Quick odds and ends...

Jul 08, 2010 17:07

Well, and odd & end at any rate... xD

The S1 and S3 tones of Peach_T's nommy Evanescent skintone set were bugging me a little, I thought them both a bit dark for my tastes, so I grabbed her textures and changed them for my personal use. I know there was some interest in me doing this (for at least s3) from some v. sweet parties so I thought I'd share. They've been tested and seem to work perfectly but let me know if you run into any problems?

Download 01 My Last Breath as S1
Download 04 The Only One as S3

All textures belong to Peach_T, I've just changed the defaults. They have been compressed and the exact same names as her supplied ones, and as always please make sure you've over-written them/booted the previous ones from your downloads folder or bad things will assuredly happen. ^^

download: genetics, download: defaults, download

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