Good Genes III: Horror to Heaven

Jul 13, 2010 23:05

Good Genes III: Horror to Heaven

Last week, jesstheex pointed the current GoS Challenge, Good Genes III, out to me as a possible future project for pixel_trade (we're so taking her up on that suggestion in a modified form next month xD). Scrolling through the entries that were already there I just HAD to give it a shot myself though I've only had time to post it now... ^_^;;;

I totally included a download for her though in both CC and non CC flavours, cause let's face it: I'm a pixel_trader at heart. :D

Be aware, there's some MAJOR terror below...

The final product, Cuchillo Snoodles. AIN'T BAD CONSIDERING HER ROOTS, EH?!

Download Cuchillo Snootles (CC)
Download Cuchillo Snootles (NoCC)

LTW: Become Icon
Turn Ons: Cologne, Full Face Makeup
Turn Offs: Brown Hair

My entry post up at GoS

Please note: Cuchillo's files are listed as Smoodles not Snootles cause that's what my brain did to her last name. xD Though the experiment bred out that godawful skin of hers, the eyes (which are actually quite nice, really xD) on the CC version of her are directly from her Great Grandmother.

Oh, and just PS? Baby!Hanzo says:


challenges: good genes iii, download, download: sims

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