paper works, so I`ll be here the whole
evening." She sat down on the edge of her desk and waited.

"So, are you going to tell me what you wanted to talk about?"
"It`s something we wanted to tell you before we tell others..."
Eric stopped to think how to put it.

"I think the best way is to just say it." Ryan interrupted.
"Eric and I are-"
"Together? I suspected that." Alexx gave them a peaceful smile.
"Suspected? Why? I thought we were pretty discreet about the whole
thing!" Eric was still in shock, but Ryan didn`t seem very surprised.

"You know what they say about the simplest answer usually being the right
one. It`s been a while since you two had a fight over job, or evidence, or
practically anything."
"Wait, wait, wait. We`ve had arguments!" Eric couldn`t help questioning
her reasoning.

"But not the same kind as before. Nowadays you fight like an old married
couple, who knows each others too well.  That means one of two options.
Either you too had something going on or the end of the world is about to
arrive. The first option seemed to be more likely."

The explanation was followed by long silence, both men still letting the
situation sink in. Alexx got up from the table and gave Ryan a warm hug.
"I`m happy for you boys." She turned to Eric and gave him similar treatment.

Just then a shrieking noise rang from somewhere and all three started digging
their phones out of their pockets. Ryan flipped his cell open and checked the
caller ID. "I need to take this, I`ll be right back."

Ryan hurried to the hallway to take the call. The look on Alexx`s face had
changed and now all the alarming bells were ringing in Eric`smind.
"I should probably get going too-"

"Your not going anywhere, mister." Alexx`s voice was now stern and left no
room  for arguments. A small whisper in Eric`s head kept telling him that he
should have seen this coming. The beginning had been too easy to be true.

"Alexx, I -"
"No, Eric. I`m going to talk and you listen. I said I`m happy for you two,and
I meant it. But I think we need to make some things clear." The EM walked
next to Eric. "Don`t get me wrong,  I think of you as one of my kids. But I
have known you for a long time, and I know what your style is when it comes
to relationships. I`ve never said anything, because it`s not my business, but
if you are dating Ryan, I must say this."

Alexx paused for a moment. "You better be serious about this thing. Ryan might
seem like he`s coated in Teflon, but my baby boy`s more fragile then he seems.
If you screw this up, you better remember that I`m well trained to use a scalpel."
A little smile emerged on Alexx`s face.

"Alexx, I promise you. I have no intention to screw this up. And I am serious
about this."
"Good." Alexx said and have him another hug. "I think the lecture is over for
the day. You can go now."

"Thanks. And Alexx..."
"You don`t need a scalpel, when you want to be scary." Eric gave her big,
wet kiss on the cheek and headed for the door.

"And you better keep that in mind!" Alexx laughed.


By the time Eric was released from Alexx`s clutches, Ryan was waiting for
him in the hallway, leaning against the wall.
"I was going to come back but I saw you  and Alexx through the window and
it looked like you were in the middle of something. I didn`t want to interrupt."
"It wasn`t that bad, anyway it`s done now. That was probably the next best
thing to actually meeting your mother."
"Yeah. What do you want to do now? Were off duty."
"How about a celebratory dinner, I´m kinda hungry. Maybe some Italian in
that place by the beach? And after that some some Russian-Cuban at 
your place?"

"Sounds appetizing. I just need to get my bag from the locker."


When Ryan walked out of the locker room, he noticed something was going
on. Eric was obviously looking around, eyeing the people in the lobby and in
the labs. "What are you doing now."

Eric looked at him. "I was thinking... Theres a lot of people in the lab."

"It would be easier to just make an obvious statement than go around telling
people one by one."
"And exactly what kind of statement did you have in mind?"
Ryan was now grinning widely. He knew what Eric was planning.

"Well, actions speak louder than words..."
"Then you should stop talking and act." Ryan grabbed the front of Eric`s shirt
and pulled him closer. Eric wrapped his arms around him and leaned down to
kiss him. Like always, the kiss was good...  almost too good, because when
they finally pulled apart, they realized their show and tell session had been
longer than either one had thought. The lab was completely silent, and all the
people seemed to be frozen on the spot.

Eric and Ryan glanced around and their co-workers seemed to snap out
of their stupor. Everyone tried to look like they were working hard, but it
was obvious they had been watching. The usual noises returned to the lab.

"I think we made our statement." Eric grinned.
"Good. Now let`s go for dinner. We can think about the encores after that."

Next Chapter

show: csi miami, csi miami / series: the next morning, pair: ryan wolfe / eric delko

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