Drabble Tag Round 7 - Unfilled Prompts G-M

Jul 27, 2016 08:42

Rules Post

Fandom Discussion Post

Filled Prompts A- F

Filled Prompts G-M

Filled Prompts N-Crossover

Unfilled Prompts A-F

Unfilled Prompts N-S

Unfilled Prompts T-Crossover

Game of Thrones: Arya/Yara - blades - requested by afterandalasia
Game of Thrones: Asha/Daenerys/Sansa - queens - requested by fresh_brainss
Game of Thrones: Asha/Sansa - waves - requested by killing_kurare
Game of Thrones: Brienne of Tarth/Sansa - reunion - requested by merryghoul
Game of Thrones: Cersei/Melisandre - layers - requested by vitiate_me
Game of Thrones: Cersei/Sansa - idolized - requested by norienchronicle
Game of Thrones: Daenerys/Sansa - audience - requested by killing_kurare
Game of Thrones: Daenerys/Yara - demands - requested by agirlnamedtruth
Game of Thrones: Daenerys/Yara - fire and spice - requested by crookedspoon

Game of Thrones: Margaery/Sansa - expectations - requested by killing_kurareGame of Thrones: Margaery/Sansa - pet - requested by agirlnamedtruth
Game of Thrones: Margaery/Sansa - pray - requested by killing_kurare
Game of Thrones: Margaery/Sansa - sisters-in-law - requested by norienchronicle

The Get Down: Mylene/Regina/Yolanda - dance - requested by elasticella
The Get Down: Mylene/Regina/Yolanda - harmonious - requested by katiesaygo
The Get Down: Mylene/Yolanda - sleepover - requested by elasticella
Ghostbusters (2016): Abby/Erin - darkness - requested by fresh_brainss
Ghostbusters (2016): Abby/Erin - nostalgia - requested by salmon_pink
Ghostbusters (2016): Abby/Erin - senior year - requested by fresh_brainss
Ghostbusters (2016): Abby/Erin - spa day - requested by fresh_brainss
Ghostbusters (2016): Abby/Erin/Holtzmann/Patty - best music for sex - requested by demoka
Ghostbusters (2016): Abby/Erin/Holtzmann/Patty - family - requested by suicix
Ghostbusters (2016): Abby/Holtzmann - bored - requested by alba17

Ghostbusters (2016): Erin/Holtzmann - dirty - requested by fresh_brainss
Ghostbusters (2016): Erin/Holtzmann - other ways to flirt - requested by demoka
Ghostbusters (2016): Erin/Holtzmann - sneaky - requested by alba17
Ghostbusters (2016): Erin/Holtzmann - Swiss army knife - requested by madampresidentGhostbusters (2016): Erin/Holtzmann - wink - requested by madampresident

Ghostbusters (2016): Holtzmann/Patty - belief - requested by katleept
Ghostbusters (2016): Holtzmann/Patty - ghostbusting gear - requested by salmon_pink

Ghostbusters (2016): Holtzmann/Rebecca Gorin - safety lights are for dudes - requested by madampresident
Ginger Snaps: Brigitte/Ginger - tooth and claw - requested by beckonade
Glee: Brittany/Santana - Stupid heart - requested by femme_slash_fan

Glee: Mercedes/Quinn - like minds - requested by fresh_brainss
Glee: Quinn/Santana - the second time - requested by elasticella

Golden Girls: Blanche/Dorothy - dance - requested by katleept
Golden Girls: Blanche/Dorothy - midnight meeting - requested by katleept
Golden Girls: Blanche/Dorothy (+ Sophia) - "Better a hooker, than nothing." - requested by katleept
Golden Girls: Blanche/Rose - bilingual/bisexual - requested by madampresident
Golden Girls: Blanche/Rose - dirty dancing - requested by madampresidentGolden Girls: Jean/Rose - farm girls - requested by madampresident

The Good Wife: Alicia/Diane - Home - requested by femme_slash_fan
The Good Wife: Alicia/Kalinda - imminent - requested by demoka

Gossip Girl (books): Jenny/Serena - Don't I make you laugh- should I try it harder? Why do you see right through me? - requested by opheliacsnb

Gossip Girl: Blair/Serena - just another girl - requested by killing_kurare
Gossip Girl: Blair/Vanessa - French cinema - requested by clockwork_hart1
Gossip Girl: Georgina/Vanessa - revenge - requested by elasticella

Gotham: Barbara/Valerie - interview - requested by 4kennedy
Gotham: Ivy/Selena - real - requested by 4kennedy
Gotham: Kristen/Lee - vintage - requested by crookedspoon

Grace and Frankie: Frankie/Grace - yam lube - requested by fresh_brainss

Grease: Rizzo/Sandy - Leather Jackets - requested by femme_slash_fan
Grease: Rizzo/Sandy - sexy - requested by femme_slash_fan

Grease/Grease 2: Sandy Dee/Stephanie Zinone - Cool Rider - requested by femme_slash_fan

Greek Mythology: Any/Artemis - moonlight - requested by killing_kurare
Greek Mythology: Any/Penelope - Siren's Song - requested by killing_kurare
Gunnerkrigg Court: Antimony/Jones - experiment - requested by greenpersi

Halt and Catch Fire: Cameron/Donna - lipstick - requested by crookedspoon

Hamilton: Elizabeth/Maria - grace - requested by fresh_brainss
Hamilton: Elizabeth/Maria - secrets - requested by fresh_brainss

Hamilton: Elizabeth/Theodosia - solace - requested by fresh_brainss

Hannibal: Alana/Bedelia/Margot - three-course meal - requested by fresh_brainss
Hannibal: Alana/Margot - couture - requested by fresh_brainss
Hannibal: Alana/Margot - innocence - requested by fresh_brainss
Hannibal: Bella/Beverly - another life - requested by elasticella
Hannibal: Molly/Reba - golden - requested by fresh_brainss

Harry Potter: Bellatrix/Narcissa - bridal lingerie - requested by killing_kurare
Harry Potter: Bellatrix/Narcissa - tragedy - requested by killing_kurare
Harry Potter: Cho/Katie - competitive - requested by fresh_brainss
Harry Potter: Cho/Luna - charms - requested by elasticella
Harry Potter: Cho/Pansy - coworkers - requested by elasticella

Harry Potter: Daphne/Pansy - diamonds - requested by killing_kurare
Harry Potter: Daphne/Pansy - firewhiskey - requested by killing_kurare
Harry Potter: fem!Fenrir/Narcissa - prey - requested by killing_kurareHarry Potter: Fleur/Gabrielle - fond - requested by killing_kurare
Harry Potter: Fleur/Lavender - beauty - requested by fresh_brainss
Harry Potter: Fleur/Lavender - shower - requested by killing_kurare
Harry Potter: Fleur/Luna - delicate - requested by fresh_brainss
Harry Potter: Fleur/Tonks - pink - requested by fresh_brainss
Harry Potter: Gabrielle/Ginny - shampoo - requested by killing_kurare
Harry Potter: Ginny/Hermione - Painting - requested by withasmile87
Harry Potter: Helga/Rowena - balance - requested by fresh_brainss
Harry Potter: Helga/Rowena - origin - requested by agirlnamedtruth
Harry Potter: Hermione/Luna - protect - requested by dustbunny105
Harry Potter: Hermione/Minerva - discipline - requested by fresh_brainss
Harry Potter: Lavender/Parvati - romance - requested by fresh_brainss
Harry Potter: Lily/Petunia - forgiveness - requested by killing_kurare
Harry Potter: Lily/Petunia - jealousy - requested by killing_kurare
Harry Potter: Minerva/Pomona - earthy - requested by dustbunny105
Harry Potter: Minerva/Rolanda - flying colors - requested by dustbunny105
Harry Potter: Minerva/Trelawney/Umbridge - decree - requested by temari778Harry Potter: Minerva/Wilhemina - pet - requested by dustbunny105
Harry Potter: Padma/Pansy - flowers - requested by elasticella

Haunter: Lisa/Olivia - clarinet - requested by agirlnamedtruth

Haunter: Lisa/Olivia - mirror - requested by agirlnamedtruth
The Heat (2013): Ashburn/Mullins - shopping - requested by fresh_brainss

Hetalia: Liechtenstein/Seychelles - swim - requested by dustbunny105

High School Musical: Gabriella/Kelsi - Music In Me - requested by femme_slash_fan

Hot in Cleveland: Joy/Victoria - bed sharing - requested by madampresident
Hot in Cleveland: Joy/Victoria - Canada - requested by madampresident
Hot in Cleveland: Joy/Victoria - pancakes - requested by madampresident
The Hours: Clarissa/Sally - real happiness - requested by madampresident
The Hours: Kitty/Laura - meeting again decades later - requested by madampresident
The Hours: Vanessa/Virginia - needing closeness - requested by madampresident
House: Lisa Cuddy/Stacy Warner - Cuddy's office - requested by madampresident
House: Lisa Cuddy/Stacy Warner - finding happiness - requested by madampresident
House: Lisa Cuddy/Stacy Warner - Stacy's cross - requested by madampresident
How I Met Your Mother: Lily/Robin - Hidden feelings - requested by femme_slash_fan
How I Met Your Mother: Lily/Robin - "If you don't kiss her, I will..." - requested by femme_slash_fan

How to Get Away With Murder: Annalise/Eve - clandestine - requested by fresh_brainss
How to Get Away With Murder: Annalise/Michaela - impress - requested by elasticella
How to Get Away With Murder: Annalise/Soraya - desk - requested by elasticella
How to Get Away With Murder: Michaela/Tanya - orgasms - requested by elasticella

The Hunger Games: Alma/Effie - power - requested by fresh_brainss
The Hunger Games: Any/Johanna - knife - requested by silvr_dagger
The Hunger Games: Cashmere/Enobaria - teeth - requested by suicix
The Hunger Games: Clove/Glimmer - bubble bath - requested by killing_kurare
The Hunger Games: Cressida/Johanna - tough - requested by fresh_brainss
The Hunger Games: Cressida/Katniss - off the record - requested by fresh_brainss
The Hunger Games: Enobaria/Wiress - tease - requested by fresh_brainss
The Hunger Games: Foxface/Katniss - match - requested by fresh_brainss
The Hunger Games: Johanna/Katniss - fear - requested by suicix
The Hunger Games: Prim/Rue - meadow - requested by fresh_brainss

Imperial Radch: Breq/Mercy of Kalr - belonging - requested by lignota
Imperial Radch: Breq/Seivarden - kneeling - requested by lignota
iZombie: Liv/Peyton - Sisterly Advice... Zombie Style. - requested by femme_slash_fan
iZombie: Liv/Peyton/Rita - accidentally in love - requested by femme_slash_faniZombie: Liv/Peyton/Rita - 'Lesbian brain demands threesome' - requested by femme_slash_fan
iZombie: Liv/Rita - home - requested by femme_slash_fan

Jane the Virgin: Luisa/Rose - always - requested by bella_farfallaJane the Virgin: Nadine/Petra - secrets - requested by elasticella

Jem and the Holograms (any): Aja/Stormer - Replacements - requested by bringthefate

Jem and the Holograms (IDW): Kimber/Stormer - something new - requested by dustbunny105

Jessica Jones: Jeri/Jessica - Flirt - requested by femme_slash_fan
Jessica Jones: Jessica/Trish - storm - requested by stardustcd

Kill Bill: Beatrix/Elle - killer - requested by killing_kurare
Kill Bill: Beatrix/Elle - sharp - requested by killing_kurare
Kill Bill: Gogo/O-Ren - learn - requested by fresh_brainss

Killjoys: Dutch/Pawter - high - requested by 4kennedy

Kingdom Hearts: Kairi/Yuffie -paopu fruit - requested by aerisahale

Kingsman: The Secret Service: Gazelle/Roxy - heights - requested by fresh_brainss
Kingsman: The Secret Service: Michelle/Roxy - protection - requested by fresh_brainss
Kingsman: The Secret Service: Roxy/Tilde - gallant - requested by fresh_brainss
Labyrinth: Fem!Jareth/Sarah - choose to stay - requested by killing_kurare

Law & Order: SVU: Alex/Olivia - Connecticut - requested by madampresident

Lazytown: Stephanie/Trixie - The Power of Dance - requested by templefugate

A League of Their Own: Doris/Mae - twin bed - requested by fresh_brainss

Legend of Korra: Asami/Korra - mechanical - requested by suicix

Legend of the Seeker: Cara/Dahlia/Kahlan - competitive - requested by moondoormajesty

Legend of Zelda: Cia/Linkle - Hero Worship - requested by templefugate

Legends of Tomorrow: Kendra/Sara - fight - requested by aerisahale

Les Miserables: Cosette/Eponine - beauty - requested by femme_slash_fan

The Librarians: Cassandra/Eve - Christmas - requested by bella_farfalla
The Librarians: Cassandra/Eve - joy - requested by bella_farfalla
The Librarians: Cassandra/Katie - knife - requested by graysonsenThe Librarians: Cassandra/Lamia - smoke - requested by elasticella
The Librarians: Cassandra/Lucy Lyons - trapped in the other dimension - requested by beckonade

Life Is Strange: Chloe/Max - five years later - requested by aerisahale
Life Is Strange: Chloe/Max - polaroids - requested by suicix
Life Is Strange: Chloe/Rachel Amber - adventure - requested by suicix
Life Is Strange: Kate/Max - comfort - requested by suicix

Lord of the Rings: Ioreth/OFC - roses - requested by lignota

Lost Girl: Bo/Kenzi - glitter - requested by fresh_brainss
Lost Girl: Bo/Lauren - inevitable - requested by fresh_brainss
Lost Girl: Bo/Lauren - tea - requested by vitiate_me

Lucifer: Chloe/Maze - devilish - requested by crookedspoon

Mad Max: Capable/Toast - explore - requested by silvr_dagger

Mad Max: Cheedo/The Dag - fierce - requested by killing_kurareMad Max: Cheedo/The Dag - wind - requested by killing_kurare
Mad Max: Furiosa/Valkyrie - storm - requested by silvr_dagger
Mad Max: Furiosa/Valkyrie - trigger - requested by fresh_brainss

The Magnificent Seven: Inez/Mary - prayer - requested by katleept
The Magnificent Seven: Mary/Maude - the women my Mother warned me about - requested by katleept
Mako Mermaids: Evie/Mimmi - Show Off - requested by bringthefate

Major Crimes: Amy/Sharon - kissing up - requested by madampresident
Major Crimes: Andrea/Sharon - Venice beach - requested by madampresident
Major Crimes: Emma Rios/Sharon - making a point - requested by madampresident

The Man in the High Castle: Juliana/Karen - answers - requested by crookedspoon

Marvel: America/Kamala - selfie - requested by fresh_brainss
Marvel: America/Kate - bad - requested by paperclipbitch
Marvel: America/Kate - kink - requested by clockwork_hart1
Marvel: America/Kate - target practice - requested by suicix
Marvel: America/Lisa - faithful - requested by dustbunny105
Marvel: Bobbi/Kate - crush - requested by clockwork_hart1
Marvel: Darcy/Gwen - soapy - requested by killing_kurare
Marvel: Felicia/Gwen/Mary-Jane - summertime - requested by paperclipbitch

Mass Effect: Jack/Miranda - movie night - requested by punk4life1315

MCU: Carina/Gamora - freedom - requested by fresh_brainss
MCU: Gamora/Maria - curled hair - requested by femme_slash_fan
MCU: Gamora/Natasha - fighter - requested by femme_slash_fan
MCU: Gamora/Nova Prime - command - requested by snickfic
MCU: Helen/Jane - long weekend - requested by fresh_brainss
MCU: Jane/Sif - snow - requested by snickfic
MCU: Laura/Natasha - sleep - requested by fresh_brainss
MCU: Maria/Melinda - undercover - requested by elasticella
MCU: Maria/Natasha/Pepper - undressing - requested by fresh_brainss
MCU: Maria/Natasha/Sharon - traveling - requested by fresh_brainss
MCU: Maria/Pepper - Hope - requested by femme_slash_fan
MCU: Maria/Pepper - short skirt - requested by femme_slash_fan
MCU: Maya/Pepper - aftermath - requested by trixie99belden
MCU: Natasha/Pepper - plush - requested by phoenixfalls
MCU: Natasha/Pepper - tower - requested by suicix
MCU: Natasha/Sharon - diplomacy - requested by fresh_brainss
MCU: Natasha/Sharon - kindness - requested by fresh_brainss
MCU: Natasha/Sharon - Leather - requested by swan_secrets
MCU: Natasha/Sharon - sparring - requested by suicix
MCU: Natasha/Wanda - disguise - requested by fresh_brainss
MCU: Natasha/Wanda - fairytales - requested by clockwork_hart1
MCU: Natasha/Wanda - kink - requested by crookedspoon
MCU: Natasha/Wanda - red - requested by suicix

Merlin: Gwen/Sefa - hardship - requested by agirlnamedtruth
Merlin: Morgana/Sophia - sharp - requested by beckonade

The Midnight Meat Train: Detective Hadley/Maya - sacrifice - requested by beckonade

The Mindy Project: Mindy/Whitney - suits - requested by stepquietly

Monster High: Abbey Bominable/Draculaura - Nibbles - requested by femme_slash_fan
Monster High: Clawdeen/Cleo - the furious glare in your eyes - requested by katleept

The Moth Diaries (movie): Ernessa/Rebecca - feed - requested by beckonade

Mr. Robot: Angela/Dominique - lollipop - requested by 4kennedy
Mr. Robot: Angela/Dominique - warning - requested by crookedspoon
Mr. Robot: Angela/Darlene - ballet - requested by crookedspoon
Mr. Robot: Angela/Darlene - damaged goods - requested by 4kennedy
Mr. Robot: Angela/Shayla - aftermath - requested by aerisahale
Mr. Robot: Angela/Shayla - kiss - requested by elasticella

Mr. Robot: Darlene/Dominique - protect - requested by crookedspoon
Mr. Robot: Shayla/Trenton - any - requested by crookedspoon
Ms. Marvel: Nakia Bahadir/Zoe Zimmer - truth - requested by dustbunny105

The Mummy: Anck Su Namun/Nefertiti - dance - requested by killing_kurare

Murder Most Unladylike: Daisy Wells/Hazel Wong - late nights - requested by stepquietly

The Musketeers: Milady/Sylvie - bite - requested by paperclipbitch

My Little Pony: Any/Twilight (+ Spike) - gaining Spike's approval - requested by katleept
My Little Pony: Apple Jack/Rarity - Princess - requested by katleept

admin, drabbletag7

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