(no subject)

Apr 22, 2010 19:07

I'm trying to move this along pretty fast 'cause I want to hand it off =] and then I want to start my own full length legacy, woo hoo!

I don't remember what happened last time, except that the twins had a birthday and so did Llama.

Team Lion!

Team Llama!
and I forgot to give you Llama's stats, so here they are!

Llama Fauna
loves a well hung jobless woman, dislikes full face make up
her OTH is nature and I didn't assign her a secondary aspiration because I forgot.
become world class ballet dancer

Lion: excuse me, but what do you think you're doing?
Llama: hoping to tickle the cute out of you for a better chance at heir.

Lion: Look, over there, it's Ke$ha!
Llama: What, where? I should get her to sign my boobs!

Llama: Why is that water filled balloon in your hand, where is Ke$ha?

Team Lemur!

Lion: I have baked up this muffin, ripe with poison, to give it to my loving elder sister

Lion: just kidding! easy bake doesn't include poison!

Princess Chapman strikes again! I was thinking that maybe she's taken an interest in stalking Llama, but no, it's usually when everyones at work/school =[

Llama had a want to get into private school and seeing as Fawn and Harper haven't knocked me out any more babies, I figured now was as good a time as any.

Llama: you know, I have to get a good education because I plan to a world class ballet dancer and make lots and lots of money, and even if you don't really need a lot of brains to twirl, it looks nice on the resume, what do you say?
Creepy Headmaster: of course, of course, that's what I tell all the fine young ladies that enroll in my academy!

Fawn: you might want to slow down, I saw some flies in here swarming around the food earlier, big as airplanes, they were!

apparently that got them in.

Ceres, the mail lady, finally called Harper.
Harper: your favorite color is pink, too? girl, please. I don't think I can stand any more of that in my lifetime.

Harper: No, of course I'd be interested in meeting new people, Ceres, I'm just not sure that Fawn would be interested in swinging!

Harper: really, there's someone that looks like me in porno? well, there was one time in college, but no, it couldn't be that.

upon reloading the game, this is what I found, scary armies of bugs.

Lemur: Hey Lion! what's up with your eyes!
Lion: seven days!

apparently I didn't manage to fully remove all the files from my default school uniform replacement. sexy.

yes she did!

I saw this dog and realized that I must have it in the family, so I sent Lemur out to court her.

good try, but no =[

Llama brought home this girl from school, her name is Opal and she is a beast.

Opal: I don't need a makeover, I try to sustain a green way of life and use all natural products with no animal testing, sorry.

Llama: dang girl, your hair totally turns me on
they have three bolts

Lemur Fauna
have 50 1st dates

and I didn't manage to get a photo of Lion's, sorry!

Lion Fauna
woohoo with 20 different sims

Lemur: why hello there, good lookin' lady!

imagine that.

Lemur: Imagine what, huh? because I enjoy a dark haired man with bulging muscles, that makes me predictable, what is that?!

Ferdinand from the August founder submissions (by Brilliantcat) is definitely barking up the wrong tree.

Lemur: Leave me alone, you perverted old man, even if you do have the hair I so desperately desire, I cannot look at someone who pines over my own mother!

there's a lot of hate going on in these pictures.

Opal: -bangs on chest-
Llama: What are you doing, were you raised in a cave?
Wolf: meat meat meat meat meat

Llama thinks that if she gets the wolf on her side maybe she'll stand a better chance at being heir.
meat meat meat meat meat

no one invited you to spend the night, Ferdinand!
he sat around all night playing chess, outside, in the rain.

get ready for pic spam ! ! !

I don't remember his name, so let's call him Fabio, Officer Fabio.

how very feminine of you, Lemur.

Llama: I'll eat your babies bitch!

Fawn: I should send Harper an email and let her know that our house is being robbed!

Fabio saves the day!

end of picspam

Lion: Opal, let me show you to this new handy dandy barber chair that I bought with the majority of our household funds!
Opal: Why, thank you, pretty lady.

Lion: now close your eyes like me, I'm a better stylist with my eyes closed, don't worry.




and finally, fourth times the charm, I guess.

Llama: my little crumpet, you look so divine.

Fawn: young love makes me sick, get a room!

Fawn: I hate PDA.

Harper: congratulations on having a best friend, sweetie!
Llama: best friend, all right -crushes-

Taking a dump while your new crush checks herself out in the mirror? possibly the classiest thing I've seen all day.

The next update will probably be my last, I'll age up the kids when Fawn and Harper turn into elders, which is -soon-, then they'll be handed off to simsbabii12!
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