School Friend Sing-A-Long

Oct 14, 2010 19:17

Five Kids make for a very musical diversion...

I AM SO LATE! GAH! I've had a lot of these kids made on my Mac for ages, waiting for the opportunity for me to be able to put them on my PC, CC them up and screenshot them. BUT! Better late than never I hope, and I hope you all enjoy these entries for pixel_trade ' s School Friend Sing-A-Long. :D

OH! And in case you're wondering, they're adult-proofed so feel free to age them to whatever you like ^_^

York Empire

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Suggested Stats: Cancer:
OTH: Music & Dance

Sweet little York Empire, named for Empire State of Mind, is the ENTIRE reason my partner and I have watched every episode of Glee in existence. O_O;;

We'd managed to avoid it almost entirely, and then we released this event @ pixel_trade , and the ads for Season 2 Glee were being played every commercial break featuring this song. Hence I just HAD to make a sim based on it and its euphoric chorus, and subject myself and my partner to a few Glee marathons.

We were massive fans by half way through the first season, dammit. Though its getting WAY too musical theatre for us now... LESS RANDOM BREAKING INTO SONG, PREASE! GAH!

Mills Mike

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Suggested Stats: Capricorn:
OTH: Nature

Mike Mills is one of my all time favourite songs. Its been the most played song in my iTunes going on four different machines in the past six years. So, a sweet little boy embodying all the happy of a lazy late spring day seemed in order to pay homage to it. I named him Mills Mike because I thought Mills was a super cute name for a Sim, plus surnames get abandoned ALL the time (especially in legacies xD). I figured it was the interesting choice vs the overused Mike.

Seriously, Micheal is on my hit list of names for boys you can't use for the next 50 years. Same for Gregory, Andrew, Terrance and Matthew...

Fidelity Heart

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Suggested Stats: Virgo:
OTH: Cuisine

By this point, I had realised I'd been making rather colourful sims based on songs with largely black and white film clips. What's that about!? xD

Anyway! Every since a very VERY obsessed-with-Regina-Spektor friend introduced me to her years ago, I've been a fan, and then she released Fidelity and its been a favourite ever since. Plus who can't love the film clip? ITS JUST SO DAMN ADORABLE!

So, Fidelity Heart's facial features are designed around the open, lovely feel of the song, but her purple, blue and extravagant look is based around the colour blue and peacocks being symbols of fidelity. ^^

Kind O'Girl

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Suggested Stats: Scorpio:
OTH: Music & Dance

I have NO idea how Not That Kind got stuck in my head. But it did, and it inspired my favourite little one out of all of these kids. Hell, I discovered a Dixie Chicks song that I liked the other day. I AM NOT ASHAMED!

I admit, she's more based on the lyrics from the chorus, "'Cause I'm not that kind of girl/And its not my kind of world" than anything else. I kind of took the latter line especially and went a little crazy with it...^_^;; xD

I guess you could say she's a baby succubus, early platinum-grit style, with big shoes that she's CERTAIN to fill.. *laughs*

Life Never

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Suggested Stats: Gemini:
OTH: Fitness

Oh yeah. I went there. You hear it. And I blame this squarely on the only radio station that my fiance and I can agree to listen to in the car. xD I swear they play Bon Jovi on the half hour, EVERY half hour. But I wont listen to his progressive death metal, and he wont listen to my super boppy happy music of various eclectic genres. Hey, we have to disagree on SOME things or it'd be creepy xD

So, ANYWAY! Life Never is based on Bon Jovi's It's My Life. I envision as a little kid who wants to just run EVERYWHERE, do everything and is uncomprimising (and as a result kind of mean) in his mission to accomplish this. He's not at all neat because WHO HAS TIME FOR THAT?! But as a result when he's an adult it'll help him become an antarctic explorer, and other crazy professions that require you to go for weeks unbathed.

Fun fact? He spent half the time on the lot that I was screenshotting them on crying because his 'Mum' got into a fight with a walk-by, and when he wasn't beating all the other kids at games, he was hugging them delightedly. HUZZAH!

As always, please comment if you're taking any of them, don't claim them as your own, and please don't reupload them anywhere - just link back to here if you want to share. :D HAVE FUN!

challenges: pixel_trade, download, download: sims

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