Fauna Pixel Trade Round Robin: 3.0
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Welcome to Sunny Simville, population: Zebra Fauna,
the Magicakes and a whole mess of
sims. xD Oh, plus some random Maxis sims from the sim bin from a previously failed attempt at empty hood templates.
And good old Humble, ever ready with two boys for a goat bunny pirate llama tower for every girl. :D
And this is Miss Zebra Fauna, all grown up, namesake-ly dressed and ready to face the world. Or sex it up in her case as she's AALLLL about the pleasureboat romancing.
And, topically, the holding and the playing with the pointy things. Hurr hurr...
She's also doesn't spare the horses on chance cards, less than five sim minutes at work and this sucker popped up.
Huh. Well, apparently excitable exuberance in all things can sometimes turn out to your detriment... Lets tone it down a little for a bit, shall we, Zebra?
Except then when she DID she went the ENTIRE other way and played a little too hard to get.
Zebra: "Oh yes, Theix Yepher (
) that's exceedingly droll... *cleans teeth and generally appears much more preoccupied with own appearance*"
*headdesk* Dude, his genes are kewwwls what are you doing?!
*torn between squeeing that she's an autonomous primper and flailing that she's totally blowing him off even though they have a bolt of attraction*
She continued her reign of 'too hard to get' when
's Anderson appeared. Having been thwarted with EVERY attempt to even FIND him in the Magicakes, I was rather rage-filled at her when he showed up and she totally played it down even though they ALSO shared a bolt of attraction. *sigh* Yes i know, not three, but COME ON: HOTTIE!
It just showed up. Like it spawned on that coffee table. Pizza node, ready for mining.
I was starting to get rather aggro at Zebra as every man she met she seemed to have attraction bolts with them but she'd completely ignore their faces DESPITE wanting to sex up everyone.
And then, Liam Nelson (
) ignored all walk-by rules, and walked into her house. Straight in, straight out the back to the kitchen, and started wolf whistling our fair heir-oine.
She was in another room. But who cares, he thinks she's hot THROUGH A WALL.
Two bolts only, but come on he broke the code for this. Good enough for me. :D
Whoa, apparently its good enough for Zebra and ACR too. Two bolts, one wolf whistle from a far away room of your house and BAM. Sexytimes.
*tries to work out if I think its hilarious, seriously wrong, or seriously hilarious that this is going on in front of portraits of her immediate family*
I guess that pleasure/romance combo DOES count for something... xD
And my does SHE know it. Cooooool as a cucumber.
Or a cucumber recepticle.
Or something.
Though this made me squeal, so cuuuute and wibbly squee faced about him, but only when his eyes are closed. N'AWWWWWWWWWWWW
OMG! A post-date message that's not wildly innapropriate and pimp-like?! ZEBRA MARRY HIS FACE RIGHT NAAAOOOOO!
Demonic-Not-Paul-The-Oracle-Octapus: *froths at mouth* I TOO DEMAND IT!
Alas, Zebra had her own ideas and was attempting to keep her options open whilst enjoying the single life.
Liam has other ideas, however. Delicious, couplage ideas of coupling. She'd gone to the park alone, to scope out men, and he walked onto the lot and snuck up on her. <3333
And then they BOTH snuck up on me O_O;;
Pixel-Mulder-&-Scully: *have no idea where to look*
They snuck up on me repeatedly, as it happened. Anywhere they could woothehoo in the park, they did. Twice.
ACR? You're awesome.
Propose //FINALLY// came up in Zebra's menu, so I clicked that, HARD.
I was getting MAJORLY excited at the prospect of their surely super cute children...
When Liam issued the smackdown.
Apparently, being rejected for a proposal of marriage makes you want to pee.
Zebra autonomously attempted to hit up every sim in the park from that moment, I guess to forget her embarrassment of rejectionation. They'd all follow her to the photobooth, the last place she and Liam had hoo-ed with the woo, but then they'd shove her out on her arse before anything could happen further.
I have a theory that Liam put them all up to it, so she'd realise he really was his TRUE LOOOVE. But then I realised how massively disturbing that theory was and nixed it.
I'm still not convinced it wasn't true, however >_>
And THIS time...
She was more favourably recieved. :D *squees*
After Liam accepted he wandered home to sleep, but Zebra stuck around rolling wants to hit up any new sims wandering into the park. THESE propositions were all found to be unwelcome, however.
Much to Zebra's shock. She clearly thinks she's all that and a cart-full-of-chips since I maxed out her romance secondary aspiration tab. xD All this rejectionation means I'm beginning to think Liam's parents were mafia or something. xD
Finally, too exhausted to take any more spurn, I sent Zebra home, she had a good nights sleep and upon the morn: REAL WEDDING TIMES! :D
Disturbingly, I may or may not have invited almost all of the
sims that she'd propositioned to the wedding as their official (and only) guests...
Man, I should've planted shrubs or put up a hedge fence or something...
But I guess I was blind...
...and too filled with squee-ing wedding fever to notice.
Well, that, and I'm just that little bit in love with Liam... ^_^;;
Five sevenths of the wedding party, all elatedly pleased that Zebra is now no longer available to prey upon them. Either that or Liam's Mob Boss parents put a hit out on anyone that WASN'T happy for their son.
From left to right: Theix Yepher, Jack Barlow (
), Itzak (
), Anderson & Huckleberry Yarn (
Apparently watching a grown man be fed cake on his wedding day is MASSIVELY awkward for other men...
Awkward cake is a massive turn on to these kids, and they took off upstairs for some nuptial sexy times.
Which Theix objected to and deemed it appropriate to come up and give them a piece of his mind about it.
And then he stuck around to watch.
And THEN complimented Liam on his form. I'm not even kidding, in-game, congratulated.
I for one, suspect that Theix is a swinger.
UNSURPRISINGLY, Zebra appears to be into that... >_>;;
Liam: Makes unsettled laughing light of things.
Liam's Plumbbob: *hides behind the curtains*
I dunno about rooves, but my EYEBROWS were certainly raised.
I don't care if symmetry is the right word, but I LOVE the symmetry here. *squeals*
This so has to become one of their heir portraits <33333
Zebra? Your grandparents are ELATED! :D
Ball-Of-Stink™: I HAVE BEEN RELEASED!! I WILL GRANT YOU THREE WIIIIISHES..! Wait, hang on, that's the other guy. SCREW YOUR WISHES, I'M FREEEEEE! *is basically never heard from in this legacy round again*
Liam wandered home from work, cheered his wife's violin playing then sat in this chair and I thought it was so beautiful that she appeared to play him a lilting tune to fall asleep to. But then I considered that he might've just been bored into unconciousness. DAMN BRAIN, RUINING THE PRETTY.
AUUUGH! I've loved you this long, don't be a creeper, Liam >_<;;
I've come to realised, that the dusty pink pop of the third trimester?
CLEARLY Pregnant lady glow! :D
Liam: Not long now, sweetie. And then your mummy's vagina will open as WIIIDE as it can and you'll come out to greet us!!!
OH. MY. GOD. I had no idea sims could primp while sitting down.
Liam finds childbirth HILARIOUS!!
Not HIS vagina opening up as wide as it possibly can, I guess.. xD
Zebra: We made a baby. Her name is Chameleon. We're awesome.
Zebra: I'm now going to celebrate, with adultery.
WHAT?!?! O_O
* Yes Chameleon's skin is a bit greenish, I'd accidentally set the genetics of that skin to be identical to S1. WHOOOPS! xD That's fixed now, but since her name IS Chameleon, I totally didn't attempt to change it in SimPE. xD