Fauna Pixel Trade Round Robin: 3.6
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Last time in The Fauna Round Robin; Teen!Chameleon's cherry was popped by Maxis Townie, Connor Dawn; Liam (
niloublue) aged to elder and started hating on his wife, Zebra (
CRAZYMATCHSTICKGIRL started the first and only fire of this legacy round; Liam divorced Zebra and played a violin concerto to her tearful exit from the family; Chameleon beat out A TUB OF ICE CREAM in a Cooking Contest; Liam got set up with Dora Ottomas of ALL sims; and Chameleon jumped into bed with a GILF-obsessed Eric Angstrom (
When last we met, tushie-grabbing in Chameleon's parents ex-marital bed was going on. So now whe pick up and its post-coital breast nuzzling! :D
Since the last update was eleven or more days ago, that's some of the loooooongest sex ever.
Mae West's Autobiography claims that the longest single sex act on record was between her good self and a man named 'Ted' for Fifteen Hours.
Meanwhile, downstairs, Liam is contemplating his date.
Dora Ottomas, you're definitely NO Zebra Fauna.
Even with a makeover. Man, perhaps ESPECIALLY with a makeover. O_o;; I tried to make her pretties for Liam, but apparently its Mission Impossible and thankfully I don't resember Tom Cruise in any way.
Besides, Can Dora do this?!
(PS: Yes, Manatee. That IS a bench...)
Zebra: Hahhaaa! No.
Good to see you've realised he's just NOT into you, Dora O.
But then, as soon as Dora left, this happened. O_O;; That had been my last little vestige of hope that they might reunite. But I guess Zebra didn't like seeing Liam with scary game breaking maxis sims...
But then, suddenly, all sorts of positive options appeared on their pie menus. Like Zebra finally falling out of love with Liam was a reset and he NEEDED HER again. O_O;;
Sometimes I really do wonder why it is that so many men prefer the object of their affections - or at least lust-ections - to not want them. What is the deal with that?!?!
But hey, I can't complain, because this all meant suddenly they started cracking onto each other autonomously.
Click to view
Oh yeah, I went there. Have fun getting THAT out of your head. xD
Meanwhile, this is Moose. I totally remember her. Mhhmm.. I didn't have to go back and check old updates because I couldn't remember her name suddenly or anything... ^_^;;
But its okay! Cause she's now a sassy teen, and from here on out she gets way more air time because I fall a little bit in love with her.
Especially after I give her a makeover and discover she's not only sassy, but bisexual.
Zebra: *is proud of her potentially promiscuous genetic legacy*
Clean cut Squid also takes this moment to get in on the aging up action. A day early for him since he'd been full of arrested development until now. Maybe he forgot he wasn't Pangolin or something and thought if he could age up before his 'elder' brother, he'd be eligible for heir.
TRICKSY, SQUID. But you can't squirt ink in OUR eyes.
Someone - I think it may have even been Zebra! Brought
Flora Floraman home from work with them. And suddenly Liam's eyes - and lips! - were only on her. His youngest children having a birthday? Nothing compared to staring into her viridescent greens.
Zebra was NOT amused.
But soon afterwards her attraction towards her former husband rocketed, as did her social levels. The only explanation? Liam is a tricksy, tricksy manipulator. Look at him kissing Flora but keeping one eye on his wife! *gasp*
Much MUCH later that night, Pangolin remembered it was his birthday, and that he had to grow up into a total hottie. Thus, he complied.
IKR, ZEBRA?! Your kids are all healthy, almost everyone is approaching adulthood, no one's died, and you're becoming deliriously happy with your reconnected ex-husband. Things are certainly looking VERY up. :D
So I say this.. AAAAAND, then the younger faunas,
Conspire to give me a stomach ulcer.
(Yes I know they disproved that stress does this, but I STAND FIRM TO THE COMPLAINT! NOSE TO THE GRINDSTONE! Or something tenuously related.)
YAY NOODLE! You watch over your family from the spectral plane with eyes that can SEE FOREVER. <33333333
Its scenes of near-normalcy like this that fills my heart with glee. And a burning need to play Pick-Up-Sticks in real life. Though I presume this would actually be harder. O_O;;
*goes hunting for tube of game sticks*
Speaking of playing with and hunting for sticks, Chameleon and Eric?
They're ALL about engaging their interlocking parts, and constantly indulge in a state...
... of cosy, tucked in love.
At this point, I'd like to note that Pangolin, though SUPER cute and very sweet,
And I mean, VERY sweet. N'Awww at him in the puddles. Anyway, besides this, he wasn't being very interesting at all. No major fails nor major highs, just getting on with it in a sweet but quiet manner.
He even dug up this HUAG crate of booty without me realising for several sim days... ^_^;;
His parents, meanwhile. Well, Zebra seemed intent on delighting me ALL the time, and graced me with my first violin formalwear playing change! EEEEE!! Though she still stares at it with revengeful intent... I guess she's not made piece with its part in kicking her out of her home?
And then crawling into bed and spooning her ex. Look at Liam's unconcious smiling face!
*heart melt*
The next morning, they got up and started canoodling in their en suite. And I checked their stats.
ComPLETELY back in love, 100/100 social on both of them. *tears of joy*
And so, I just couldn't resist:
(LOL, So drunk, Liam xD)
I LOVE tales in real life where a couple break up for many reasons and complications, and then find each other again after they've been through many changes.
Gets the romantical sap in me RIGHT in the xylem cells.
Apparently I'm not the only one :D
Zebra had to kiss her ex-husband-re-fiance off and go to work, whereupon I got this pop up from a chance card.
Someone PLEASE explain what she yells?! Because sense? It makes NONE!
Anyway, upon her arrival home, I decided time was awasting, and decided to host a wedding right there and then:
Pangolin, as you can see, was freakishly happy.
The house was apparently so happy it turned ~INVISIBLE~.
Damn being on the wrong floor when the cam took over *mumblegrumbles*
You smell that!? That's LOVE in the air.
/corny as a dead baseball player summoning corn field.
The guests! A cross section: (From Left to Right) Foreground: Pangolin & Gunther (
Middle: Eden (
), Moose, Green Concepta (
), Ferne Magicake's Cute little side bun (
), Itzak (
) & Chameleon
Back: Random Maxis Townie (I think xD) & my own
Gregorian May's eyebrow.
Such a better cross section of genders, ages, and sexual orientations in comparison to their firt wedding, do you agree? xD If in doubt, task a middle child. Clearly! xD
Considering my real life at the sheer quantity of weddings I've been attending/involved in of late, you would think I would be over this. But no! In this moment, I'm feelign as possitive as Pangolin. :D
And I LOVED that as soon as the wedding was over, all the guests rushed up to talk to the bride and groom - just like a real wedding! EEEEEEEEE!!! *pets Ferne Magicakes*
WOOO! And this time, it was for all the RIGHT! Reasons.
Not that there's anything wrong with vouyeristic sex, I just think there's no place for it on your wedding night. xD
With their parents off on a short honeymoon, the kids unleashed all sorts of hell upon the house in the name of their ~education~. Pangolin here claimed he was just saving these bees from mysterious disappearing extinction epidemic...
While Manatee continued to play with Radium in order to zone for science.
And Chameleon decided to buy the family a cute little miniature dally, Minnow! :D
Who immeadiately endeared himself to the family by eating everyone's homework.
Plus, Pangolin's wants persuaded me to redecorate and dig up half their backyard to enable some fishing friendliness.
Lesson to be learned? Don't go on honeymoon and neglect to leave instructions to your young adult/teenage still-at-home children. Well, unless you enjoy property flooding, radiation induced cancer, dog poop and allergic reactions.
Which you might.
Manatee? Meet adulthood.
Adulthood? Manatee.
Photobooth!Zebra: Bingo! Chip off the old block! *pride*
There's two Ginger Newson's in this hood. One of them rolled straight, the other lesbian. Eventually, I believe, the Fauna kids date both of them. xD BUT! Moose gets on in there first and Ginger definitely proves she's the premiere maxis sim for your teenage sims to date.
Very, VERY quickly.
Bet you wished your first kiss left you as floating and savoury as this, eh? :D
What's got you so scared, Squid? Surely the sight of your youngest sister getting some in the kitchen isn't so unhygenic that you're poor nerves are shot to pieces...?
Their second marriage well and truly underway, Liam and Zebra's relationship is kind of odd...
He tells her off for doing things she should know better about, and instead of going out to cheat on his face, she LOVES it.
No, apparently its just marital bliss. So blissful she's even made up with the violin!
Liam: Nice hat, leotard mocker.... *sniggers*
Chameleon's Great-Grandmothers: *lol excessively at their Great Grandaughter's expense*
Everything was going just so swimingly, until one evening, not too long after the wedding...
Zebra came home from work, in her wedding clothes. She paused a while outside, to take in a long, aroma-filled breath of life,
As she was about to be ambushed by death, caught off-guard by misdirected distraction in a most unexpected form.
We'll miss you, Zebra. You magnificent bastard.
Party on, Miss Magnifique.